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  1. The Tradition (rp)
    23rd Aug 2012 20:50
    12 years, 1 month & 9 days ago
  2. The Great Library (rp)
    8th Aug 2012 21:30
    12 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
  3. Blog #309975
    15th Jul 2010 16:37
    14 years, 2 months & 20 days ago
    2nd Aug 2009 09:59
    15 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
  5. A Middle Ages Night Trip...
    7th Jun 2009 22:06
    15 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
  6. Wilhelm of Wittenberg
    7th Jun 2009 22:00
    15 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
  7. "I love you"
    7th Jun 2009 21:56
    15 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
  8. The Nema Files- Prologue
    7th Jun 2009 21:52
    15 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
  9. Gallery Prices
    7th Jun 2009 16:14
    15 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
  10. "A Tale of ??nilthain"
    7th Jun 2009 13:40
    15 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
Wilhelm of Wittenberg
15 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
7th Jun 2009 22:00

This was what I had to write for a Music History Take-home test. Keep in mind that at this point in time, someone "learned" you how to do something, while now it is considered correct to say "teach" or "taught" someone to do something.

Please leave your comments/critiques. Feel free to take a guess at when in history this occured, as there are enough hints throughout the story to give you indications (though you may need to look up dates). Oh, and the genre is historical fiction.

Wilhelm Back slowly trudged through the snow, lugging his cello case with absolute discomfort. He hated the snow, but more importantly, he hated what the weather would do to his instrument, warping it if he left it too near the small fireplace in the miniature room (???If you could even qualify it as a room,??? he half-snickered to himself in near despair as he moved along) above the store he lived in. In truth, it was barely a room, as the roof was caving in on itself in places; parts of the wall facing west had holes in it, and absolutely everything became soaking wet when it rained. There was hardly any warmth retained as the wind cut right through it, but it was the only thing he could afford on his measly salary from playing at the local opera house and occasionally playing for a few of the wealthier aristocracy to be found in the town of Wittenberg. This winter, however, had been one of the worst in his memory, and he often doubted his choice to move there in the first place.

Wilhelm was the youngest of 5, though only he and his eldest brother had lived past the age of 4. The two of them had been born and had grown up together in Haigerloch, yet eventually his brother Konrad had moved away to study music in Ehingen an der Donau and Zwiefalten. A person of great faith, Konrad had traveled home after a few years away to announce to the family that he had joined a monastery in Ottobeuren, where he would be teaching and leading the choir there. Wilhelm had been only 6 at the time, and while he had been happy that his brother had found something he could be happy doing for the rest of his life, he???d been somewhat bitter, knowing that he???d been left alone without a sibling to look up to.

Within a year, however, his father had offered to start learning him how to play his old cello with a few of the local composers, and he had happily agreed. Looking back on it now, he wondered with a bit of remorse that he had not thanked his parents for their sacrifice, as both had perished in a tragic fire three years later, leaving him an orphan on the street. Had it not been for one such local composer who had taken pity on his student, he???d probably still be a street urchin, begging for a bit of bread or spirits to quench the hunger and loneliness.

Wilhelm plodded along until he reached the ancient staircase that led to his sorry excuse for a room. Each time he walked up these rotting stairs he feared that the weight of both him and his father???s instrument would snap the boards and send him tumbling to his death, or at least a broken bone or two. Yet as he carefully made his way up the stairs again for the fifth time that day, they only moaned and creaked in warning, and with every cautious step he took he could hear the faint happy jingle of coins from his inner jacket pocket, reminding him that at least he had gotten paid the night of his performance, rather than waiting the usual 3 or 4 weeks afterwards. But then again, the Von Fulda family were known for their timely (and generous) payments, one of the reasons he???d agreed to take time out of his busy life to play the cello part of their son???s first composition, one he had appropriately named ???Arnt Von Fulda???s Primo Composition.??? Their son had been a mere child in comparison to many musicians writing their own works, having spent only 13 years alive, but he had done quite well in mastering the styles of the past few centuries, as well as had become proficient enough on the piano in the past two years to play what he had written correctly.

???Now if only he could learn to play the piano and write his music with some emotional expression, we could turn him into a modern-day composer and I???d be more willing to play his works more often, rather than when I???m desperate for funding,??? he muttered out loud as he fumbled for his door handle in the dark. The moon peaked out from behind a cloud for a moment, giving him just enough light to see, and he opened the door. He leaned the cello case against the best wall and covered it with a woolen blanket he???d purchased with his last paycheck to keep the damp from seeping into the case. Then he moved about as best he could in the dark, gathering flint and tinder to light the fireplace. Within a few minutes, the smallest of flames could be seen smoldering on the moist brush and wood, flickering in the cold draft that moved through the room, threatening to extinguish it. ???It???s fighting to stay lit and warm, just like me,??? Wilhelm noted in mock irony. ???At least it had been warm in the Von Fulda home, or I might be apt to think this misery had no end.???

After what seemed like hours, the little flame spread to the rest of the tinder, and he applied a small log to feed it. Now able to see, he moved about gathering up the food he???d left from earlier in the day and placing it in the pot over the fire with a bit of water to make himself a nice stew for dinner. As it cooked, he pondered how the day???s work had been. He and several of the local musicians had all been asked by the Von Fulda???s to perform their son???s work during their dinner party that evening, and while he knew their faces, he felt strange working with performers on such a basis without even knowing their names. He???d thought of asking, but upon seeing their polished instruments, he???d looked down at his father???s old and slightly disheveled wooden cello and had felt so out of place, he abandoned the idea almost at once. Even as they had played, he could feel the looks he was receiving from both friends and several of the older Von Fulda family members, staring at him and his instrument with looks of scorn and mockery.

He was just sitting down to a bowl of his homemade stew, which he was afraid might taste as nasty as the water had the past few days, when he heard a knock at his door. He jumped at the unexpected noise, but rose humbly to see who had called so late at night. He opened the door to find Adam von Fulda II, the father of the son whose composition he had been playing only a few hours before, standing there with a small smile on his lips.

It took Wilhelm a few minutes to remember his manners, so great was the shock of seeing one of the town???s wealthiest patrons standing on his doorstep, but he eventually recovered and invited him in. Yet von Fulda declined politely.

???I came to ask you if you would accept my patronage and learn my son how to play with emotion and expression, something that you seem to excel in, more than any other composer in Wittenberg. I would be honored to invite you into my home, as it gets lonely there sometimes, especially since my wife died last year, and it would be nice to have someone to have a rousing debate with. And I promise you that you will have a much better room if you were to come work for me,??? von Fulda remarked, looking at the shabby room with distain. Wilhelm just stared at him in surprise, unable to speak. He opened his mouth to reply, but the words would not come to him, no matter how hard he tried.

???Please, at least think it over," von Fulda pleaded gently, wondering what was holding him back. Eyeing the cello case leaning against the far wall, he added, "I would also be able to pay for a new cello for you,??? hoping to entice him with the promise of a new instrument. But at seeing the look of horror in Wilhelm???s eyes, he quickly realized that there was a strong emotional attachment to said instrument and revised his statement. ???Or if you would simply rather keep your treasured cello, I would be able to have it refurbished so it looked and played as good as new.???

Finally the whole conversation sunk in, and the relief washed over him like a blast of warmth in the cold weather. Wilhelm felt himself moved to tears of joy. When he opened his mouth again, words of gratitude flowed out so fast he could hardly breathe.

???I???ll do it! I???ll take the job! Oh sir, thank you so much! I promise I won???t let you down!??? Adam von Fulda II smiled.

???Good. Now come with me back to my house, where it is warm and dry. Take your cello with you and we???ll fetch your other things tomorrow in the light,??? and Wilhelm agreed, picking up the cello once more. The two headed off into the night just as the moon broke free of the prison of clouds to light their way home.

"I love you"
15 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
7th Jun 2009 21:56

A quick short drabble/letter that I wrote a year or two ago. Names changed to protect... myself... and... others...

To my dearest friend-

I love you. There is no denying it. I can???t; I???m not allowed to. But I love you, and I know it. I???ve tried to not love you, but it???s like trying to teach the child not to touch the pretty blue flame that dances and flickers with the desire to touch, to feel its soft kiss upon the skin. I just don???t get how I can love you this much, I really don???t. I haven???t known you for that long, and it???s not like we see each other all that often either. And I know that I can???t, that I have to stop. But something inside is not letting me avert these feelings, and until that happens, I know I won???t be able to stop wishing, to stop hoping for the impossibly wrong??? It???s wrong, and I know it??? and here I am, sinning like the weakling that I am, unable to shake this love I feel for you from my mind.

I don???t want to take you away from Sora, I don???t. My mind and heart are in agreement on that. But that doesn???t mean that part of me doesn???t wish that you weren???t with her to begin with, and for that reason, I hate myself. I hate myself for loving you this much. I can???t seem to help myself though. Every time I???m with you, my heart can???t help but flutter and skip a beat. I love you, I can???t stress that enough to you. But with you, it???s all about our friendship. Friendship is the only thing that you and I seem to be allowed to have, despite the fact that you know I love you. You???ve even admitted to me that you care about me; that you like me. But because of her, we can never be anything more than just friends. Especially if what she said about you wanting to marry her is true??? It???s times like this that I just don???t get you; that I don???t understand where you???re coming from. Every other time you and I talk about things, I understand, I comprehend where you???re coming from. But when this subject comes up, you???re a brick wall. You???re the stone-faced British Guard standing in front of the palace, guarding your inner thoughts and feelings without even a single flicker of emotion on your face??? Let me in, dear friend, please let me in. I sincerely want to understand you, to be able to know where you???re coming from on this. Can???t you see how much you mean to me?

I have been trying to not love you so much, dear friend, I really have. But every time I try to distance myself from you, you do something that makes me fall in love with you even more. When I told you when we went out to that Thai restaurant for lunch that one day that I was going to bow out of your life for fear of breaking you up with her, you made me fall in love with you again as you almost begged me not to go. When your legs were shaking and you couldn???t keep them still as you drove me back home, when you held me in your arms, when your eyes welled up with tears as you fought them back, when you gave me a special kiss (just like the ones I have always given to the friends I care about) on the forehead that made me nearly melt in your arms, you made me fall in love with you all over again??? And so now, despite my best efforts to leave things as they should be, you have got me wrapped around your little finger, whether you know it or not.

I can???t seem to be able to help this feeling that I have towards you, but I swear to you, I will fight until my dying day this desire to even have you hold me in your arms again. I don???t think that I ever really wanted to really do anything sexual with you, at least not for a few years, for sure. I think the farthest I can even picture us going would be a really long, passionate kiss, and even that is a bit of a strain to do. But even that is overstepping too many rules and boundaries. Even just a simple kiss is too much of something wrong??? ha, it seems so strange to say that love is wrong??? it seems almost wrong to say that it???s wrong, but I know that it is. Leave it to me to pick the one guy in all the worlds to love, and have him be already taken???

I just don???t know what to do anymore??? I really don???t??? Can we really be just friends Matt? Or will my love for you slowly tear me apart until I die of loneliness? Only time will tell, I suppose...

Love you more than life itself,


The Nema Files- Prologue
15 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
7th Jun 2009 21:52

Prologue- The Beginning

She fell to the ground once again, the left side of her face stinging in pain. Why were people so cruel? Why couldn???t they pick on someone else? Why couldn???t she be normal like everyone else?

???Come on Nema, get up and fight me,??? a twisted voice taunted from above her. A foot collided with her side and she groaned in pain, fighting the urge to vomit.


That must be the monitor, she thought. Slowly she tried to turn on her back or at least to her side, but she found that such an action caused considerable pain.

A pair of rough hands pulled her to her feet. She swayed for a moment, the world spinning as if she had ridden the merry-go-round for hours before she sank to her knees once more. She was aware dimly of a chubby woman about 6 feet tall staring down a young boy her age, shaking her finger at him in warning.

???Derick, what have I told you about fighting people? Haven???t I told you enough times this week alone that fighting will end up with people hurt? How many times must I remind you????

???I???m sorry Ms. Krolihan,??? he muttered gloomily, staring at his shoes.

???This is your last warning: if you attack either Nema or Sapphire one more time, I???ll be notifying your parents.???

The boy looked up at Ms. Krolihan and then over to Nema. A small grin appeared on his face as he watched Nema try to stand once more, only to fail and look as if she might spill her lunch.

???Wipe that smile off your face or I???ll call them now,??? Ms. Krolihan warned in a loud, booming voice.

???It don???t matter none, my parents hate them both just as much as I do,??? he spat before turning around and running off into the school.

Ms. Krolihan sighed deeply, annoyed at the things children learned at home from their parents. The nerve of some of those parents, picking on defenseless children who didn???t even know why most of them felt the way they did. It wasn???t Nema???s fault, the things that had happened. Nor was it Sapphire???s. In fact, very few people knew what really had happened at all. With the exception of a handful of friends of their parents, not a word was breathed on the subject to anyone.

She turned around and helped the little girl to her feet. She didn???t deserve this, the treatment that was given to her. No seven-year-old should have to deal with the things she did. And from what Serrenia had told her, she wouldn???t remember what had happened until she turned 16, a year before Sapphire. That was when the potion???s effect would wear off. Until then, both Nema and Sapphire would grow up a normal life as normal people. That was, as long as others agreed to not blame them for what had occurred. Leading her by the hand, she slowly walked her down to the nurses??? office.

???Ms. Krolihan???? came a muffled whisper from her as she slowly walked down the hall.

???Yes dear, what is it????

???Why does Derick and his parents hate me????

Startled that she would understand what was going on, she didn???t know what to say. Surely the truth must be avoided by all costs, there was no way she would understand in all the worlds. Yet as she listened, she heard the muffled sobs and the small ???drip??? of tears hitting the tile floors. Her heart ached to tell her the truth, yet she had sworn not to do so until she was ready.

???Well... I... uh...??? she started, not really sure how she would avoid telling her.

???Is it because of my parents????

The subtle softness of this plain question again startled Ms. Krolihan, and she began to wonder how much the young child really knew of what had happened that day, now only just over a year ago.

???Is it???? Nema stopped in the middle of the hall and stared up into Ms. Krolihan???s eyes with her soft, big blue ones. Except for the salt tracks that trailed down the sides of her face, you would not have known that she???d been crying, for her eyes were naturally a watery blue. Already her left eye was swelling and becoming a dark bluish black. Ms. Krolihan couldn???t help but smile sadly at her, tears forming in her own eyes. Nema had her father???s eyes; there was no doubt about that.

???I don???t know dear,??? she lied, quickly looking away and blinking out the tears.

Nema remained quiet for about a minute and then slowly began to walk towards the nurses??? office once more.

Gallery Prices
15 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
7th Jun 2009 16:14

Gingerbread Female Costume= 400k
Gingerbread Male Costume= 100k
Brown Costume= 150k
Cotton Candy Costume= 600k
Elf Male Costume= 44k
Furry Costume= 485k
Ghost Walee Potion= 450k
Red Costume= 380k
Rotten Costume= 110k
Skeleton Costume= 252k
Ice Fairy Book= 436k
Piano= 900k
Snow Costume= 350k
Water Newth Potion= 475k
Punk Costume= ?

Will haggle these prices. Check out my trades too.

"A Tale of ??nilthain"
15 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
7th Jun 2009 13:40

Oh, and if anyone sees this story here and takes it, you die. I shall send my minions from my poetry site after you and they have promised me that the thief will die a painful, hideous death... 0:-)

???A Tale of ??nilthain???
As Recorded by Heather


The now near-adult ch??ld peeked up from her book to greet her mentor, friend, and ???personal??? Dalha. She shook her head ever so slightly and brought her hand over her mouth to signal for quiet.

???Just ??nil,??? she whispered softly, moving her hand back to the book in her lap to turn the page. ?????thain is sleeping... sweet ??thain, he feels so peaceful when he is sleeping...???

The Dalha nodded and settled into the space next to her on the ground. She sighed, leaning back against the moss-covered slab of stone and looked around. The stream where she had played in as a ch??ld had now changed, coming closer to the forest than it had in many monthas. The forest had also endured change, having become overgrown with moss and clinging vines, constantly entangled in an endless knot that blocked out most sunlight. And yet here was the ch??ld that the Prophesy had spoken about, the one who would mark the beginning of change, so perhaps it was to be expected.

Catching a glimpse of what ??nil was reading, she smiled slightly and shook her head. From her view over her shoulder, Nadia Imbleth could read the title at the top of the book???s pages. "The Impossible Dream" by Darken Linto was perhaps one of the most popular romance books among the Dalhas, usually the only ones who were able to read fluently. But Nadia had insisted on teaching her student every little thing she could, and so, against the wishes of ??nilthain???s pada, her studies had begun. Now ??nilthain had become the most fluent reader and writer in the entire area next to herself. Again Nadia sighed, knowing that she would sooner or later have to inform the two Yannas of her discovery, the actual purpose of her sudden visit.

Silence endured between them as the minutes floated by like the clouds above them on a breezy day. ??nil sat in wonder: her friend never came purposeless and she was usually one to get straight to the point. The only reasonable explanation would be that there was something wrong that she did not want to mention. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, ??nil mustered up enough courage to confront her.

???Nadia, what???s wrong today? You seem even more thoughtful today than usual.???

Nadia opened her mouth to speak, but the words she had come to speak wouldn???t come no matter how hard she tried. She chuckled to herself and smiled as ??nil turned her head to look at her with questioning grey eyes.

???You know me too well ??nil, I should probably stop spending so much time here with you or I shall not be able to hide anything from you.???

???You would do that???? she asked, her eyes growing wider in fear. She didn't know what she and ??thain would do without her, as Nadia appeared to be the only one who knew or even accepted that ??nilthain was really two and not the one they could see. They had been teased by others when they were younger, and it appeared as if age had done nothing to remedy the situation. Except give them Nadia, that is.

???Of course not, I was only speaking in jest. It???s peaceful here, and this is where I did most of my thinking when I was your age.???

???You are avoiding my question Nadia.???

Nadia smiled once more, this time the sun around them brightening as she did so. ???So I am! It seems that I will be forced to tell you after all. Do you recall the conversation we had concerning ??thain a few monthas ago????

The ch??ld frowned, attempting in vain to recall what they had talked about. After what seemed a long time to both of them, she shook her head, looking both confused and thoughtful.

???Then let me remind you,??? Nadia said softly. ???You came to me when ??thain was sleeping and asked me something. It was a very complicated question, and I had to think about it for a while before I gave you my answer. And even then I still was not sure. Now, can you call to mind what it was that you asked me????

???Yes, I...I asked you if it was correct to say that I loved ??thain. I also asked if there was a way for him to come out of me, a way for us to be together... to be able to have a ch??ld of our own one day...???

???Do you still want that???? Nadia asked softly, another smile growing on her face. She knew the answer; she knew in her heart that this was what they both wanted. The same conversation had occurred between herself and ??thain not more than a montha ago, and his answer would be the same as his Yanna???s would be, she was sure of this.

???With all of my ??rune, Nadia,??? she replied confidently. ???I want this and I know that ??thain has thought of this too for many monthas, many more monthas before I came to you to ask for your help. But...??? here she faltered, her voice becoming pitiful and melancholy. ???How can we do this? If we are the first like us, then how can there be such a thing that you know will work? Can we create flesh from nothing for him? Is such a thing even possible Nadia????

???No... not from nothing, there must be something to start from. This is why I came to find you: I need your help if I am to make any attempt. And I believe that I may have found a way to accomplish such a task as you have set before me...???

??nil???s eyes grew wide, and her mouth opened slightly in surprise. ???Really, Nadia?! Are you sure? Oh, I hope that this is for real, that this is not a dream! If it is, I do not wish to wake up from it, for this is the best one by far!???

???You are awake; do not trouble yourself about that,??? Nadia replied solemnly. ???However, I only said that I thought I may have found a way. I am not entirely sure that it will work; it is more of a hunch and many well-thought guesses. But if you are willing to give it a try...???

???Anything! I???ll do whatever it takes to do this, just name it!??? ??nil cried, her voice becoming both excited and desperate. Suddenly she froze and stared blankly, as if talking to something beyond what the normal mind could comprehend. Suddenly ??nil???s voice deepened, and ??thain spoke.

???Nadia... is what ??nil tells me true? Have you really found a way to separate us into two beings????

???I believe so???but I???m not absolutely sure.???

???That???s fine; just tell us what we have to do...???


???Oh look ??nil, a little deer ch??ld!??? ??thain commented as they walked down the dirt road into the forest the next morning. They had come looking for several ingredients Nadia had said that they would need, and, excited, they had left at dawn to search. ???I wonder where its mada is...???

???I don???t seems as if perhaps he were lost,??? ??thain sighed, a feeling of pity for the small creature filling his ??rune. The poor thing would not survive long without any way of learning what to eat and take care of itself. ??nil could sense this too.

???We should do something; maybe take him back home with us and??????

???No, we can???t. Pada would be furious and would kill him for food,??? ??thain reasoned, and the last phrase echoed in ??nil???s mind as he finished.

???But... we have to do something! We can???t just leave him here! He???ll die!??? ??nil whispered out loud, and the creature lifted its head from the grass and looked up at her with wide black eyes. Slowly it wobbled forwards and stepped onto the road towards the two Yannas. It stopped just to the side of them and seemed to look them up and down, from the straw hat they were wearing, the flowing off-white dress, to their bare feet against the road. ??nilthain reached out their hand and touched the soft young deer, amazed by its trust of them.

???Please ??thain? Can we at least try and help him???? ??nil begged, and ??thain sighed.

???Sure... we???ll take him with us when we search for those herbs and flowers Nadia asked for, and then, if he???s still following us, we will take him home with us and put him in Pada???s barn, okay????

??nil smiled and started forward down the path once more. Sure enough, the little deer started right behind them, trotting at their heel. Within four hours they had found almost everything they needed by the side of the road. Unfortunately the hardest item to find, a small lavender colored flower called ???Rhana???s Folly,??? was also the most important.

???It looks like we???ll have to wander off the road then; we???ve almost reached our territorial boundary,??? ??nil remarked with a heavy sigh. She didn???t like the dark, and while there was sunlight on much of the path, it all but disappeared a few feet in on either side.

???Don???t worry??? I???ll protect you as best I can. It will be easier when I have my own body though...??? ??thain admitted. ???Then I won???t have to worry for the both of us, only you.???

?????thain...??? she smiled, suddenly comforted with his words of affection. Confidently they stepped of the road to their left, the small companion they had made slowly following them, but this time with care.

The lighting was far from what they had grown accustomed to, and for a few moments the sun seemed to have gone out completely like a candle being snuffed out. And then their eyes adjusted to the change and they could see once more. Deeper and deeper they traveled, their eyes shifting this way and that in hopes of glancing the special flower they were hunting. Suddenly the forest seemed to brighten, and they stepped out into a small clearing.

And what a sight met their eyes! There were hundreds of multi-colored flowers and plants, each seeming to be blowing in the wind this way and that, and yet no breeze could be heard or felt. A large mass of blowing fall leaves it appeared to their eyes to be at first, and yet these leaves did not move. Suddenly they realized what it was, and they laughed, wondering how foolish they had been. They walked forwards and there in front of them was the flower that they were seeking, its lavender bud releasing a sweet smell of potent nectar.

???Now we can see if this plan of Nadia???s will work...??? ??nilthain said, stooping down to dig up the plant.


Later that night Nadia and ??nilthain sat at her kitchen table talking softly next to the small pot that was simmering in the fireplace. A sickly-green color, the potion that was inside had been cooking for well over an hour and was almost ready to be taken. ??nilthain could barely contain their excitement, and was eager to tell Nadia of everything they would do once they had separate bodies. The first thing that she was asked was if she would be willing to bless them and give them a proper marriage.

???I think that we should wait a bit; see what things are going to happen with this. Besides, you can???t get your hopes up too much; we don???t know if this will work yet. Like I said, I???m not completely sure that this will work.???

???But there???s a chance that it might, you can???t deny that. I refuse to give up hope!??? ??thain proclaimed, his grey eyes shining. ???No matter what, we???ll keep on trying things until we manage to find a way to do this!???

???I agree,??? ??nil added softly. ???But it???s not like we didn???t accomplish anything today. We did save that little deer ch??ld, so we can???t call today a complete loss if this potion doesn???t work.???

???Speaking of it, where is he right now???? Nadia asked suddenly. ???You mentioned something of it earlier, and I???m still a bit confused by this whole thing.???

?????nil and I were walking down the forest road in search of ingredients this morning and we found this small young deer ch??ld. He ended up following us until we got back to where we were just about to leave the forest when a mada deer came bursting out after us. It stopped when it saw the ch??ld, who was standing right next to us, and then the two of them ended up going back into the forest. I guess that the little guy had just gotten himself lost.???

???So he found his way home in the end, that???s wonderful,??? Nadia exclaimed, the smile she was so famous for appearing on her tired face. Suddenly there was the sound of hissing, and Nadia???s head shot over to look at the pot on the stove. It was boiling over and sizzling against the hot red coals, sending up an arced smelling smoke into the air in small gusts.

There was the scrambling and scraping of chairs and feet, and the room entered total confusion from the lack of visibility. Nadia rushed in the direction of her door and threw it open, letting the vile-smelling air leave within minutes. In the meantime, ??nilthain had managed to rescue the small pot with most of its contents still intact. Setting the small potion cauldron on a hot plate on the grainy wood table to cool, everyone settled back down in their handcrafted chairs.

???I hope we still have enough of that potion?????? ??nil said with a sigh as she glanced at the cooling pot.

???It???ll be close, but we should have just enough. When it cools, I???ll put it in a small container for you to take home. Drink it right before you go to bed. With any luck, there will be two of you in that bed in the morning,??? Nadia told them. ???Just lock the door, your pada and mada do not need to walk in and find a ???strange ch??ld??? sharing the same bed with you ??nil.???

??nil and ??thain both smiled, and for that brief moment, it was hard to tell which one of them had control over ??nil???s body, as both were insisting on smiling physically. And yet instead of arguing over it as they might have done in the past, they accepted it, loving the other all the more.


???You ready ??nil????

??nil sighed and nodded, pulling off the stopper to the vial. The once snot-green color of the potion had disappeared, leaving it a canary yellow color as it had cooled. Suddenly remembering, she scrambled from bed and headed to the door. She listened for any sound from outside her room and then slowly and with stealth she drew the bolt shut.

???I???m as ready as I???m going to be. I just hope Nadia knows what she???s doing,??? she whispered as she crawled back under the warmth of her covers.

???So do I, ??nil, so do I. But whatever happens, whatever we wake up to in the morning, know that I will love you no matter what, and that nothing can change that. You are my dearest friend and companion, and I would not trade you for anything anyone could give me.???

???To us???? ??nil asked softly, raising the vial up in a toast.

???To us...???

And in one gulp it was gone, ??nilthain falling against the soft feather pillows and disappearing into the unconsciousness of the Beyond...

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