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HEY!!! Mail me if you want to photo swap/ ask for vote/ ask a question/ borrow my pet/ chat... CSGAOk6.png
- You joined Marapets on July 24, 2008, 5:24 pm -
awww...seems so long ago... XD

My name is Martina. I am from Croatia and I am 31 years old. Im usually on marapets every day. I love Vocaloid music, especially by Hatsune Miku. I also like Linkin Park, Hoobastank, The Veronicas etc. My favourite animals are hedgehogs, koalas and, of course, CATS! I have one pretty black kitty. And few other things that I love are: cartoons, chocolate, maths and GARFIELD.

MY PETS: I am very attached to my pets and I think they are amazing. Im working on writing stories for all of them. They are not for trade. I can lend a pet if you need it for goals. More info in "About my marapets" blog

SHOP: Go there and buy something. I like surprises in my shoptill. Hehe

GALLERY: Have a look, but Im not selling. I collect all kinds of interesting junk there, mostly plushies, though my plushie collection isnt much. Im also proud of my collection of all fairy dolls and pumpkins.

CLUBS: I am in a great club - Addicted to Mara. So no thanks to club invites.

MARAMAIL/MARATALK: Sure, but I prefer maramail.

MARASITE: Check it out! There is a page with restock times, a mision guide and Ive dedicated one page to famous japanese virtual singer- Hatsune Miku.

  1. Story about KittyM15
    27th May 2016 09:35
    8 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  2. Missing toys full list
    5th Apr 2016 10:39
    8 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
  3. Missing photos list ♥
    21st Apr 2015 07:48
    9 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  4. Photos I have ♥ Minipets I have ♥
    21st Apr 2015 08:47
    9 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
    5th Sep 2016 11:33
    7 years, 9 months & 22 days ago
  6. List of helpful sites ♥
    2nd Sep 2015 06:39
    8 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
  7. Current lists and goals ♥
    8th Oct 2015 10:13
    8 years, 8 months & 18 days ago
  8. My 2016/2017 Marapets Goals +-
    2nd Jan 2016 05:14
    8 years, 5 months & 24 days ago
  9. Plans for pet rows ♥
    26th Apr 2017 06:54
    7 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
  10. Collecting Hatsune Miyu CDs ♥
    19th Jul 2017 15:04
    6 years, 11 months & 10 days ago
About my marapets ♥
11 years & 14 days ago
14th Jun 2013 13:47

Some info about my pets:
1) how I got them,
2) why are they special and
3) current goals/wishes/plans with them if there are any

I have 49 pets at the moment and I am quite attached to most of them.Adore

- she was a gift
- she is my little princess ♥
- job training (Model), she also collects CDs and instruments

- bought in pet auctions when you could put LEs in auctions
- she likes to read a lot and watch DVDs ♥
- increasing number of books/DVDs, job training (Banker)

- created myself, potioned and costumed
- Betula means birch in latin, its my fav tree ♥

- created and potioned by myself
- dedicated to my boyfriend ♥

- traded for him
- I just love fairy azuls ♥

- created by me, used a potion and costumed
- he is sparkling ♥
- job training (Thief) and feeding gourmet foods

- created by me and portaled
- my very first pet, Im very attached ♥
- job training (Journalist) Smile

- created by me by using enchanted plushie
- dont you just wanna lick him ♥

- traded for
- cuuuuute ♥

- created and Im currently templing for sleepy
- I love that pose, reminds me of my kitty sleeping

- traded for
- my battle pet (yea, I know she isnt much but Im working on it) ♥
- statting and job training (Architect)

- created, used enchanted plushie and templed for costume
- my second baby LE ♥

- traded for
- my first baby LE ever ♥

- traded for
- she is soooo tiny and looks like Spyro♥

- created by me, finished pyramid then costumed
- spooky ♥
- statting and job training (Politician)

- created by me, used enchanted plushie and costume
- ice and fire make such a good contrast ♥

- I traded a lati for him
- he is cute, but I dont recommend touching him Wink

- I traded a quell for her
- adorable pose and colours ♥

- created, used enchanted plushie I got from the mission
- look at him waving with his little hand ♥

- I used the potion I got from fates and costumed
- gotta love that grumpy face XD, reminds me of Princess Luna from MLP ♥

- was a gift, changed from pixie to minipet with a random concoction and costumed chibi in the end
- fluffiest of all my pets ♥

- used the enchanted underwater quell plushie
- I love the colours and pose sooo much ♥

- created, used enchanted plushie and costumed few times
- Im hoping to recostume him soon ♥

- created, used a potion and costumed school
- his name is a combination of words math and matrix, I created him because Im a mathematician ♥

- created by me, costumed by portal
- he is my lucky pet ♥
- my goal was to keep portaling him, but he is too cute now

- created by me and renamed in February 2017, named after Hatsune Miku
- I chose teal snookle because its closest to Mikus colour and has big eyes ♥

- I think I got him in auctions and used as a portal pet until he became arcade fasoro

- created and costumed by me
- ah, those blue eyes ♥

- traded for and recostumed
- handsome little bunny ♥

- created by me, used a potion and costumed
- I love this pose and colours ♥

- created by me, used a potion and costumed
- she looks so sad, I just wanna hug her to cheer her up ♥
- collecting toys to make her happy

- created by me, used a potion and costumed
- he is on fire! ♥

- created by me and costumed
- I wanted a fat pet for my edible row and fat tantuas are just sooooo cute

- created by me, used an enchanted plushie and costumed
- my shiny bunny with beautiful eyes ♥
- I gotta get her a job

- created and used enchanted plushie
- she is super adorable and I love that she has a name of Maradan character ♥

- traded for
- cutest tasi ♥

- created by me, potioned and costumed
- I think revamped gobbles are amazing ♥

- created by me, portaled
- my second pet and my third knutt, I guess I really like knutts ♥

- created myself, used the enchanted plushie I got from AU
- it was love at first sight ♥

- I created him to trade, but didnt end up trading him
- I hope that new costume will be released for kronks

- created and potioned
- my Christmas gift from me to me XD ♥

- I think I got him in auctions
- he is my portal pet

- bought in pet auctions
- its so pink and fluffy ♥

- bought the enchanted plushie and used the chbi costume I got once in a giveaway
- cuuuuute ♥

- traded for, costumed through temple
- neon quell was my huge mara wish ♥

[IMG][/IMG] Vendesi
- traded for
- he is a chubby little charmer ♥

- created by me, used a potion
- seriously... a penguin who can skate, that is just adorable ♥
- Im lending him for goals

- traded for
- he is in love XD ♥

- adopted, and changed in UF2012, then in UF2015, then in UF2016, then put through temple to become halloween
- she has a piercing XD and this pose and colour goes really well with her name ♥

Some pets I used to have: hunterfish123 (id=5182706), Zigzag_Jr (id=4850309), Lephea (id=7133579), Peart (id=7222971), Suturi (id=7157540), Oedi (id=6424518), Vephar (id=5909267), Julep (id=6952513), Guantanamo (id=7252862), Ensie (id=7356248), Sulpherate (id=5068124), Nimeri(id=7331875), Pacion(id=7370583), Kanrey(id=7275650), Gence(id=7407207), Mistiel(id=7439297)

Story about Zerinor ♥ - win a prize-
9 years, 4 months & 13 days ago
13th Feb 2015 15:32

Im trying to write a short story about all my pets so here is a story about Zerinor.Smile


Zerinor has been a very emotional basil since he was just a little rat. He is very charming and sweet, but he never had much luck in love. He joined my pet family in november 2014 and since then his job is taking care of the roses I collected. There arent many of them, but he is never bored. His favourite hobby is writing poetry. Recently he fell deeply in love with one of my pets, but she doesnt know that yet because he is afraid that she will reject him. Zerinor finally decided to do something about it and asked two of his friends for help. He refused to tell them who she is, but they still gave him advice. Clewy told him that the best way to impress his crush is with food. Sadly, Zerinor doesnt know how to cook or bake, but he could buy her chocolates. Yeenix gave him advice to write her a poem. Zerinor loved that idea! He wrote a love poem and bought chocolates and with the help of his friends he is ready to finally confess his feelings to his secret crush. And as the Valentines Day is here, its the perfect time!

Go here to guess who is Zerinors secret crush and he will reward you:
Answer: Lunasia [img][/img]
Winner: Party
Prize: Valentine Reese Potion


Checklist!!! Woohooo!!! ♥
11 years, 1 month & 28 days ago
1st May 2013 10:56

[1st May 2013 09:32 AM]
"Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £10 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Be sure to enter the new Monthly Checklist for this month for more chances to win.

Thank you for playing and suppporting Marapets"

I... I cant believe it! First time!Adore Yay!!! Im totally gonna spend it all. Adore

[1st Jun 2013 07:48 AM]
"Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £15 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Be sure to enter the new Monthly Checklist for this month for more chances to win.

Thank you for playing and suppporting Marapets"


[1st May 2014 05:21 AM]
"Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £15 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Be sure to enter the new Monthly Checklist for this month for more chances to win.

Thank you for playing and suppporting Marapets"
AwhAdore I totally needed this! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!SmileSmileSmile

[1st Jun 2016 12:45 AM]
"Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £15 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Be sure to enter the new Monthly Checklist for this month for more chances to win.

Thank you for playing and suppporting Marapets"

[1st Mar 2018 00:01]
"Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £50 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

Be sure to enter the new Monthly Checklist for this month for more chances to win.

Thank you for playing and suppporting Marapets"
Its been a while, but this is the best win so farAdoreAdore

  1. Story about KittyM15
    27th May 2016 09:35
    8 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  2. Missing toys full list
    5th Apr 2016 10:39
    8 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
  3. Missing photos list ♥
    21st Apr 2015 07:48
    9 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  4. Photos I have ♥ Minipets I have ♥
    21st Apr 2015 08:47
    9 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
    5th Sep 2016 11:33
    7 years, 9 months & 22 days ago
  6. List of helpful sites ♥
    2nd Sep 2015 06:39
    8 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
  7. Current lists and goals ♥
    8th Oct 2015 10:13
    8 years, 8 months & 18 days ago
  8. My 2016/2017 Marapets Goals +-
    2nd Jan 2016 05:14
    8 years, 5 months & 24 days ago
  9. Plans for pet rows ♥
    26th Apr 2017 06:54
    7 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
  10. Collecting Hatsune Miyu CDs ♥
    19th Jul 2017 15:04
    6 years, 11 months & 10 days ago