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  1. Quitting :(
    12th Feb 2011 07:57
    13 years, 4 months & 16 days ago
  2. New Years Fiesta!
    30th Dec 2009 08:45
    14 years, 5 months & 30 days ago
  3. Dream Island New Years Messages
    30th Dec 2009 08:44
    14 years, 5 months & 30 days ago
  4. Festiviities
    25th Oct 2009 00:19
    14 years, 8 months & 6 days ago
  5. Halloween Recipes by Hammy and Raven
    7th Oct 2009 06:16
    14 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
  6. Dream Island Memory Blog
    22nd Sep 2009 22:16
    14 years, 9 months & 8 days ago
  7. Halloween Quiz
    21st Sep 2009 22:49
    14 years, 9 months & 9 days ago
  8. Dream Paradise Advertising Blog
    19th Sep 2009 14:29
    14 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
  9. Dream Island Suggestion Box
    18th Sep 2009 09:41
    14 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  10. Dream Paradise Story Contest
    18th Sep 2009 09:36
    14 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
Dream Island Memory Blog
14 years, 9 months & 8 days ago
22nd Sep 2009 22:16

Post your memories here
It can be parties, memories or fun!

Halloween Quiz
14 years, 9 months & 9 days ago
21st Sep 2009 22:49

1) Name 5 types of Marapets Pumpkin
2) Who is hosting the Halloween Party?
3) Name 5 things that Puppy and Chloe are giving away
4) When was the halloween party supposed to start?
5) What avatar does Keshi Have?
6) What is this item - Its hard, its supports the human body and its made into a hot dog!
7) Name 3 Halloween Pets
8) Using the lati pumpkin, what avatar do you get?
9) Can you get a chibs pumpkin?
10) How do you get the festivities avatar?

Good Luck!

There's a new quiz every 2 days biggrin.gif

Dream Paradise Advertising Blog
14 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
19th Sep 2009 14:29

Post your Adverts here

Hey do you wana join dream paradise? We're a fun active literate club thats always up for a chat! We are currently having Panda and Mini's Birthday Party but after that we are having a fall festival, halloween party and cookie carnival!
We've already had four member birthday parties and its been fun fun fun! We're open for boys and girls and chat is never empty! In our club, we have giveaways, club council, club polls, club news, club contests, club story blog, spam time, club auctions, club suggestion box and much more! We are giving away staff and royal member positions and we are having roleplays! You can post up to 4 messages in a row! We have club jobs, club police and club siggie makers! We have links on our layout and To join just go here - and click join club and come and chat! We have 92 members, over 6300 messages, over 1.8 million in our club till and a cool layout and banner and we've only been open just over 1 month days! So why not join? Soon we're having a games day, then a popcorn party and then a Halloween party! We have club points and soon a club shop! Interested?
From Hammmy

Opened: 2nd September
Members: 92
Messages: Over 6400
Club till: Over 1.6
LE Giveaways: Yes and soon we're giving away an angel poera
Parties: Non Stop
Active : Yes
Other: Club Jobs, Parties, Polls, Quizzes, contest, blogs
Club website -

Made by tweety
Here my advertising about the club. I started off with a limeric...

There was was a lion cub,
Who really needed a rub.
He fell down a hole,
Took part in a poll
And now he's in the Dream Island Club...

This club one of the best clubs around. We have free giveaways, quizes, polls, friendly staff, birthday parties, club shop and auctions, club contests and games, and with over 50 members, there is always someone to talk to on our fun chat. Anybody is welcome to join and you won't regret that you did. Join the Dream Island club!

Dream Island Suggestion Box
14 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
18th Sep 2009 09:41

Post your suggestions here!

First suggestion - Pink Day by Cutie

Day to raise awareness of cancer - tayla

what do you think of it?

Dream Paradise Story Contest
14 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
18th Sep 2009 09:36

Post your stories here!

First story by Tweety

I woke up at the break of dawn. Sunlight peeked through my closed curtains. I reluctantly rose from my warm bed to open them. I stared in shock at the white wonderland outside. There was SNOW everywhere! Winter had finally arrived. The last few LEAVES must have fallen last night.
I scrambled to get my coat and scarf before dashing for the door. I could see APPLE and cinnamon muffins as I ran though the kitchen. My sister must be still asleep, because she hasn't eaten them yet. I also saw a MICROWAVED POPCORN packet. I decided to have that later. Who turns down a bowl of popcorn? Not me.
I raced through the living room and reach the front door. With a bang the door shut behing me and I was ready to enjoy a day in the snow.

Who doesn't like a happy ending. Hope you like this one.

Tayla's Story from the autumn party

The clouds covered the darkening sky, the leaves rustled and the wind blew harshly. It was the night, the night that.......
it happened. The wind was still harsh. The leaves were still rustling. But then it happened. Then i heard the scream. The scream of one helpless little girl. I rushed over and saw a men with a gun to her head. I ran until.............
he pointed the gun to me and shot it. I was helpless. I was lying on the road blood rushing from my tummy and i died. Never seen my daughter give birth to her gorgus twins Ellie and Tom!......

Story By Hunt

here is a story about a spounge.there was once a spoung named spongebob.spoungebob likes karte,sufing the waves of the blue loogon,and playing with day on patricks birthday spoungebob wanted to make a present for patrick.he raced to the store but he was to late.the store was closed.he had to get patrick a present. so he loked around hi house.he had apples cinnamin pie crust and patricks belly lint.he couldnt figure out eneything to do with the belly lint .so he decided to make an apple pie .he took out his great grandmas recipe for apple reqiered 2 pounds of cinnemon ,15 apples,and a pie crust.he prepared the pie and gave it to dint smell good but patrick liked it . the end

Story By Tayla

In the deep sea was a half eaten apple. It was just sitting there, moving slowly with the current. The kids would see it and scream because they would think it was a jelly fish, but they don???t know what this apple has been through. It has been sitting in the ocean for 3 years. But before it got there it was grown on a tree. Then picked and got put in the shop. Then one day a child that loved karate came along and brought the apple and took it home. He also brought a sponge and a hammock but who knows why.
Then he went to the beach and polished the apple wrapped it in the tiny hammock, took one little bite and karate kicked it into the water and eventually a men came and fished it out and through it in the bin and the apple rotted away.

Scotty's Huge Party Story

It was a content day in peaceville but why was it so quiet?

It all started on a warm sunny wdnesday afternoon.Hammy and puppy were playing in the ice cold sprinkler water.SUDDENLY, THE WATER TURNED TO SLIME. soon the whole of oeacevilles water had turned to slime.Hammy and puppy ran to see what all the commotion was about, but just as they got to the town quare they saw a big, slimy wrinkly snake crawl out of the sewer."AHHHHHHHHHH", THEY SCREAMED.soon they had told everyone in the village and there was a meeting later that day. 17:00 in the afternoon and they finally came to an agreement.Everyone would run home lock there doors and never come out again unbtill something had been done.That was 500 years ago and they are still hiding now!I wonder if they know the snake died 300 years ago, oh well lets just leave them there.

Hunt's story

it was a quite day becaus everybody went over to the hog fest in noisyville.the band was strumming the noise was smell like bacon at hog fest because well da it was hog fest.but the perfect party was about to go down hill.the party went silent when big gymey came he took the stage that the band played on and throw it to peaceville!then he throw the rest of the stuff to peaceville!someone had to stop him!then the killer frenchbull dog came but this time not to kill stuff.instead he started punching and kicking gymey.he holded him in a choke and asked wat he wanted from the people at hog fest.he said it was to quite at peaceville so he decided to try to get the party to move bit i just caused alot of comotion.well the french bulldog said you could just ask the party to move to peaceville.i he asked the people at the paty if it could move and they agreed.that day peaceville finely had some noise.

Tweety's Story
Ok I'm going to write a story which includes the words mini, panda, cake, boom, balloon and wow!

My stomach was unsettled as I led the way outside. My friends were chattering excitedly behind me. I opened the back door and was blown away by what I saw. There were balloons everywhere. A pinata in the shape of a PANDA hung from a nearby tree. The center piece was the huge CAKE on the table. WOW! I was stunned.
My family was waiting behind the cake and started to sing "Happy Birthday To You". A large grin slowly appeared on my face. This was going to be fun!
A blue BALLOON which hadn't been tied up properly blew across the lawn and touched a spicky rose bush. With a loud BOOM, it popped. I sat down in front of the cake near a MINI box of chocolates wrapped in a bow. Someone was a cheapskate. I leaned forward and blew out the candles...

  1. Quitting :(
    12th Feb 2011 07:57
    13 years, 4 months & 16 days ago
  2. New Years Fiesta!
    30th Dec 2009 08:45
    14 years, 5 months & 30 days ago
  3. Dream Island New Years Messages
    30th Dec 2009 08:44
    14 years, 5 months & 30 days ago
  4. Festiviities
    25th Oct 2009 00:19
    14 years, 8 months & 6 days ago
  5. Halloween Recipes by Hammy and Raven
    7th Oct 2009 06:16
    14 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
  6. Dream Island Memory Blog
    22nd Sep 2009 22:16
    14 years, 9 months & 8 days ago
  7. Halloween Quiz
    21st Sep 2009 22:49
    14 years, 9 months & 9 days ago
  8. Dream Paradise Advertising Blog
    19th Sep 2009 14:29
    14 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
  9. Dream Island Suggestion Box
    18th Sep 2009 09:41
    14 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  10. Dream Paradise Story Contest
    18th Sep 2009 09:36
    14 years, 9 months & 12 days ago