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  1. Better Days
    3rd Feb 2016 14:46
    8 years, 4 months & 25 days ago
  2. Super Kitty
    16th Oct 2015 11:42
    8 years, 8 months & 15 days ago
  3. The Spider
    8th Oct 2015 11:53
    8 years, 8 months & 23 days ago
  4. Wise Words & Thoughts
    1st Oct 2015 16:10
    8 years, 8 months & 30 days ago
  5. Protect Your Pets (Warning)
    23rd Sep 2015 10:11
    8 years, 9 months & 7 days ago
  6. Life's Lessons
    15th Sep 2015 11:25
    8 years, 9 months & 15 days ago
  7. Home Remedies (Trial & Errors Version)
    15th Sep 2015 07:49
    8 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
  8. Ares
    7th Sep 2015 15:50
    8 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  9. Whispering Glimpses
    6th Sep 2015 11:10
    8 years, 9 months & 24 days ago
  10. Words for the Wise
    1st Sep 2015 16:20
    8 years, 9 months & 29 days ago
Life's Lessons
8 years, 9 months & 15 days ago
15th Sep 2015 11:25

1.Mom???s Lesson: I was 2 years old. I remember this like it was yesterday. She asked me to go wake my 7 year old brother, Johnny up. So, I toddle into his room. ???Johnny wake up.??? Nothing. He has a Mickey Mouse Alarm clock sitting on his night stand. Ok. Alarm clock is supposed to wake brother up. I took the alarm clock and ???whack??? right on the head. He Screams. Mom comes running in. I???m still holding the alarm clock, ???giggling???. She asks, ???What happened???? I say, ???I woke him up.??? It was a VERY long time before she sent me in to wake him up again.

2.Daddy???s Lesson: I was about 7 years old. Me and my brother had done something to get ourselves in trouble enough to warrant a spanking. Daddy didn???t have a belt on, so he sent us to the closet to pick out a belt. Johnny picked out a nice sturdy leather belt. I waited until he was done. I couldn???t stop giggling after he left the closet, I had already spotted the one I wanted. A Nice Safe CLOTH belt hidden in the back. Johnny took his licks first. I kept the belt hidden behind my back the entire time. Trying to look scared or at the very least worried. Apparently, I did well, because after he was done with Johnny, he looked at me and said, ???Well, what did you bring me???? I brought the belt out from behind my back, it falling limply over my hand. Johnny, gasped. I looked sheepish. And Daddy, he burst out laughing so hard. I did not get a spanking. Never did find THAT belt again though. LOL

3.My Lesson: Don???t mess with Grandma! Growing up out in the country we often times had Mamaw around to watch over us. She loved us fiercely, but she was a mean old bird. If we stepped out of line, she???d spank us with whatever she could get her hands on. One day she didn???t have anything on hand, so she told us to go pick a switch. I got the bright idea to get the branch off of a weeping willow tree. Folks I do NOT suggest this. OUCH! She caught me on the back of the knees 1 time. That???s all it took. I will remember the sting for the rest of my life. She laughed at that one. I danced around for an hour doing the ???this stings like crap dance???. My lesson??? Don???t mess with Grandma!

4.Johnny???s Lesson: My brother likes to sleep??? a lot! I???ve come up with a tons of ways to wake him up over the years. Banging pots and pans over his head, telling him Mom???s on the phone, Singing ???They???re coming to Take me Away??? Repeatedly in Betty Boop???s Voice (Yes I can do a Perfect Betty Boop), but my all time favorite took some planning. As well as a Whole bag of marbles. I froze them for a whole week. I tip toed into his room, dumped the bag under his covers. Then I took off running like my butt was on fire. It took him a bit. I was out of the house, across our yard (About ?? an acre at that time) and I was into the woods by the time he made it out the front door. I knew he was gonna come after me for that one. I never did get those marbles back.

5.Lesson: I was 12 years old when my father passed away. I remember that day like it was yesterday. My mother couldn???t tell me. She had to have a family friend there with me when she woke me up. She didn???t have to tell me. I already knew. I dreamed it the night before. I watched him die and could do nothing. I saw the flashing lights through my bedroom window. There was a black bird tapping at my window. And then I saw myself sleeping in my bed and that???s when my mother and the family friend woke me. She spoke words I did not hear. I left the house that day my life changed. So when I tell people that when you love someone to tell them and tell them often. Because you never know when they won???t be there anymore. It is because life is short. And it can end suddenly. We are guaranteed nothing in this life but a death. How we go out in this world is uncertain. Some of us are cursed with seeing things we don???t care to see. I???ve been cursed with having to watch everyone I care about perish. He was not the first and he will not be the last. But alas, this is My Life.

To Every Beginning there is an End.

Home Remedies (Trial & Errors Version)
8 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
15th Sep 2015 07:49

1.Headache: 1 Tablespoon of Local Honey with cinnamon sprinkled on top. Yes it works. As long as you???re not allergic to honey. My version: Every time I tried this I sneezed. Worked on the headache though.

2.Headache Method 2: Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. As long as you???re not allergic. My version: EXTREME PAIN. I ended up reverting to method 1. (I???d rather sneeze LOL)

3.For Blondes to make your hair shinier: About 1 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar Massaged through hair, let sit for a few minutes then rinse out. As long as you???re not allergic. My Version: My skin was on FIRE. Everywhere the Vinegar had touched left red Welts that looked like I???d been whipped. My hair was all shiny though. LOL I think I???ll stick to using Lemon???s from now on though.

4.For long hair: Hair Detangler: Fill Spray bottle 1/3 full with conditioner and 2/3 with water. Shake it up. Spray on and comb out. Make sure you???re not allergic to your conditioner otherwise you???ll be itching you???re head constantly like you have lice until you wash the crap out. Yes it works!

5.For Acne: Tea Tree Oil: You can find it in scrubs, facial washes a variety of products or just the oil. If you find the oil, apply with cotton swab directly to affected areas every few hours. About 1 hour before bed apply Vitamin E Oil and leave it over-night. You can get the Vitamin E Pills and break them open if you can't find the oil. Just a pin prick will work. My Version: Tea Tree Oil leaves Welts that look like I???ve been whipped just like Apple Cider Vinegar after just being on my skin for a few seconds, I had to wash off immediately. Vitamin E??? no Reaction. LOL

6. Acne Removal Version #2: Aloe Vera straight from the leaf. My Version: Left my skin looking kind of red and patchy. Didn???t itch though. Blemish went away though. *shrug*

Note: PLEASE!!!! Test ANYTHING you may be allergic to on a tiny part of your body, like your wrist, before you expose large parts of your body to anything. DO NOT go dunking your head into a vat of Vinegar to see if you are allergic. Not unless you have a death wish or have paramedics on stand by 24/7. If you think you have allergies, please seek professional help, I am NOT a doctor, nor do I claim to be one! I was tested for Food Related Allergies 3 years ago myself Using a Standard Blood test. My list is REALLY long and includes some really weird crap including but not limited to Wheat, Corn, Aloe Vera and a Variety of Other crap I'm not going into. It did not include Air-Born Allergies, of which I only had 1, my beloved Cat, Ares. LOL No, I would not get rid of him. That one I will just suck up and deal with. If you stay sick all the time and you don't know why, you may be poisoning yourself with the foods you're consuming. I was.

8 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
7th Sep 2015 15:50

He stalks his prey.

In and out of the jungle

The shade from the heat of the summer glorious.

The little creature hops along unawares of me.

I almost purr with delight.

I low crawl closer to my prey.

My fluffy, black tail swishing

I wiggle my tush in preparation for launch.

My prey hops along.

I pounce.

No! Momma catches me in mid-air!

My arms flail towards the prey as she places me on her shoulder.

My panicked expression makes Momma giggle.

She speaks.

Now Ares, leave the frogs alone. My little black ball of fur.

Adventure time is over.


Whispering Glimpses
8 years, 9 months & 24 days ago
6th Sep 2015 11:10

Flashes in time

Fading to night

Memories perpetually crowding my mind

Watching time passing by

Forever lost in your eyes

I close the door.

But the window is still open

The intruder penetrates

And leaves behind nothing, but a scarred and trembling girl

I???m tangled in my web of hair

Now I remember why I put it up before I get dressed

Over under

Under over

Disadvantaged by myself

You are your own worst enemy

The veil has lifted.

Shadowed eyes hide the truth

The secrets hidden deep within

Nightmares of all the lives I couldn???t save

She will be just one more

Please let me be wrong this time

I cry inside so no one can see

I am not broken.

Only wounded by the memories

Shadowed from my past

Drowning in the blood of my future

I must not break.


Words for the Wise
8 years, 9 months & 29 days ago
1st Sep 2015 16:20

1.Never make your Mother angry while she???s brushing your hair.

2.An Enemy is just a Friend who doesn???t Know the Real You.

3.My cure for Acrophobia: Bungee Jumping & Roller Coasters

4.Never take a Coulrophobic to the Circus.

5.If you are planning on running through the house, make sure the glass door is open.

6.Be nice to those who are harsh with you. The nicer you are, the harder it is for them to be mean to you. Also, you don???t know what they are going through.

7.Believe in yourself, because if you don???t, why should anyone else?

8.Beauty is only skin deep.

9.You can find something positive in ANY situation. Sometimes you just have to look a little harder.

10.You are beautiful. You may not see it, but someone does.

11.Friendship is special and fragile. Don???t abuse it, nurture it. Treat your friends as you would family and you will never lose them.

12.Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (The Golden Rule!Wink

13.You shouldn???t take life too seriously, you???ll never get out alive.

14.To me the glass is neither Half-Full or Half-Empty, it is filled with liquid. And if poured on someone, they would be wet! Ha!

15.Live today as if tomorrow will never come.

16.What does not kill you will only make you stronger.

17.If you love someone, tell them often, you never know when they won???t be there anymore.

  1. Better Days
    3rd Feb 2016 14:46
    8 years, 4 months & 25 days ago
  2. Super Kitty
    16th Oct 2015 11:42
    8 years, 8 months & 15 days ago
  3. The Spider
    8th Oct 2015 11:53
    8 years, 8 months & 23 days ago
  4. Wise Words & Thoughts
    1st Oct 2015 16:10
    8 years, 8 months & 30 days ago
  5. Protect Your Pets (Warning)
    23rd Sep 2015 10:11
    8 years, 9 months & 7 days ago
  6. Life's Lessons
    15th Sep 2015 11:25
    8 years, 9 months & 15 days ago
  7. Home Remedies (Trial & Errors Version)
    15th Sep 2015 07:49
    8 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
  8. Ares
    7th Sep 2015 15:50
    8 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  9. Whispering Glimpses
    6th Sep 2015 11:10
    8 years, 9 months & 24 days ago
  10. Words for the Wise
    1st Sep 2015 16:20
    8 years, 9 months & 29 days ago