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  1. My Besties List ^^: Updated again
    8th Apr 2008 20:48
    16 years, 11 months & 2 days ago
  2. Uffie Dear (xRazorBladex)
    1st Nov 2007 22:23
    17 years, 4 months & 11 days ago
My Besties List ^^: Updated again
16 years, 11 months & 2 days ago
8th Apr 2008 20:48

Read the title. It's pretty self explanitory if you asked me. I'd say it's in no order, but I'd be lying. After the first five or so, it's in no particular order.

Uffie (xRazorBladex)- Awww I love him to death. Even though he quit, he should know that I still miss him. I love talking to him. He can always tell when something???s wrong with out actually seeing my facial expression. He will always be one of my closest friends. Forever. <333

Ben (FootyGuy103)- What can I say about him? He???s an amazing friend that I will love forever and ever and ever and ever [I think you get the point]. I love how we???re always so random and talk about the stupidest things. He is and will always be in the top three. I can always open up to him and tell him whatever I want to say. We tell each other everything. And I mean everything. So we???re like this ???crosses index and middle finger- I will love him no matter what. Of course, not the crush way. They brother sister love way <33333 You will always be my beloved "brother" hehe. In the near future, if I get married, you can be my maid of honour haha. Kidding. xP. Loves ya Benneh. I think I made that clear enough. Bfff till the end of time and more =D

Monique (karen11)- Awww I miss this girl so much! I had so much fun with her when she was still in mara. I???d be so happy if she comes back. And we should definitely role play more. Ah, the memories hehe. Forever and always friends.

Tasha (o0Tasha0o)- Tashy! I love this girl too. She???s so outgoing and fun. I love talking to her. She???s so open and such a good listener. Hehe. She???s a great friend. Any person would be lucky to have her as a friend or possibly more.

Alana (BabiiAlana)- The sweetest girl evah! I love talking to her so much. She's so outgoing and opens up to everything. I forgot to mention kind. Very very kind. =D

Krissy (VintageLust)- My random buddy hehe xP. I thinks she is awesome. No, she's way more than awesome. I am so glad that she came back to mara. Awesomest girl evah! =D

Joseph (CHEMKILLER)- Lover of caps lock lol. And he's very fun to be around with. Haha party animal. Oh, the memories. Unfortunately, he has left mara D=. I remember how we used to always make party boards. Will and always miss you. ^^

Rock (irockguitarz)- He's very random, but very fun to be around with. Unfortunately, he has been banned and I do not know his new username D=. But I???m glad I got to know him. =]

Ying (saloonaa)- I love talking with her in the club chat. Keep rockin???

Teach (teacherspet12)- What can I say? She???s a lovely girl and always helping me out when I need it. Gotta love her. I did mention I love her right?

Zoe (totallyRAWR) - I can't forget about Zoe. She's, like, the best! =]

If I had missed your name, I'm /so/ sorry. PLEASE mm me and remind that I forgot you. ^^

116 years, 7 months & 16 days ago 27th Jul 2008 00:57
Benneh <3333
=D Still gotta love the nickname haha
116 years, 7 months & 16 days ago 27th Jul 2008 00:51
116 years, 7 months & 16 days ago 26th Jul 2008 22:32
  1. My Besties List ^^: Updated again
    8th Apr 2008 20:48
    16 years, 11 months & 2 days ago
  2. Uffie Dear (xRazorBladex)
    1st Nov 2007 22:23
    17 years, 4 months & 11 days ago