IP Ban: The Ultimate Act of Kindness

16 years, 9 months & 19 days ago
29th May 2008 02:33Ever see those users who gripe CONSTANTLY? Who put snide remarks in their siggies & profiles, post pointed barbs at the Staff and site, and generally make sure that everyone else is painfully aware of how much they hate Marapets? Who think that THEY dictate how others should play? Who spew nothing but venom towards everyone and everything, who seem to have a permanent Texas-sized chip on their shoulder (or firmly embedded where the sun don't shine)? For some reason they seem to think their verbal sewage makes them...oh, I dunno...rebellious? Outspoken? I'll have to check back with my friend's middle school-age kids on that, they might have that answer. Most adults just think it makes them look like a sad, bitter little troll-hag from hell. At any rate, here's a question for you haglets (and I'll use small words): Which is more pathetic, a site with the occasional glitch/server issue/error or the user who professes to HATE said site but actually takes time from their day to log-in JUST to complain? How horribly sad, to have nothing at all better to do than that.
When I'm not happy about the site status or an annoying glitch, my solution is simple: I play elsewhere. It's a virtual pet site, for gods sake. I'm not going to even log in if I'm not having fun. Who in the world would be lame enough to spend time on a site that wasn't fun if they didn't have to? Are you Staff? Then you don't have to be here. And if you're not having fun or you're not happy...why in the Wide World of Sports do you think that anyone else cares or wants to hear about it? Get it?
And so, as the ultimate act of kindness, I propose a total IP ban for these trollettes (who profess to be 'adults' BTW...no, really, I swear). Two in particular come to mind immediately. Logging onto Mara seems to pain them so, and they're obviously too "challenged" to locate that 'Log Out' link to the left there. I say help them out. IP ban them. For them, since they have a mildly disturbing addiction to Mara that they appear to want to kick. For the rest of us, who roll our eyes and groan every time we see one of their failed attempts at biting sarcasm in a thread on the Adult Forum or their latest whine about the 'unfairness' of the site or yet another pathetically-phrased insult aimed at Staff members (who supposedly are half their age) or the other Users who consistently and soundly defeat them in verbal confrontation. There's not enough Prozac in the world to take the edge off of their bitter, sour mood. They're oxygen thieves, and the environment is in enough trouble as it is.
IP Ban. It's the kind thing to do. 'Nuff said.