Greatest/Nicest People on Marapets!

16 years, 8 months & 29 days ago
12th Jun 2008 23:53shanesgirl525 and Gsgurl38
Seriously like they are so nice! They are one of those people that truly love to see people happy and I just hadn't met people like that in a long time, and I'm happy that I have. They gave me my 2nd LE a Pixie Troit named Layliea. I never thought I'd get a troit much less a pixie one which I had just seen on the news and thought it was the cutest! So I'm very thankful to them both!
best board ever! just a reminder for myself
edit May 24, 2009
Another person I must add is sheeden. This awesome person helped me get a TC that I thought I had no chance of getting

I'd like to thank you for helping me build my deck! Thank you x100!