poems i wrote

16 years, 6 months & 9 days ago
1st Sep 2008 19:33title: the endless year
i stand up to say my last goodbyes,
as i remember the endless nights i cried.
everyone tries to comfort me as i shed tears,
but it hurts me to remember those wonderful years.
we played, fought, and talked amongst each other,
and now i have to find out how to live without my brother.
its going to be hard for mom to adjust,
but i promise to do my best,
and to show her she can be proud of her three little pests.
title: Well make it some way
Ever since I could remember
The birthday party we threw for mom last September
I???ve looked up to you with all my heart
And now we have to be drawn apart
We have gone through some hard times together
But we blew straight through them like a feather
Its going to be rough for a while
Just like when they put in the new tile
Well make it through day by day
I promise you well make it some way
title: When I look up at you
When I Look Up At You
Something tells me that its true
I cry in sorrow every day
Knowing that you have to go away
I know its just for a little while
And ill try hard to keep a smile
To me its going to take forever
But well get through it together
she was only two days old
when everyones face turned cold
moms eyes feeled with tears
when the news feeled her ears
the baby was due to soon
its to bad she will never see another moon
every birthday we go to the cemetary
knowing that her life was limitary
this peom is dedicated to my big sister nicole (born on january 30th) who was born two months early and sadly only servived for two days. it was my moms first child, but not her last
title: fly fly butterfly
Fly fly butterfly
Spread your wings
And sore the sky
don???t be afraid to
Let yourself go
When your gone we will know
So fly fly butterfly
I will see you later in the sky
remake for the other poem i wrote for my sister:
She was only two days old
When her life went into a fold
My moms eyes feeled with tears
As the new feeled our ears
She was born way to soon
For now she???ll never see another moon
She was my moms first
But she was not cursed
She had three healthy more
But her heart is still tore
For the one that would make four
By Morgan Welch