naruto fan

16 years, 6 months & 1 day ago
27th Sep 2008 06:47Okayz! XD If ur a Naruto fan like me, and aren't in a club already then join Naruto Crazed! XD the members r friendly, and staff will hlp u if u need it! XD we have the siggy and graphics position still open! XD Leader-sama is taking a break at the present time right now though, so Meli-sama is temp leader again! XD U will also get a nikname! all ya gotta do iz tell uz wat u want it 2 be if ur a grl u'll get sumthin with eithr -chan or -san! XD and if ur a boy u'll eithr get -kun or -san! XD My niknames r huney-chan,huney-sama or huneybunny well hope to see u there
??? huney-chan