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    19th Jan 2011 13:24
    14 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
  2. make me a sammich
    17th Dec 2010 23:16
    14 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
  3. Fill the Blank
    9th Dec 2008 15:33
    16 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
Fill the Blank
16 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
9th Dec 2008 15:33

Some people are just so ___________.
They always are ______________.
I hate the celebrity ____________ the most.
I am _________.
I am feeling __________.
Who __________?
I have so many _________.
My favorite color is _________.
My favorite movie is _______.
My favorite book is ________.
I like the celebrity _________ the most.
I like _______ a lot.
I like ________ the most.
I am obsessed with _________.
People I know in real life are mainly _______.
I like the animal ________.
I dance __________.
My favorite hobby is ________.
I have _ pet(s).
People think of me as _____.
Why are you _______?
Say _______.
Don't torture me with _______!
Life is _______.
Marapets is ________.
I'm going to eat ____.
I NEED ______.
You can't ____ me.
Hi evil ______.
Why are you _____ to me?
My favorite artist is ___________.
I have _______ friends!
My favorite food is _______.
I can't live without ______.
I am an evil ______.
______ are so annoying!
Ads are _________.
My favorite marapet is __________.
My favorite drink is ______.
Hey! I know your ______!
I hate eating ________.
My favorite show is ______.
Music is _________.
My dream is to _______.
[E]:Who let the ____ out?
I think Mara is _______.
Who cares about ______?
You can never take my _____.
School is _____.
OMG! Your ___________________!
My definition of me is _______.
I ______ think I'll be famous one day.
Is this a _______ list?

Some people are just so loveable.
They always are eating ham.
I hate the celebrity Hilary Duff the most.
I am Lenor.
I am feeling bored.
Who has cookies?
I have so many avatars.
My favorite color is dark purple.
My favorite movie is Lord of the Rings.
My favorite book is Song of the Lioness.
I like the celebrity Mr. Bean the most.
I like black a lot.
I like the Beatles the most.
I am obsessed with music.
People I know in real life are mainly huggable.
I like the animal raccoon.
I dance badly.
My favorite hobby is building lego people.
I have 3 pet(s).
People think of me as a control freak.
[E]: Why are you stupid?
Say llamas.
Don't torture me with ninja chis faces!
Life is disappointing.
Marapets is great.
I'm going to eat food.
I NEED music.
You can't kill me.
Hi evil vampire.
Why are you lying to me?
My favorite artist is Beatles.
I have too many friends!
My favorite food is burgers.
I can't live without meh kitty.
I am an evil sausage.
Light bulbs are so annoying!
Ads are funny.
My favorite marapet is troit.
My favorite dirnk is water.
[E]:Hey! I know your cat!
I hate eating humans.
My favorite show is Simpsons.
Music is best played loud.
My dream is to finish fungunzle treasure map.
116 years, 1 month & 18 days ago 23rd Jan 2009 21:40
Thanks for posting!
116 years, 2 months & 9 days ago 2nd Jan 2009 18:39
Tom Cruise, (nah i dont)
skinny jeans
Twilight Series
New Moon
Jacob Black
no i don't
super coolio
because i am
bunnies! Im allergic!
annoying but cool
steak with onions!!

116 years, 2 months & 10 days ago 2nd Jan 2009 08:21
Hey! I know your name!
I hate eating spinach.
My favorite show is Melody is So Awesome.
Music is one of my favorite subjects.
My dream is to be a musician.
116 years, 2 months & 10 days ago 1st Jan 2009 22:38
Some people are just so yummy.
They always are smelly.
I hate the celebrity's the most.
I am a raccoon.
I am feeling raccoonish.
Who can smell human?
I have so many claws.
My favorite color is dark purple.
My favorite movie is Holes.
My favorite book is Song of the Lioness.
I like the celebrity raccoon the most.
I like ham a lot.
I like thumbnails the most.
I am obsessed with my pellet gun.
People I know in real life are mainly stupid.
I like the animal raccoon.
I dance badly.
My favorite hobby is Building lego people.
I have four pet(s).
People think of me as short tempered.
[E]: Why are you funny looking?
Say lava lamp!
Don't torture me with a phone!
Life is boring.
Marapets is the most awesomest place to be.
I'm going to eat your best friend.
I NEED my kitty.
You can't hug me.
Hi evil lemine.
Why are you trying to me?
My favorite artist is Bream.
I have too many friends!
My favorite food is cheese burgers.
I can't live without Mara.
I am an evil Nothing at all cat.
[E]:Snow are so annoying!
Ads are trying to eat me.
My favorite marapet is troit.
My favorite drink is water.
116 years, 2 months & 11 days ago 1st Jan 2009 10:16
Thanks for posting.
I like adding more questions.
It is fun.
116 years, 2 months & 12 days ago 30th Dec 2008 22:20
Why are you adding more questions?
Say omgwthitsp.
Don't torture me with BLOOD!
Life is dark.
Marapets is okay.
I'm going to eat blood.... [lol]
You can't kill me.
Hi evil rabbit.
Why are you giving nothing to me?
My favorite artist is me, myself, and I.
I have 148236419348567198347519873461987456918347659283476592834765 friends!
My favorite food is blood.
I can't live without blood.
I am an evil vampire. [lol XP}
116 years, 2 months & 12 days ago 30th Dec 2008 21:11
I will always keep making it longer.
Who can make me have superpowers?(Random)
I have so many books.
My favorite color is black.
My favorite movie is ...I don't know.
My favorite book is Kite A Thousand Splendid Suns.... I can't choose.
I like the celebrity Michael Jackson the most.(My idol)
I like books a lot.
I like all books the most.
I am obsessed with books.
People I know in real life are mainly awesome(Awesome-weird).
I like the animal, the dolphin.
I dance my crazy dance.
My favorite hobby is reading or singing(Like it the same).
I have 0 pet(s).
People think of me as kind.
Why are you dancing randomly?
Say "I like to move it!".
Don't torture me with Miley Cyrus songs and Jonas Brothers songs!
Life is a test.
Marapets is my favorite website.
I'm going to eat um.... I do not know.
I NEED books.
You can't be me.
Hi evil muffin.
Why are you looking to me?
My favorite artist is Monet.
I have such good friends!
My favorite food is pizza.
I can't live without my family(and books).
I am an evil RANDOM MONKEY!.
116 years, 2 months & 12 days ago 30th Dec 2008 20:46
Who ate my cookies?
I have so many socks. O_o (No, I'm just random)
My favorite color is black.
My favorite movie is Eagle Eye.
My favorite book is Twilight.
I like the celebrity Ashlee Greene the most. [Alice In Twilight]
I like dogs a lot.
I like Rottweilers the most.
I am obsessed with nothing. O_o
People I know in real life are mainly weird :].
I like the animal tiger.
I dance ....Wait, I don't dance.
My favorite hobby is going on the computer.
I have 40+ pet(s).
People think of me as a random person.
116 years, 2 months & 12 days ago 30th Dec 2008 20:01
I never saw any of these.
I just came up with them in my head.

Some people are just so stuck-up.
They always are being me and complaining.
I hate the celebrity who are friends with Miley Cyrus the most.
I am being awesome(=])
I am feeling pretty good.
116 years, 2 months & 12 days ago 30th Dec 2008 17:55
    19th Jan 2011 13:24
    14 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
  2. make me a sammich
    17th Dec 2010 23:16
    14 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
  3. Fill the Blank
    9th Dec 2008 15:33
    16 years, 3 months & 2 days ago