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  1. War blog one
    11th Jul 2011 10:52
    13 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
  2. War blog two
    11th Jul 2011 10:32
    13 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
  3. PC of my whole Gallery
    31st May 2011 11:45
    13 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
  4. Songs
    6th May 2011 08:38
    13 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  5. Recent Avatars.
    18th Apr 2011 08:17
    13 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
  6. Complete PC of Gallery
    12th Apr 2011 16:15
    13 years & 11 months ago
  7. //dont read//
    9th Apr 2011 11:34
    13 years, 11 months & 3 days ago
  8. For pesonal use
    14th Feb 2011 09:10
    14 years & 29 days ago
  9. Minipet Plates (price guide)
    11th Dec 2010 14:33
    14 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
  10. .
    21st Aug 2010 16:34
    14 years, 6 months & 22 days ago
Pet prices
16 years & 29 days ago
13th Feb 2009 08:23

Chibs- 9 Million
Daisy- 600k (slowly increasing)
Dakota- 4.5 Million
Ercuw- 4 Million
Huthiq- 1 Million
Kronk- 1.5 Million
Lati- 5 Million
Mordo- Unsure
Oglue- 1.25 Million
Phanty- 1 Million
Poera- 900k
Quell- 8 Million (increasing)
Rofling- Nearing 30 Million
Rusty- 2.5 Million
Sindi- 3.75 Million
Snookle- 2.75 Million
Troit- 2.5 Million
Viotto- 8 Million
Yuni- 7-8 Million
Zoink- 1.25 million
Yoosh- 2 Million

check a costume's price. If its not in shops check trades to find a price. If it's not in trades dont do extra background research. Mutant pets can be made using DNA, so would only up the value of the pet by a few hundred thousand.

Stats- NON-LE to get LE
10-15 in all but level would be worth a Phanty, Poera or Zoink Daisy, Huthiq
20-25 in all but level would be worth a Kronk, Oglue, or Zoosh
30-35 in all but level would be worth a Troit, Rusty, Nino
40-45 in all but level would be worth a Dakota, Ercuw, Sindi, Snookle
50-55 in all but level would be worth a Lati or Quell
55-65 in all but level would be worth a Chibs or yuni
70-80 Mordo and basic colored plain viottos
85-95 in all but level would be worth viottos
150+ in all but level would be worth a rofling.

Remember this is just a guideline, each trade is unique, and depends on what each member wants. Most members take into account pet names, the better, unique and more origional they are, the more likely you are to get a better offer.

Ok my Idea is to post all the LE. pet prices. I've made a rough list, but need help filling it in. It will just mean that people dont make silly underoffers!


Pokes Appreciated!

Remember to bookmark


i'll try to do my best to update this, and keep up with inflation/deflation.

open for changes

112 years, 9 months & 16 days ago 27th May 2012 03:08

Do you have game. [Beginner sign-up]


There will be 3 groups.
Beginner, Intermediate and Expert.

This is the Beginner singup section. As the title suggests this is for newer users, and so easier challenges will be set but a smaller prize fund is reflected.

The game will work by me asking each contestant if you have it. This it is mara-related and can be anything from a specific pet to an accomplishment. The game will run as a knock-out. If you 'dont have it', you wont progress. There will be so many rounds until there is one person standing. Each day's requirement will be posted on the official board.

You will have 24 hours to respond to by mail saying whether you do or dont have it. I will then post on the official board showing clearly what was required and then whether you passed or failed.

The announcement boards for each day can be used to discuss the event, but please do not post on the official board as I would like to keep that tidy.

Prize for Beginner: 250k


Beginner Bracket Discussion

Here you can discuss the days goal and whether you have complete it or not.


Beginner Bracket Official Board

Please do not post here.

Please go here to discuss:


Intermediate: 1 million
Expert: 5 million
113 years, 8 months & 4 days ago 9th Jul 2011 14:21

Do you have game. [Beginner sign-up]


There will be 3 groups.
Beginner, Intermediate and Expert.

This is the Beginner singup section. As the title suggests this is for newer users, and so easier challenges will be set but a smaller prize fund is reflected.

The game will work by me asking each contestant if you have it. This it is mara-related and can be anything from a specific pet to an accomplishment. The game will run as a knock-out. If you dont have it, you wont progress. There will be so many rounds until there is one person standing.

You will have 24 hours to respond to my mail saying whether you do or dont have it. I will then post on the official board showing clearly what was required and then whether you passed or failed.

The announcement boards for each day can be used to discuss the event, but please do not post on the official board as I would like to keep that tidy.

Prize for Beginner: 250k


Beginner Bracket Discussion

Here you can discuss the days goal and whether you have complete it or not.


Beginner Bracket Official Board

Please do not post here.

Please go here to discuss:


Intermediate: 1 million
Expert: 5 million
113 years, 8 months & 4 days ago 9th Jul 2011 14:16

Do you have game. [Beginner sign-up]


There will be 3 groups.
Beginner, Intermediate and Expert.

This is the Beginner singup section.

The game will work by me asking each contestant if you have it. This it is mara-related and can be anything from a specific pet to an accomplishment. The game will run as a knock-out. If you dont have it, you wont progress. There will be so many rounds until there is one person standing.

You will have 24 hours to respond to my mail saying whether you do or dont have it. I will then post on the official board showing clearly what was required and then whether you passed or failed.

The announcement boards for each day can be used to discuss the event, but please do not post on the official board as I would like to keep that tidy.

Prize for Beginner: 250k


Beginner Bracket Discussion

Here you can discuss the days goal and whether you have complete it or not.


Beginner Bracket Official Board

Please do not post here.

Please go here to discuss:


Intermediate: 1 million
Expert: 5 million
113 years, 8 months & 4 days ago 9th Jul 2011 14:14
Chibs: Shauva
Dakota: Gataca
Ercuw: Syneese
Erxuw: Esphis
Huthiq :Alaviv
Huthiq: frodo_
Huthiq: Malacoda
Kronk: Emident
Lati: Shaylena
Mordo: Mordoni
Mordo: Everted
Nino: Orst
Oglue: Geithner
Phanty: Azanthea
Poera: Ismaralda
Quell: thundegra
Sindi: Meremaid
Snookle: Galactia
Tasi: Destian
Troit: Explainers
Troit: Arcuo
Zoosh: Lightness
Zoosh: Cockney
114 years, 2 months & 11 days ago 2nd Jan 2011 11:13
For refernce:

Huthiq :Alaviv
Troit: Arcuo
Phanty: Azanthea
Zoosh: Cockney
Tasi: Destian
Kronk: Emident
Erxuw: Esphis
Mordo: Everted
Troit: Explainers
Snookle: Galactia
Dakota: Gataca
Oglue: Geithner
Poera: Ismaralda
Zoosh: Lightness
Huthiq: Malacoda
Sindi: Meremaid
Mordo: Mordoni
Nino: Orst
Chibs: Shauva
Lati: Shaylena
Ercuw: Syneese
frodo_: Huthiq
Quell: thundegra
114 years, 2 months & 11 days ago 2nd Jan 2011 11:10
Please do not get offended by this.

1. "That's not right"............... Sum Ting Wong

2. "Are you harboring a fugitive?".. Hu Yu Hai Ding

3. "See me ASAP".................... Kum Hia Nao

4. "There goes Stupid Man".......... Dum Dum Wa King

5. "Small Horse".................... Tai Ni Po Ni

6. "Did you go to the beach?"....... Wai Yu So Tan

7. "I bumped into a coffee table"... Ai Bang Mai Ni

8. "I think you need a face lift"... Chin Tu Fat

9. "It's very dark in here"......... Wao So Dim

10. "I thought you were on a diet".. Wai Yu Mun Ching

11. "This is a tow away zone"....... No Pah King

12. "Our meeting is next week"...... Wai Yu Kum Nao

13. "Staying out of sight!"......... Lei Ying Lo

14. "He's cleaning his automobile".. Wa Shing Ka

15. "Your body odor is offensive"... Yu Stin Ki Pu

16. "Great"......................... Su Pah

*please note this is not real chinese
114 years, 2 months & 23 days ago 21st Dec 2010 06:48
114 years, 2 months & 24 days ago 20th Dec 2010 12:59
Pet Prices
Arinya -> 2 Million
Basil -> 25 Million
Chibs -> 7 Million
Crikey -> 2-2.5 Million
Daisy -> 500k MP
Dakota -> 2-3 Million
Ercuw -> 6-7 Million
Figaro -> 60 Million
Gizmo -> 1-1.5 Million
Gobble -> 4-5 Million
Hump -> 40-45 Million
Huthiq -> 1.75-2 Million
Ike -> 2.5-3 Million
Kronk -> 2 Million
Kujo -> 4-4.5 Million
Lati -> 5-5.5 Million
Mordo -> 3.3 Million
Nino -> 4-5 Million
Oglue -> 800k-1 Million
Phanty -> 800k-1 Million
Poera -> 800k-1 Million
Pucu -> 4-8 Million
Quell -> 4.5 Million
Rofling -> 40 Million
Rusty -> 2-2.5 Million
Sindi -> 7-8 Million
Snookle -> 4-5 Million
Tasi -> 5 Million
Troit -> 1.5-2 Million
Viotto -> 5.5-6 Million
Vixen -> 4-5 Million
Yuni -> 5.5-6 Million
Zoink -> 1.5-2 Million
Zoosh -> 1.1-1.5 Million
114 years, 2 months & 26 days ago 18th Dec 2010 12:18
this is oooold

I now have an updated copy on my profiles blog
115 years, 2 months & 16 days ago 27th Dec 2009 04:47
  1. War blog one
    11th Jul 2011 10:52
    13 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
  2. War blog two
    11th Jul 2011 10:32
    13 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
  3. PC of my whole Gallery
    31st May 2011 11:45
    13 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
  4. Songs
    6th May 2011 08:38
    13 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  5. Recent Avatars.
    18th Apr 2011 08:17
    13 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
  6. Complete PC of Gallery
    12th Apr 2011 16:15
    13 years & 11 months ago
  7. //dont read//
    9th Apr 2011 11:34
    13 years, 11 months & 3 days ago
  8. For pesonal use
    14th Feb 2011 09:10
    14 years & 29 days ago
  9. Minipet Plates (price guide)
    11th Dec 2010 14:33
    14 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
  10. .
    21st Aug 2010 16:34
    14 years, 6 months & 22 days ago