got it.

15 years, 11 months & 19 days ago
22nd Mar 2009 21:45Win 1 million mp ~ one in a million game guess was 13
Bag of seeds ~ 4-1-09
Punk Mordo
Punk Sindi Potion
You have pulled the Sword from the Stone! 7-3-09
You have been sent a Maramail with details on how to claim your prize.
You can select either the weapon or the 3,167,060MP jackpot!
You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
You have won 1,000,000MP! ~ 9-27-09
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP! ~ 10-4-09
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP! ~ 10-15-09
You have won the Jackpot of MP!!!! ~ 704K ~ Dukka slots.
You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
You have won 1,000,000MP!~8-3-2010
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP~8-22-2010
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP! 9-25-2010
one in a million ~ guess was 333
Congratulations! You guessed correctly!.
You won 1,000,000MP!!!! 10-7-2010
You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
You have won 1,000,000MP!11-24-2010
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP 1-28-2011
Thank you for buying my Jet Trading Card! 4-4-2011
Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Enchanted Blue Chibs Plushie! 4-10-2011
Congratulations! You guessed correctly!.
You won 1,000,000MP!!!! guess was 6666 - 4-13-2011
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP - 6-6-2011
Congratulations! You guessed correctly!. - guess was 3333
You won 1,000,000MP!!!! 7-11-11
You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
You have won 1,000,000MP! 8-5-11
Congratulations! You guessed correctly!.
You won 1,000,000MP!!!! 10-25-11 guess was 81458
You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
You have won 1,000,000MP! 11-27-2011
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP 12-22-2011
Today's Guess the Weight Contest has already been won!
pursnikitty correctly guessed the weight of 451KG 12-25-2011
Total MP - 101,756,460 - 1-30-2011
You have pulled the Sword from the Stone!
You have been sent a Maramail with details on how to claim your prize.
You can select either the weapon or the 511,831MP jackpot! 3-14-2012
You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
You have won 1,000,000MP! 6-14-2012
You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
You have won 1,000,000MP! 7-12-2012
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP! 9-2-2012
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP! 12-15-2012
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP! 5-9-2013
You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
You have won 1,000,000MP! 7-24-2013
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP! 9-11-2013
You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
You have won 1,000,000MP! 1-31-2014
You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
You have won 1,000,000MP! ~ 2-2-2014
You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
You have won 1,000,000MP! ~ 5-15-2014
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP ~ 2-12-2015
Dukka Dash - You won Five Hundred Dukka Coin - 7-9-2015
Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won ??150 Account Upgrade Credit!!! - 9-1-2015
Congratulations! You guessed correctly!
The potato weighed 351KG
You won Leprechaun Potato and 50,000MP!! - 9-3-2015
You select Kwandry to swim in the whirlpool and....
Kwandry changed into a Rofling! 10-31-2015
Congratulations! You guessed correctly!
The potato weighed 444KG
You won British Potato and 50,000MP!! 11-4-2015
Congratulations! You guessed correctly!
The potato weighed 222KG
You won Brown Potato and 50,000MP!! 11-11-2015
Congratulations! You guessed correctly!
The potato weighed 13KG
You won Negative Potato and 50,000MP!!3-15 2016
You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
You have won 1,000,000MP!!! - 3-17=2016
You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
You have won 1,000,000MP!!! - 4-4-2016
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP - 6-3-2016
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP - 3-7-2017
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP -1-10-2019
Congratulations! You guessed correctly - there were 483 Coins!
You won 1,000,000MP 3-6-2019
Backatcha fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 1 AU Credit! 3-11-2019
You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
1,000,000MP 6-26-2019 (been quite awhile since I won this one)
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
MP1,000,000MP 1-28-2020
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
MP1,000,000MP 4-15-2020