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  1. Names
    31st Jan 2010 06:51
    15 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
  2. Quiz
    2nd Sep 2009 10:23
    15 years, 6 months & 9 days ago
    19th Jul 2009 19:49
    15 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
  4. 101 Freaky/Discusting Things
    14th Jul 2009 18:17
    15 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
101 Freaky/Discusting Things
15 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
14th Jul 2009 18:17

Hi this is Rain DO NOT COPY kellyclarksonmaniac MADE THiS ALL CREDiT GOES TO HER, GOT iT?

1. Zombies
2. Blood sucking zombies
3. Blood sucking zombies eating dead chickens
4. Man eating zombies
5. Dead birds
6. Bloody dead birds
7. Bloody dead birds that died because they ate a blood sucking man eating zombie
8. Rabid dogs
9. Rabid bunnies
10. Rabid dogs eating rabid bunnies
11. Rabid bunnies eating rabid dogs
12. Maggots
13. Fat maggots
14. Pus
15. A swimming pool of pus
16. A swimming pool of pus with maggots swimming in it
17. Spit
18. A whole cup of spit
19. A cold cup of spit
20. Drinking a cold cup of spit thinking it was water
21. Rotten eggs
22. Rotton eggs with a half formed chicken in it
22. Finding a rotton egg with a half formed chicken in it in your bookbag
23. Half formed chickens dragging itself around your kitchen table saying mama mama
24. Coffins
25. Coffins with alive people in it
26. Dead people with alive people in coffins floating down a river
27. An alive person kissing a dead person
28. Poo
29.Poo pie
30. Somebody selling poo cakes
31. Somebody buying the poo cakes
32. Black ice-cream
33. Black ice-cream moving around the tabe
34. A biting piece of candy
35. Somebody biting the biting piece of candy back
36. A dead body dumped in the dumpster
37. Somebody eating the dead body that was dumped in the dumpster
38. Somebody selling the dead body that was dumped in the dumpster
39. Somebody buying the dead body that was dumped in the dumpster
40. The person who bought the dead body that was dumped in the dumpster gave it to their children to play with
41. The children playing with the dead body that their mom bough for them that was first dumped in the dumpster
42. Puke
43. Somebody eating puke
44. Puke with maggots in it
45. Puke in somebody's fridge
46. Somebody licking a frozen puke stick
47. Dead babies
48. Dead bloody babies
49. Somebody using a dead baby as a baby doll
50. A blind person picking up a dead baby while saying, ''Billy I finally found you!!! You ran away in the year 1972 and now you're back!!!''
51. Poo on a toilet seat
52. Sitting on the toilet seat, not knowing there was poo on it
53. Whipping the poo of ur butt with your hand
54. Licking the poo off your hand
55. Knowing what was in your poo by the way it tasted
56. Dead dogs
57. Somebody walking a dead dog on a leash
58. Somebody caring for a dead dog
59. Somebody taking a dead dog to a dog show hoping to win best in show
60. Bird poo
61. Walking down the sidewalk and a bird poos in ur eye
62. Opening your mouth to catch rain when it isn't raining and bird poo lands in your mouth instead
63. Swollowing the bird poo that has landed in your mouth
64. Saying that it tasted good and asking the bird for more
65. People who weigh over 700 pounds
66. Somebody who weighs 120 pounds dating somebody who weighs 700 pounds
67. A dog who weighs 400 pounds
68. A cat who weighs 100 pounds
69. A bunny who weighs 75 pounds
70. Skinny babies
71. Looking at a skinny baby and it says,''I know I am fat.''
72. Looking at an old coop with a gun saying, ''Walk along.''
73. An old woman staring at you when your eating your lunch
74. The old lady asking for some of your lunch then taking it before you could answer
75. Take a quick break from reading and enjoy the music
(da da da na na na na na na da da da da na na na na na na na bow bow bow na na da) ok now you may continue reading
76. Puking after reading number 75
77. Eating fried eyeballs
78. Eating a friend liver
79. Chewing on a pig's tounge
80. Barking like a cat, well at least you think cats bark but you always get cats and dogs confused, but you don't know that dogs really exist
81. Swimming with maggots in a swimming pool full of pus
82. Sweating so much that you can make a cup of water for you to drink when you get to hot you cannot stand it
83. Drinking the sweat telling yourself its too salty
84. Rolling in poo
85. Bathing in poo
86. Sleeping in poo
87. Drinking pus
88. Swimming in a pool filled with poo
89. Eating the poo while you swim in it
90. Wetting yourself while swimming in the poo
91. Playing with poo
92. Throwing poo at people
93. Having a poo fight with your friends
94. Letting the poo harden on you
95. Getting so excited that you are this close to the end of the list that you wet your pants
96. Getting even more excited that you poo in your pants
97. Getting so excited that you puke all over your keyboard
98. When you get so excited that you fart, poo, and wet your pants all at the same time
99. Sitting in your gross pants
100. When you play the fiddle while dancing the Salsa naked with your crush and putting it on TV for everybody in the world to watch and laugh at while you poo on the stage and get so embarassed that you spray pus on the stage too and your crush laughs at you and then going home and killing yourself
101. All of the above (check 1-100)

not me kellyclarksonmaniac did
115 years, 6 months & 22 days ago 19th Aug 2009 20:43
blaaghh thats all disgustin did u rite all that
115 years, 6 months & 24 days ago 18th Aug 2009 05:31
ugh.... that was grossand i think it was weird and i almost gaged!
115 years, 7 months & 10 days ago 1st Aug 2009 20:05
115 years, 7 months & 20 days ago 23rd Jul 2009 02:41
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
115 years, 7 months & 24 days ago 18th Jul 2009 21:44
115 years, 7 months & 24 days ago 18th Jul 2009 21:43
115 years, 7 months & 25 days ago 17th Jul 2009 19:31
LOl thanks for the altimate credit! Lol i always laugh and kinda gag when i read this. Lol
115 years, 7 months & 26 days ago 17th Jul 2009 07:09
115 years, 7 months & 26 days ago 16th Jul 2009 17:12
  1. Names
    31st Jan 2010 06:51
    15 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
  2. Quiz
    2nd Sep 2009 10:23
    15 years, 6 months & 9 days ago
    19th Jul 2009 19:49
    15 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
  4. 101 Freaky/Discusting Things
    14th Jul 2009 18:17
    15 years, 7 months & 28 days ago