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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
  1. You know what this is for, guys! 8D
    28th Jul 2010 19:24
    14 years, 7 months & 15 days ago
  2. app for katie.
    9th Apr 2010 11:09
    14 years, 11 months & 2 days ago
  3. butai, cranolyn, zarellia
    7th Apr 2010 11:59
    14 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
  4. my ice viotto; isce
    27th Aug 2009 19:15
    15 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
    24th Aug 2009 05:34
    15 years, 6 months & 18 days ago
  6. be jealous.
    3rd Aug 2009 14:28
    15 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  7. i give my friends gifts.
    30th Jul 2009 12:49
    15 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
  8. future pets.
    30th Jul 2009 03:41
    15 years, 7 months & 13 days ago
  9. on troll; 1/30
    18th Feb 2009 21:54
    16 years & 23 days ago
  10. my friends.
    9th Jan 2009 17:33
    16 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
15 years, 6 months & 18 days ago
24th Aug 2009 05:34

Ohsnaps! It's Kat's Graphics.

Currently Making
Avatars (form coming!wink.gif


Rounded Border;

Irregularly Shaped;
No examples yet. :[
They can be star-shaped, etc.



1. My profile 8D

* I can making them pretty much any shape, size, and color.

Profile form
Background image(s) -
Box color -
Header/title (ex; city girl) -
Font of header -
Font of body text (the main info)
Color of body text -
Outline body text? -
What the body text says -
Any images in body? -
Bottom title (ex; four minutes to ...) -
Color of bottom title -
Outline bottom title? -
Extra -

Normal/Rounded/Irregular -
White inner outline? -

Main Text [what it says] -
Font of main text -
Color(s) of main text -

Subtext [what it says] -
Font of subtext -
Color(s) of subtext -

Background color(s) -
Image -

Animation? -
Text -
Font -
Color -
Animation type -

I usually auction them. :]



1. subtlebeauty
2. jillybug
3. taupe
114 years, 11 months & 6 days ago 5th Apr 2010 23:31
Normal/Rounded/Irregular - IRREGULAR. (soo popular lately.)
White inner outline? - ooh yeh, that'll be nicee ;D

Main Text [what it says] - echo; !
Font of main text - Stereofidelic.
Color(s) of main text - white.

Subtext [what it says] - I want some of that. x,x
Font of subtext - Century Gothic.
Color(s) of subtext - white.

Background color(s) - pink, yellow, white. . . you could possibly throw
114 years, 11 months & 6 days ago 5th Apr 2010 18:53

Normal/Rounded/Irregular - Normal
White inner outline? - Yes

Main Text [what it says] - Portfolio
Font of main text - same as this about
Color(s) of main text - you choose

Subtext [what it says] -
Font of subtext - Redensek
Color(s) of subtext - u choose

Background color(s) - I want the backround to be whatever
Image - you choose
114 years, 11 months & 6 days ago 5th Apr 2010 18:44
Normal/Rounded/Irregular - Irregular
White inner outline? - Pink

Main Text [what it says] - Rainbow Freak
Font of main text -doesn't Matter
Color(s) of main text - Pink & Purple

Background color(s) - Rainbow
Image - Gothic Sindi

114 years, 11 months & 6 days ago 5th Apr 2010 18:44
I really like the first example under normal. The one with your character sideways. & I want mine to be like thatt. I like really girly thingss, I'd like the whole thing to screaaam girl! (:

Normal/Rounded/Irregular - normal
White inner outline? - yess

Main Text [what it says] -Lauren!
Font of main text -Sacrafical,
Color(s) of main text - nice shade of purple

Subtext [what it says] - for the love of
Font of subtext - Japanese Brush,
Color(s) of subtext - whitee

Background color(s) - nice shades of purple, i want it to be like the background thats in your first example siggy. the 'who to pick, who to pick.' one. I really like that (:
Image - my character pleasee. with the outfit i have now, white dress & white shoes.
115 years, 5 months & 28 days ago 13th Sep 2009 13:54

Normal/Rounded/Irregular - Normal
White inner outline? - Whatever Matches

Main Text [what it says] - Ellie
Font of main text - The font you used in the Games! One
Color(s) of main text - The colors you used in the Games! One

Subtext [what it says] - Dudegetyourown Fan Club Member #1
Font of subtext - The font you used in the Games! One
Color(s) of subtext - The colors you used in the Games! One

Background color(s) - Whatever Matches
Image - None


Normal/Rounded/Irregular - Normal
White inner outline? - Whatever Matches

Main Text [what it says] - Mara Clues
Font of main text - The font you used in the Games! One
Color(s) of main text - The colors you used in the Games! One

Subtext [Underneath the main text] - The next generation of Help Sites
Other Sub Text [tilted at the top right corner of the main text] - Click to Enter
Font of subtext - The font you used in the Games! One
Color(s) of subtext - The colors you used in the Games! One

Background color(s) - Rainbowish, but not splatted, please.
Image - None
115 years, 6 months & 4 days ago 6th Sep 2009 13:55

Normal/Rounded/Irregular - Normal
White inner outline? - Whatever Matches

Main Text [what it says] - Contests!
Font of main text - The font you used in the Games! One
Color(s) of main text - The color you used in the Games! One

Subtext [what it says] - Good luck
Font of subtext - The font you used in the Games! One
Color(s) of subtext - The color you used in the Games! One

Background color(s) - Whatever Matches.
Image - Does Marapets have a trophy? If not, then a golden account upgrade on the right side.


Normal/Rounded/Irregular - Normal
White inner outline? - Whatever Matches

Main Text [what it says] - Giveaways!
Font of main text - The font you used in the Games! One
Color(s) of main text - The color you used in the Games! One

Subtext [what it says] - Win! Win! Win!
Font of subtext - The font you used in the Games! One
Color(s) of subtext - The color you used in the Games! One

Background color(s) - Whatever Matches, preferably the same background in both siggies.
Image - Balloon Costume on the right side.

115 years, 6 months & 4 days ago 6th Sep 2009 13:55

Normal/Rounded/Irregular - Rounded
White inner outline? - no

Main Text [what it says] - <=.TaNk.=>
Font of main text - cooper black or storybook
Color(s) of main text - Turquise and Neon Orange

Subtext [what it says] - It's My Name. Use It
Font of subtext - Cooper Black if possible or storybook
Color(s) of subtext - Turquise

Background color(s) - Camoflage If Possible
Image - A Small Army Tank

Animation? - bullets comming from tank
Text -
Font - cooper black or storybook if possible
Color - Hunter Orange, aka Neon Orange
Animation type -
115 years, 6 months & 4 days ago 6th Sep 2009 13:37

Normal/Rounded/Irregular - rounded
White inner outline? - nope

Main Text [what it says] - Jello
Font of main text - same as this one:

Color(s) of main text - Black, with white outline

Subtext [what it says] - Spamling 18
Font of subtext - same as
Color(s) of subtext - white with black outline

Background color(s) - you choose
Image - Gray chibs
115 years, 6 months & 4 days ago 6th Sep 2009 13:36
Background image(s) - I LOVE Marapets+tracy-Disney+World%22&prev=/images%3Fq%3Damusement%2B%2Bsource:life%2B-minature%2B-miniature%2B-%2522WOW I LOVE Marapets%2Btracy-Disney%2BWorld%2522%26hl%3Den&imgurl=4fba283295720929

It's like an amusement park. x]
Box color - Like yours ;] I'm kind of clueless...
Header/title (ex; city girl) - gray luff
Font of header - ugghhh...same as yourrss
Font of body text (the main info) - Can you guess??? Sammee
Color of body text - black as well
Outline body text? - white
What the body text says - hey. it's gray. i can be your best friend or your worst enemy. try to stay on my good side. i like to apply for pets because you find the most awesome people when you don't expect it. i love my friends. get your own. they're mine.

you want to know about me? ima teen, i like sports. softball, field hockey, and skiing. i love to draw. i love to sing. i love to act. my major pet peeve is know-it-alls. if you are one, we will not get along well. i love humorous people. i am pretty humorous myself at times. check out my blogs. they're pretty interesting.

mail is awesome. friend me if i know you. not into clubs, sorry. pets? i usually keep a lot of my pets uft. the one that will never leave me is littlebaylee aka bay. no touchie. <3 also, i love ikes, and i'm always up for a trade for one. maramail me, and i'll offer.
i always seem to have too many pets. downsizing is awesome.

i hate when people curse my pets. if you do, you get blocked. no excuses. unless i love you, and you are doing it to provoke me.

so that's it. any questions, maramail me. spamming gray, ouutt. 8-)
Any images in body? - nahhh
Bottom title (ex; four minutes to ...) - a blink is the difference between darkness and light
Color of bottom title - white
Outline bottom title? - black
Extra - i luff you kat <3
115 years, 6 months & 14 days ago 28th Aug 2009 08:23
  1. You know what this is for, guys! 8D
    28th Jul 2010 19:24
    14 years, 7 months & 15 days ago
  2. app for katie.
    9th Apr 2010 11:09
    14 years, 11 months & 2 days ago
  3. butai, cranolyn, zarellia
    7th Apr 2010 11:59
    14 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
  4. my ice viotto; isce
    27th Aug 2009 19:15
    15 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
    24th Aug 2009 05:34
    15 years, 6 months & 18 days ago
  6. be jealous.
    3rd Aug 2009 14:28
    15 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  7. i give my friends gifts.
    30th Jul 2009 12:49
    15 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
  8. future pets.
    30th Jul 2009 03:41
    15 years, 7 months & 13 days ago
  9. on troll; 1/30
    18th Feb 2009 21:54
    16 years & 23 days ago
  10. my friends.
    9th Jan 2009 17:33
    16 years, 2 months & 2 days ago