My A/R/B blog!

15 years, 1 month & 6 days ago
4th Feb 2010 20:58Ok,I'm kinda new to pet trading and all,so I need your guy's help!I'll put all offers,or most/some of them,on this blog.I'll even leave old offers here so you can look at them and tell me what you think I should of done,and it'll give you an idea on what I probably wont accept.Thanks for all those who help!
Current offer/s:
Zumez the Green Zoosh(with learnies!

for Gnu.A/R/B?-Feb.10th,2010.
Pant the Undying Fasoro (with stats/leanies?) for Gnu.
Rejected offers:
An Eleka Newth named Disenhearted on Gnu the Angel Poera.
Owner claims that Disenhearted is w/n,and is worth about 2.3 million.1.3 million for costume,about 1 million for learnies.Do you agree with the owner?Should I A/R/B?!-Feb. 5th,2010
Zexin the Halloween Poera or Sophiel the Ghost Zoink for ........-Feb. 5th,2010.