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January 1st is my birthday :D You joined Marapets on July 9, 2007, 2:48
My pets are never for trade.



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  1. Worm Digging; #10
    14th Jul 2014 21:08
    10 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
  2. Mordo Giveaway[CLOSED]
    17th Nov 2010 13:30
    14 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
  3. Goals
    7th Jun 2010 18:47
    14 years, 9 months & 6 days ago
  4. Blixom <3
    31st May 2010 13:00
    14 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
  5. Blitzen's Grotto Attemp 2
    28th Apr 2010 17:10
    14 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
  6. Blitzen's Grotto
    24th Jul 2009 14:10
    15 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
  7. Guestbook!(:
    12th Jul 2009 21:43
    15 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
  8. Animal Cruelty
    25th Apr 2009 11:20
    15 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
Mordo Giveaway[CLOSED]
14 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
17th Nov 2010 13:30

Check rules on forum. Tongue Out

Apps here, or on forum.

I know how you feel about the pet you hate and you want to get rid of *stares at gothic pets*. Anyway, umm, my name is Twister and uh I would like to app for Ataeshia obviously.

Why I want her or him or maybe both LOL:
Ateashia would be perfect as a blue pet or "wizard". I need more le's to tell you the truth. All I have is this wizard ercuw. If they make a wizard cossie for him or HER, I'll be glad to transform her into a blue mordo.

Her fate:
She will not be portalled or maybe traded. I know my prices btw. There's nothign else I could tell you. Well, that's it and gl in life? IDK
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 17th Nov 2010 14:51
Hello meadow, sorry if that isnt wat people call u i didnt see anything else to call u.
I am a child player.
Ive been playing marapets for about 7 months.
I love Ataeshia, she is my dream LE pet. I would love to have her. and right now im working on getting more and more costumed pets(sorry if my pets dont look taken care of,ive been busy but they are normally healthy)Right now im working on a prison tantua. I think that Ataeshia would be a graeat addition to my family!
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 17th Nov 2010 14:48
I won't beg or lie in this
mordo's arent my fav pet and i may trade her but i have never had an le so unless i get a second on e i won't trade her
i'd love her if you gave her t me i would stat her up and give her learnies etc
thanks bye
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 17th Nov 2010 14:46
Hi Tharrr! I'm Stephanie, but you can just call me Nessie.

This is my first app for a giveaway, as I don't often apply for free things. I like to earn them. But, since the price of Dakota's has dropped, it's become increasingly difficult for me to trade my LE pets anymore. So, I am applying for Ataeshia for the sole purpose of fulfilling my life long dream on mara. To own a cholcoate chibs. They are my favourite LE's on mara, and extremely difficult to find, as most people prefer seasonal or angel chibs. If I had both my Dakota, Provides, and Ataeshia, I'd be able to trade for at least a low costumed viotto, and then I'd be able to move onto a chibs. If you help me out by giving her to me, I'd really appreciate that. Even if you don't, it won't matter, as I know you'll have picked an awesome person to give her to.

Anyways, good luck with deciding on who to give her to, and even if it isn't me, no hard feelings. I know she'll have gone to a good home, no matter what.
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 17th Nov 2010 14:25
Hey I??m Ben, I??m 14 and from Uk
I am apping for Ataeshia because i love mordo??s and im not going to lie, i will be trading her as im looking for a Statted pet, but my Viotto on its own isnt getting much intrest.

I have been on mara for 4 years so i??m vert experienced, i realize Ataeshia isnt the best pet in the world but its a Le pet non the less and im sure many people would love to have her.

Also if trading doesnt go well ill will always consider as a giveaway for my club The Successful Maradans, We have given many pets away before including 2 Chibs and 1 Viotto.

a Mordo will also be nice as i havent ever had a mordo and it would be good to own one.

Thanks for your time, Ive been Ben and i hope the giveaway goes well.
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 17th Nov 2010 14:21
Hello. I would love to have the mordo added to my family. Though it might be a bit girlish for my profile.. I would like to see what I could get for ir in trades. Hopefully something to cover my loss of giving away my cotton cany tasi free. Well I mean some one offered me a farso, and instead of pushing REJECT I pushed ACCEPT. Oh and that newbe has not been on sense to trade back. Horrible loss.... my life savings. Harddy har har. Any way, great luck choosing

114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 17th Nov 2010 14:18
Hayyy Tharrr. I'm piepir, but I go by Matt.
I've been playing since Dec 17, 07.
I'm 14 1/2, I live with my mom, and I'm currently residing on the East Coast of the US.

I'm apping for Ataeshia cause she'd be my 3rd LE on mara. I'm going to start by saying I love her name. It's fun to say :3 I don't have much plans for her, but to recostume her to Ice Fairy, as I don't favor Nefarious Mordo's all too much. With some help from my friends she could quickly be recostumed && looking HOT

No, she isn't my dream pet, as noted above, but I would happily accept her into my family with my other pets. I think I'm worthy of getting her just because I'm a good person && I've done many things for friends who can all back me up in saying I deserve Ataeshia.

I may stat, even though I already have a battle pet. I want to get her to some nice Elite && Gym stats, so I can enter her in Olympics. I don't plan to trade her, cause I don't trade gifts. I find it rude, and unneeded. Why app for a pet you're just going to trade? Kinda stupid, in my opinion.

I don't wanna make this too long, since I know you'll be getting some other good apps, so I'll end this here with a thank you. C:
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 17th Nov 2010 14:09
Hey, I am Inga, I am 15 yrs old and I'm from Latvia :] I would love Ataeshia, because my goal is to get more Gothic Sindis, so I can trade Ataeshia and other pets for a Gothic Sindi. Thank you for giving us a chance to get a LE pet! Have a nice day ^_^
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 17th Nov 2010 14:06
HEY!!IM Surfgirl6 and I would love Ataeshia i love her costume and I have never won a giveaway! I think that Ataeshia is so cute and what I would do with her is, keep her for safe keeping, then if I really like the pet trade her. oyeah. Good luck everyone, and meadows74 good luck!!!!
114 years, 3 months & 26 days ago 17th Nov 2010 14:01
  1. Worm Digging; #10
    14th Jul 2014 21:08
    10 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
  2. Mordo Giveaway[CLOSED]
    17th Nov 2010 13:30
    14 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
  3. Goals
    7th Jun 2010 18:47
    14 years, 9 months & 6 days ago
  4. Blixom <3
    31st May 2010 13:00
    14 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
  5. Blitzen's Grotto Attemp 2
    28th Apr 2010 17:10
    14 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
  6. Blitzen's Grotto
    24th Jul 2009 14:10
    15 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
  7. Guestbook!(:
    12th Jul 2009 21:43
    15 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
  8. Animal Cruelty
    25th Apr 2009 11:20
    15 years, 10 months & 17 days ago