Giveaway c:

14 years, 3 months & 20 days ago
23rd Nov 2010 08:43I got bored with my pets and decided to give them away. Here is a list of pets that I am giving:
AND I am giving 500k mp as well.
If you app for any other pets, you'll be ignored.Here are the rules:
*No begging
*Be honest (no; "I hate my pets and would be HONORED if you'd give me one)
*Somewhere in your app write: "Claire likes pizzas" (You'll get brownie points for creativity c:
*Boost and chat-up my board as much as you can. (If my board isn't boosted enough, I'll randomly pick a newbie to give all of my pets to.)
*Be nice
*Feel free to maramail me questions
*Do NOT ask me when does it end, I'll pick my winners when I want to.
*I won't give you my pets if I don't like you.
There, app away!
