Doll: Is the current doll the one you want me to draw? (Y/N)
Customization: Is there any thing you want me to add?
(example: bow, necklace, earrings, etc) Note: Dolls are smiling, please msg me if you don`t want them smiling
Price: 100,000 MP. I only draw dolls for people who have paid in full first. You can pay buy buying a Yellow Gumball from my shop for 100k.
Items I will accept: Crystals, diamonds, and dukka coins.
Mail me this form please <3 Note: If I think your doll is too complicated, I may or may not do it, sorry!
If you have NOT received your doll within 2-3 days AND
you mailed/paid, mail me ASAP!
If you lost the image, or it simply doesn`t work,
mail me, or check my marasite!
Doll: Is the current doll the one you want me to draw? Y
Customization: Is there any thing you want me to add? (example: bow, necklace, earrings, etc)
If possible, I want the dress covering my feet. Also, if it say Katrina Van Tassel over the head?
114 years & 1 month ago 12th Feb 2011 07:53
Doll: Is the current doll the one you want me to draw? Yes
Customization: Is there any thing you want me to add? Nope(: (example: bow, necklace, earrings, etc)
114 years & 1 month ago 12th Feb 2011 07:06
I've been meaning to get one for a while, so I'll pay first, then I'll mail the form Thanks =]
114 years, 1 month & 1 day ago 11th Feb 2011 10:33
Hi, im not stating anything but can you do my doll, i havent seen one as of yet, if you can it will be great, i will check back later or you can mm me. Thanks.
114 years, 1 month & 1 day ago 11th Feb 2011 07:31
Waiting for my Doll
114 years, 1 month & 1 day ago 11th Feb 2011 06:18
I can't wait to get mine.
114 years, 1 month & 1 day ago 10th Feb 2011 18:55
It's you! Lol. I've been looking for the person who draws these FOREVER. Soooo good.
114 years, 1 month & 1 day ago 10th Feb 2011 12:27
Sewww... I know your profile said you weren't currently taking requests, and I'm hoping that's because you're just trying to catch up because these are incredibly cute and I really want one. x.x
I'm going to go ahead and post a form because I forget things realllly easily and I'll most likely forget about this by tomorrow.
Doll: The one I currently have now. Customization: None. Unless... you think there's something that would make it look cuter ^-^
P.s. I've already paid:3
114 years, 1 month & 5 days ago 6th Feb 2011 12:44
Doll: Is the current doll the one you want me to draw?