I need to save!
Ever since I came back here on Marapets, I have been making lots of MP and spending it all!
I need to save. Augh where can I find the strength?
We should make a Resist List! And write down all the things that make it HARD for us to save! I a Sparkle Quell Potion in Auctions a couple days ago, and I SO WOULD HAVE BOUGHT IT, but I had like, not enough by 200k.
114 years & 24 days ago 19th Feb 2011 09:22
That is what I'm doing. . . I already resisted a great Female Character Costume yesterday.
But I'm sorta thinking of MM that person today and buying it anyways. . . ARGHHH.
114 years & 24 days ago 19th Feb 2011 09:18
I do something similar. When I get to 1.5 mill, I put the 1 mill in the Bank. My problem is taking out of the bank to spend!!
114 years & 24 days ago 19th Feb 2011 09:15
when you reach 100k, put all but 10k in the bank. WORKS FOR MEH. 8D