How are you doing? Fantastic. I'm here to apply for Alcanttara. He is pretty awesome looking. You know what else is awesome looking? Bananas. I like bananas, a lot to be honest. Long story short, I like your pet. Okay, Thanks, Bye!
113 years, 7 months & 26 days ago 24th Jul 2011 07:15
Hi my name is Sally and I love zooshs!It's wonderful to meet you graphicsbabe because I LOVE BANANAS! Alcanttara is a wonderful name and I feel so lucky that he's in a giveaway.Thank you for this chance to getting him.If I got Alcanttara I would treat him like a king and give him so much love that I might pop him.xD I promise to never ever trade him either.Thank you for reading this application!
113 years, 7 months & 26 days ago 24th Jul 2011 06:24
hai im Andrew i would like Alcanttara so i could turn her mutant and make him one of my minions in my army XD i doubt I'll trade him cos he'll be a part of my army cough* (unlike some people i have seen wen they win a pet in a contest and say they wont trade but they do afterwards)anyways....... I love BANANAS!!! XD yer tats all for me GL to all
113 years, 7 months & 26 days ago 24th Jul 2011 06:12
Hey, Im KoolKat and i want to apply for the Zoosh.
So My Goals with this Zoosh to be honest would get my favorite pet on mara, a Mordo. I would trade it with my Arinya and probably recostume it. Im not going to say im going to not trade it because I am, If i dont find any offers I like then I may keep it. Ill make a graphic Thanks for chance - KoolKat
113 years, 7 months & 26 days ago 24th Jul 2011 06:01
PRT 2 My intentions for him are just to gradually stat him up. i may trade him but I most likely won't! I really hope I win cause I reaaally love zoosh's and I hope that you can help my dream come true!
113 years, 7 months & 26 days ago 24th Jul 2011 03:03
Hey I'm sam and i am here to app for alcanttara, first of all I know i already have a lot of le but i still think i should have as good a chance as anyone at winning because I LOVE BANANAS
I would love to look after your zoosh Alcanttara because i am an experinced player and i know how the game works and how to look after a pet and I wont portal or do something stupid like using a non-le enchanted plushie on him!
I know Alcanttara would look exeptionaly good on my profile and would fit in with all my other pets, so please consider me for this wonderful oppertunity to win your zoosh ~ Sam
113 years, 7 months & 26 days ago 24th Jul 2011 03:03
Hi there. Im Abby Robinson, applying for Alcanttara, the balloon zoosh. Now, before I start, I have to say I love bananas. I also love the pets zoosh's to bits. They used to be my dream pet but I got no where, so I gave up I also have to say that you have taken great care of him! He looks wonderful! You are very kind giving away him![/
113 years, 7 months & 26 days ago 24th Jul 2011 03:01
Sorry, it didn't fit all in the first post, but you know, i really like bananas so yeah, thank you for reading and giving everyone a chance to get their first LE or maybe a second or something (: Bye Bye -SamantaPie
113 years, 7 months & 26 days ago 24th Jul 2011 02:59
Hello, my name is Samanta, but you can call me Pie ;D I don't often apply on LE pet giveaways it is, because i never succeed, but i will try now (: Okay, i think that Alcanttara is very handsome Even that balloon costume fits him very perfectly. Now for the story: My dream pet is a blue chibs, so everytime i get a new LE pet i get more chances of getting a chibs.
If you wouldn't mind i would trade him, because a chibs was always my dream pet and i have always tried my best to get one, but as you can see i haven't had much luck.
So, i hope that you would be willing to give me your pet if you like my app Thank you for reading!
I know that it isn't something special, but i think it looks cute
113 years, 7 months & 26 days ago 24th Jul 2011 02:57
the right hands. Soo if you dont choose by tomorrow i'll make a graphic for it :3 Thanks, Seizure
113 years, 7 months & 26 days ago 24th Jul 2011 02:57