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  1. SCDH11: BOSS sign up blog
    29th Sep 2011 12:52
    13 years, 5 months & 27 days ago
  2. Plushie machine
    25th Sep 2011 10:45
    13 years & 6 months ago
  3. -
    15th Jun 2011 18:12
    13 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
  4. SCDH10: EFC sign up blog
    30th Sep 2010 23:35
    14 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
SCDH11: BOSS sign up blog
13 years, 5 months & 27 days ago
29th Sep 2011 12:52

ETHYNE HAS NOW TAKEN OVER THE TEAM LEADER OF BOSS (because I'm dumb and didn't realise I wouldn't have enough time) THE NEW BLOG CAN NOW BE FOUND HERE:

thank you!

**if for some reason I have been dumb and posted someone twice, or not added your character, send me a mail amd I'll fix it. Any questions you have send my way, unless they can be answered by reading Eth's board in SPAM chat.**

Anime characters are not sci-fi. If you need help chosing, here's a list of some popular famous science-fiction characters.

If for some reason I didn't add your name it's because your character does not fit in with the whole 'sci-fi' thing enough.

Greetings and welcome to the official headquaters and sign-up blog for team BOSS - Band of Superior Sentients. If you don???t know what SCDH is, or you???re just really confused, go to this website:

The team leader for BOSS is me, Magspetal (call me Marina). Team leader for the opposing team SHIZ is Gingerthedog6 (AKA Rusty). If you don???t want to sign-up here, you can go check out Rusty???s blog:

So you want to join this team? I really hope you do. If you???ve managed to read this far, you???re obviously not a total no-hoper schlmiel, which is good, because when it comes down to it, BOSS is a team for intelligent folks like yourself. The theme for our team if you haven???t already realised, is sci-fi.

To join team BOSS, post a comment saying you want to join, and post what character you would like to be. Characters must stay humanoid (retain the basic shape of a human). For example, Jabba from Star Wars wouldn???t be allowed, but Yoda would.

You must post on this blog if you want to join. Once your character is added to the list, it is then official and you are then allowed to use it in SCDH. You can have derivitives of characters as long as they are properly distinguishable from the original. YOUR CHARACTER HAS TO BE APPROVED BEFORE YOU CAN USE IT. Clear? Clear.

Thus follows the list of characters:


Magspetal- 11th Doctor (Doctor Who)
Rottielover62 - Frank N Furter (Rocky Horror)
SameDifference- Captain Jack Harkness (Whoniverse)
polydolly1- River Song (Doctor Who)
snorcat- Sheldon Cooper (BBT)
c43002- Cyberman (Doctor Who)
MaradaEaster- Lela (Futurama)
PoetKitty2005- Amy (Futurama)
LenaSaturn- Princess Leia (Star Wars)
angelstar04- Amy Pond (Doctor Who)
lollydrop- Leeloo (The Fifth Element)
Pultra - Poison Ivy (Batman)
Pirfection- Lloyd in space
Tralado- Dale Arden
Makkara- Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Armedangelx- Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek Voyager)
silentlybroken- Selene (Underworld)
Kasmira- Elvira Mistress of the Dark
SlowLikeHoney- Riff Raff (Rocky Horror Picture Show)
ISpiritWolf- Chip (Doctor Who)
Yahweh- Rory Williams (Doctor Who)
Lauranna- Han Solo (Star Wars)
Aristo- Terminator
zooomin- The Lost Skeleton (Lost Skeleton of Cadavra)
starcommander7: Mara Jade (Star Wars)
Ethyne: Re-L Mayer (Ergo Proxy)
xvxcat: Corpse Bride
KittyM15: Seven of Nine (Star Trek Voyager)
GERARDWAYmcr: Dr. Evil (Austin Powers (tranny))
ilovesleep: rose tyler (doctor who)
chocolate241- Madam Kovarian (Doctor who)
coolchic12489101- The Master (Doctor Who)
Aurasan- Katniss Everdeen
Estellise- Talia al Ghul (Batman)
_mirage_rocks_- Hermes Conrad (Futurama)
handgell- Zapp Branigan (Futurama)
InYouIts- Chewbacca (Star Wars)
mystic_waters- Martha (Doctor Who)
deadgirl- Flash Gordon
MusicMeister- Starfire (Teen Titans)
demongirl99- Magenta (Rocky Horror Show)
Xaenthe- Calista (Feed, by M.T. Anderson)
Eolande- Bride of Frankenstein
hotchick195- Rogue (X-Men)
YouMadBro- Phillip (Futurama)
Pandoruh- Effie Trinket (The Hunger Games)
kmetzler831- Zoe from Firefly
KyoFeutus- Ellen Ripley circa Alien 3
Sagetemp- Yuki Nagato
KittyCatsLover- Death (Terry Pratchett Discworld)
dgkdeaacdcgbbjaab- Dr. Clayton Forrester from Mystery Science Theater 3000
Alixio- Trinity (Matrix)
xloned_out_loser- Agent K (Men in black)
tinkerbinkerone- Simon Tam (Firefly)
EmpressOfMinorDemons- Agent J (Men In Black)
olivia1994- Padme from Star Wars
Discharged- Foxface from The Hunger Games
DoctorNemuNemu -Alma Wade (Child) - F.E.A.R.
lily1234567190- Maila Nurmi
nitengale200- Donna (Doctor Who)
SoWhatImARocker- Lando : Star Wars
mjlm11- wraith Queen : Stargate Atlantis
goldcard- Spock (Star Trek)
Lucela- Sherlock Holmes
BeautifulNOTugly- Catwoman (batman returns)
SilentScreamer- Columbia(from Rocky Horror Picture Show)
LexLex- Darth Vader
Elliot06-Predator (from AvP)
Leochick123-female version of David (from A.I. Artificial Intelligence)
blitzen- Alice (Resident Evil)
mookers- Ace (companion to 7th Doctor)
LeaderTrainer-Morpheus (The Matrix)
Krushd-Dana Scully (X Files)
smile2day-Captin Kirk (Star Trek)
Carstle- Slitheen (Doctor Who)
Aazh- The Silence (Doctor Who)
HanHong- Mystique (X-Men)
tinycat96- Gwen Cooper (Torchwood)
TingleLovah- Number Six (Lorian Legacies)
p3eace- ET
Angrydancer- Xena Warrior Princess
neogirl777989- Obi-Wan Kanobi (Star Wars)
Pioutoi-Female version of Dr. Phlox (Star Trek: Enterprise)
Xaenthe- Marvin the Paranoid Android
cottoncandygirlz- Aayla Secura (Star Wars)
jojogirl007- Doc Brown (Back to the Future)
edelricfangirl- Commander Shepard
rockstar24777- The Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
adairrules1- Zorg (The Fifth Element)
foofoo42- Claire Bennett (Heroes)
Zoey101FanAllTheWay- Black fire (teen titans)
awaken217- Female Dr Jekyll
natskiddo- data (Star Trek)
Jes99 - Kitty Pryde (X men)
Mufc4Eva- Dave Lister (Red Dwarf)

Could I be the 10th Doctor?
113 years, 5 months & 24 days ago 2nd Oct 2011 08:49
Can i be rose tyler from doctor who
113 years, 5 months & 24 days ago 2nd Oct 2011 03:16
GERARDWAYmcr (Jiishi)

Charater: Dr. Evil from Austin Powers (tranny)
113 years, 5 months & 24 days ago 2nd Oct 2011 01:45
I wanna be Seven of Nine from Star Trek Voyager.
113 years, 5 months & 24 days ago 2nd Oct 2011 01:26
Can i please be Corpse Bride from the famous Tim Burton movie?

If you need any help running this event such as donations i'd be glad to help.
113 years, 5 months & 24 days ago 1st Oct 2011 22:44
Re-L Mayer - Ergo Proxy
113 years, 5 months & 24 days ago 1st Oct 2011 21:53
wait. can we be characters from anime?? lol
113 years, 5 months & 24 days ago 1st Oct 2011 20:37
Character: Mara Jade from Star Wars. (She's not it any of the movies but in a whole lot of books.)
113 years, 5 months & 24 days ago 1st Oct 2011 19:59
Username: Sagetemp (Sage)

Character: Yuki Nagato (Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
113 years, 5 months & 24 days ago 1st Oct 2011 19:56
Character: Trinity (The Matrix)

113 years, 5 months & 24 days ago 1st Oct 2011 19:56
  1. SCDH11: BOSS sign up blog
    29th Sep 2011 12:52
    13 years, 5 months & 27 days ago
  2. Plushie machine
    25th Sep 2011 10:45
    13 years & 6 months ago
  3. -
    15th Jun 2011 18:12
    13 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
  4. SCDH10: EFC sign up blog
    30th Sep 2010 23:35
    14 years, 5 months & 25 days ago