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  1. Chrimae the Orange Chibs giveaway
    17th Oct 2011 15:03
    13 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
Chrimae the Orange Chibs giveaway
13 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
17th Oct 2011 15:03

Yup. Giving her away to a nice home. Just post a little about yourself.

1. Use her correct gender and spelling of her name.
2. Introduce yourself! Let me get to know you before I give my pet to a complete stranger.
3. I'm mainly looking for her to go to a permanent home though. Not be traded away or pounded.
4. If you read this, include "pumpkin" somewhere in your application.
5. You can give her a nickname, art, poem, whatever else you want. Its not required, only if you want to add them.

Feel free to mail me if you have any questions. I'll reply.

Hey there. I'm Nonny, a user of about 54 months. I'm pretty active here, and in the real world I'm a cheerleader who is an avid participator in all things drama. I play the trombone, and I'm an alto in my voice range, as I love all things music, in case you care.
Carrying on, I'ed love Chrimae as an addition to my lovely named pets. Keepsake needs a new pal, don't you think? The poor little angel needs a nice friend to keep her occupied, yes? And the little pumpkin-colored Chrimae would do a nice job of that.
I'm not big on trading my chibs really, so that shouldn't be a problem. The chibs has always been my favorite pet, so its harder for me to trade my chibs away than my other pets.
If I was to win, as I hope to, I'ed keep the little bugger safe as one of my pets. I'ed probably work to cossie her, probably hobo, as hobo, in my oppinion, is about the cutest costume for a cute little kitty. But if I didn't decide to go hobo on her, I'ed keep her orange, as it is one of my favorite colors. I also need a learnies pet, and Chrimae would probably be the pet I start adding learnies to.
If you wondering why I deserve this pretty kitty more than anyone else, I really don't have an answer. It's not up to me what I deserve, but I can say that over the years, I've worked hard for my pets, expecially Keepsakes, and another chibs would be a perfect reward.

Since I'm a little bored, I think I'll make her a little poem.

Orange is the color of the sunset sky,
as it ripples into caremel hues.
Orange is the color of the autumn leaf,
as it falls to the chilled ground of October.
Orange is the pumpkin that sits in the lawn,
as the children laugh at its carved face.

Orange is many things, a splash of color when your day has been blue.
But most of all, orange leads me to you.

Orange is the little chibs,
whos chin is held high and her eyes a blaze.
Orange is the chibs,
who sits with wisdom in her eyes.
Orange is the little chibs,
with victory in her gaze.

Okay, that poem stunk. Ohwell, though, right?

Okay, well, that's about it. Good luck to everyone
113 years, 4 months & 26 days ago 17th Oct 2011 16:47
Hey, my name is Kym [or Kymothy (my real name)] I'd love to have Chrimae as part of my family, cause she'd be the random and unique one in it. Seeing as nearly all of my pets are arinyas. [ <3 ] Anyways, I'd love to have her just because I'd love her like I do all my pets.

Anyways, just to tell you a bit about my self is that I just LOVE purple things, and I love ~pumpkin~ pie.
113 years, 4 months & 26 days ago 17th Oct 2011 16:44
Hi Im Mia,I Would Absoulutly Love To Have Chrimae Apart Of My Family.I Am 17 And I Work In Animal Rescue.The Main Reason I Want her Is Because She Reminds Me Of My Kitty Charm.Shes Orange And Plump Like A Pumpkin.

I Won't Trade Her And Im Sure Of That.I Would Actually Stat Her And Put Her In The Temple To Become Angel.Because Of Course An Angel Chibs Is My Dream Pet Along With A Pixie Yuni.Oh i Almost Forgot Incase You Would Like To Know I Have Been A Member For 4 Years.Teehee.

Well I Don't Know Whatelse To Write So I Will End This Now.
Thanks So Much For Reading!I Really Appreciate It.Good Luck Picking!!

113 years, 4 months & 26 days ago 17th Oct 2011 16:27
Hey there!
Bonjour, Ciao, whatever you would prefer. Ha ha.
I'm Morgan, as you cal tell by my username. Kind of obvious.

Just to start us off, I would love to tell you about myself. I'm just like that, I love telling people about me. Lawl. I low Halloween, which is coming in just a few weeks! I am a HUGE fan of horror, gore, scary movies and video-games. Carving pumpkins is the greatest thing to do at Halloween. Ha ha. I'm the biggest nerd ever, and only go outside if it is snowing. I love winter. Hot chocolate, snow, sledding...yeah, it's all great fun!

As you can tell by my pets, I often stat them up, and a lot of them are quite old. I've had this selection of pets for a few months now. WinnieDog has been there the longest. Yes, I know it's not the greatest name, but it's in memory of my dog who was put down because she was too 'sensitive'.

Anyways, I love cats. Ha ha. You would probably expect me to have a few chibs, know, I never bothered to trade much. This just seems like a great chance to get a chibs! I have no sob-story or anything for you, just the fact that I really want that chibs. There is a possibility I may find some costume I like for Chrimae or something, to match Gretah maybe. I love gothic/emo-type pets.

So thanks for giving her away.
113 years, 4 months & 26 days ago 17th Oct 2011 16:24
Hello my names Izzy,
I would love to have Chrimae. I have wanted a chibs since I have joined 5 years ago. The reason I want her is because I have wanted a chibs in honor of my dear cats who passed away in a fire. I am from Minnesota , but have recently move to Flordia. I really hope you give her to a very good home. I Love Pumkins! Did you know there considered a fruit?

113 years, 4 months & 26 days ago 17th Oct 2011 16:23
Hello I am OneRaichu,but just call me Alphonse.Im just going ot say pumpkin now because I feel like it.
I am very selfish,so I sdo not deserve the chibs,but I still have that glint of hope.I cannot say I would never trade her if I got her,but I am not planning on it.If I did recive her,she would most likely become part of my Creepy Army and become a mad scientist pet or something like that.
113 years, 4 months & 26 days ago 17th Oct 2011 16:12
Hello Im PunkRocker8,
My dream pet is Chocolate Chibs. I have been on Marapets for 4 years! I love Ecruw more then Chibs to be Honst.
I would love to have Chrimae to make into my Chocolate Chibs. I love her name so much. I would never ever trade her. I like that she is the colour of a pumpkin. I would nickname her Pumpkin! I Would love her more then anything it my dream pet and always has been
113 years, 4 months & 26 days ago 17th Oct 2011 16:00
i would like Chrimae because i want to turn her into a pumpkin chibs or something and i would not think of trading her
113 years, 4 months & 26 days ago 17th Oct 2011 15:57
Whats up! Hi I'm WildQueen. Most know me by Wild though. I'm a very quiet person in real life and have an obbsession with kpop. Espcially SHINee. Well anyways I want you beautiful pet Chrimae because I want a chibs. I wouldn't keep her an orange chib. I have a cotton candy and furry costume that have been rotting in my gallery for quite some time now. Most likely I will change her into a furry costume unless by some miracle I obtain a Pixie costume. Anyways I'm not to creative. Well I'm a little creative because last year for my Halloween pumpkin was Harry Potter. Hehe. Anways Mae (My super boring nickname) will be my first chibs and I will adore her very much thank you.
113 years, 4 months & 26 days ago 17th Oct 2011 15:56
Hi! =D
My Name is Avelyn, But you can call me Ava for short. You may have seen me on the forums Recently, but that doesnt matter.

Well I am an expririenced member on mara, I Joined 2 years ago on my old account, but I Self banned about a year back, but i still know a lot about Mara.

Well My favorite color is orange, My favorite number is 3 because it has always been my lucky number.

Well If Chrimae became my pet, she would NOT Be for trade. You may have heard this before and you see your pet in trades the next day. I Have been given other pets before and The old owners would sometimes randomly mail me saying " You still have her?" OR "I picked the right person when i picked you for .... because you still have her after 5 months."

You may say why should I give you my chibs, a Chibs, is my dream pet. It always has been, but i can never seem to get one.

Well I Like to keep things short so ill start ending my app soon. Chrimae is my favorite costume on a chibs, Orange. Orange is my favorite color espicially "pumpkin" orange.

well Ill end it now.
thanks for reading and also a little Siggie I Made.

??? Ava
113 years, 4 months & 26 days ago 17th Oct 2011 15:53
  1. Chrimae the Orange Chibs giveaway
    17th Oct 2011 15:03
    13 years, 4 months & 26 days ago