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  1. so i remember
    18th Jan 2017 12:16
    8 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
  2. Updated Gfs needed 4/2
    2nd Apr 2016 12:55
    8 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
  3. For Staff
    30th Mar 2016 01:08
    8 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
  4. Your username has changed to Aloha
    8th Feb 2016 22:23
    9 years, 1 month & 3 days ago
  5. Maras first fairy DECA :3
    31st Mar 2015 23:55
    9 years, 11 months & 11 days ago
  6. Your username has changed to Justin
    9th Oct 2014 07:56
    10 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
  7. Who is Joken/Volibear -*random things about me*-
    29th Sep 2014 00:09
    10 years, 5 months & 14 days ago
  8. Justin//: My pet goals
    29th May 2014 23:20
    10 years, 9 months & 14 days ago
  9. my original join date and user id
    9th May 2014 21:32
    10 years, 10 months & 3 days ago
  10. Cheap Upi in shop!
    4th Mar 2014 08:04
    11 years & 10 days ago
Giving away OverJoy!
12 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
17th May 2012 14:15

Yepyep since im gonna grad im celebrating by giving her away Smile
please post on the board before you post your apps here

Overjoy has been sent to rosettarules

You have been charged 1,000MP. If they decline the pet you will be refunded.
112 years, 9 months & 22 days ago 20th May 2012 17:15
Hello! I'm Anna. I'm app'ing for Overjoy because I love Vixens. They're not very popular trading, but I absolutely love them. They look like reindeer, and I love Christmas.
I would also like a friend for my other Vixen, Hibio, lol. I am a very happy person, so Overjoy fits me!
I saw you were graduating, so good luck! Also, could you consider LionFan610? She's really awesome c:
112 years, 9 months & 24 days ago 18th May 2012 21:40
So i'm not really an apper, never have apped for anything before. But I figured everything has it's firsts.
Let me just start off by saying that i'm not into the whole "Never had an LE, dream pet, would cherish it forever" thing. I'm just not. I've obviously had LE's before, it's definitely not my dream pet and I would generally end up trading it within the first week.
So there, i'm being honest.
So why should you give me Overjoy?
Well, you probably shouldn't. I don't feed my pets, nor do I fix them when their sick. I just don't see the point.
So why do I even want Overjoy?
I'm in the process of creating my own chibs army.
But I can't seem to get past the two barrier. So Overjoy would really help me. And who doesn't want to contribute to my epic chibs army? Lets be frank here, it'll be pretty legendary.
So will you pick me?
Probably not. And that's fine.
Fanciful Pickings
112 years, 9 months & 24 days ago 18th May 2012 21:38
My brain cant think right now sorry. No long app. i like never win these anyway lol
112 years, 9 months & 24 days ago 18th May 2012 21:38
Hello! First off, congratulations on your big accomplishment of graduating high school. Second, I would LOVE to have Overjoy, but I am actually apping for my friend XxMittensxX. I just introduced her to his site yesterday, and winning Overjoy would really give her account something that doesn't scream NEWB! If she was the lucky winner of Overjoy she would trade her for her dream pet, a snow chibs. On a more personal note, Isabel (that's her real name) is one of the most bubbly and happy people I know, so having a pet named Overjoy on her account would really fit her personality. I hope you consider her, thanks, and good luck deciding!

P.S I noticed Overjoy was scratched so I am sending you some bandages to fix her right up. A pet named with such a happy name should be able to be happy!
112 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 17th May 2012 16:24
hi im Kasey, i recently came back to marapets to see what changed because i took a break after summer and fell off the grid. but im back now and im on whenever i can be, lurking the pet, graphics, and Price check forums. I try really hard to earn my money and add new pets to me collection. Im just starting to stat my pets and Overjoy will never be sad and i promise to heal her scratch. c: Odds are i wont trade her because i love vixens and im trying to afford a ench. vixen plushie as is. this would change trying to afford a ench. plushie to buying her an adorable cossie. i know this is a really long app but i would love overjoy and i'd keep in touch. thank you for considering me. c:
112 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 17th May 2012 16:22
Hi, I'm Mommajohn and I say congrats on graduating! I'm also excited about tommorrow since I'm going to six flags. lol

Anyway back on topic, let me introduce more about myself. Well to start, I have given away many pets to many people and to some who I really regret. I have taken many hiatuses from this site due to school and I also enjoy Legend of korra! ATLA forever!

Well to start, I'm not going to say the same crap you usually hear in giveaways. Instead, I'm going to be honest (not saying everyone who apps isn't going to be completely honest). I will trade her possibly depending on which army I want to start.

Basically, I just hate it when people lie in their apps and make it seem like they are actually going to keep the pet. I gave my sindi one time to this person as I thought she was going to keep it. Little did I know she was going to trade it. I was pretty annoyed when I found out. I guess quanity and quality does not equal the truth.

Anyway, back on topic, I gaze at all those armies and I just can't believe how amazing they look. So magnificent and beautiful. I just need to own one! This is why Overjoy comes in. By trading/costuming her, it will help me get closer to my army. And with this army, I shall rule MARA!

Lol anyawy thanks for reading. Excuse me for my bad grammer and corny conclusion.
112 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 17th May 2012 15:44
I'd love Overjoy because it'll be my first highly rare LE pet and I've always wanted one! I've been playing Mara for awhile and failed to get one, sadly, they're very expensive and I don't have the mp to pull out to get this pet. But I'm glad you're having this giveaway! I hope you consider me<3

Good luck!
112 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 17th May 2012 15:11
Hello, I'm Yuri and i am apping for Overjoy~!

I have always wanted a vixen, but this time, it's not for myself but for my club. The club is amazing, really. So amazing that I feel the need to have a raffle. Overjoy has an amazing name and species, so my club members would really like her.

I believe all of my club members deserve Overjoy. All of them. They are all so nice and heartwarming. Another reason I am apping, is because of the name. Overjoy means happy, really happy, and if one of my club member gets her, they would be really happy. I'm not sure whether do you get it but... Yeah.

I'm just clearing a little up. I'm not the leader of my club. Nope. But I really wish to contribute to the club. <-- Just too amazing.

On behalf of all of my club members, we thank you for having this giveaway. This would really mean a lot to us as we are a new club. Thanks <3
112 years, 9 months & 26 days ago 17th May 2012 14:49
I would be most certainly overjoyed to adopt Overjoy! Haha get it? I think that's a pun. So punny!

Anyways, I'm Alexus and i've been playing Mara since about 2006, however I took a long hiatus and returned early this March. And I'm back and more addicted than ever! So why would I like Overjoy you ask? Simple! I just like her. :3

I probably wouldn't trade him, but honestly who really knows. Things change. I can totally afford the pet fees by the way. I've been in giveaways before where the person didn't have the MP to accept the pet and so the person had to wait forever to send the pet! I just posted on your board just so you know too. Anyways I should go, because I don't wanna keep you reading here forever. But please consider me as I would be a lovely owner to Overjoy, as she would be a lovely gift to me.

And congratulations on graduating! I have 2 years left, D:
112 years, 9 months & 26 days ago 17th May 2012 14:22
  1. so i remember
    18th Jan 2017 12:16
    8 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
  2. Updated Gfs needed 4/2
    2nd Apr 2016 12:55
    8 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
  3. For Staff
    30th Mar 2016 01:08
    8 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
  4. Your username has changed to Aloha
    8th Feb 2016 22:23
    9 years, 1 month & 3 days ago
  5. Maras first fairy DECA :3
    31st Mar 2015 23:55
    9 years, 11 months & 11 days ago
  6. Your username has changed to Justin
    9th Oct 2014 07:56
    10 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
  7. Who is Joken/Volibear -*random things about me*-
    29th Sep 2014 00:09
    10 years, 5 months & 14 days ago
  8. Justin//: My pet goals
    29th May 2014 23:20
    10 years, 9 months & 14 days ago
  9. my original join date and user id
    9th May 2014 21:32
    10 years, 10 months & 3 days ago
  10. Cheap Upi in shop!
    4th Mar 2014 08:04
    11 years & 10 days ago