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Welcome caroller!

Thank you for visiting my profile <3<3 My name is Ellen, I live in Australia and play mara occassionally :)
    18th Dec 2012 17:54
    12 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
    4th Dec 2012 04:58
    12 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  3. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Dream
    4th Dec 2012 04:42
    12 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  4. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Luck
    4th Dec 2012 04:25
    12 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  5. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Candle
    4th Dec 2012 03:56
    12 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  6. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Thomis
    4th Dec 2012 03:36
    12 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  7. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Dil
    4th Dec 2012 03:06
    12 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  8. The Canvas
    22nd Sep 2012 02:12
    12 years, 5 months & 19 days ago
  9. Rescue a Shuki!
    24th Aug 2012 01:38
    12 years, 6 months & 17 days ago
  10. Untaken pet names
    21st Aug 2010 06:31
    14 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
12 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
18th Dec 2012 17:54

If you're a finalist:
Please write an app on this blog answering all the following questions!
a) What will happen to the pet if I gave it to you?
b) If you could add a new feature to marapets, what would it be?
c) What was your greatest life changing moment?

**Please keep your apps between 300-500 words. As much as I love reading your super long apps, I don't have much time

**I'm not yet sure if I'm going to make a third round, it depends if one of you manages to stand out above the rest for each pet

**You have until 24th of December to complete your app

Dream finalists

Luck finalists

Candle finalists

Dil finalists

Thomis finalists

Minipet costume
These people were nominated by someone else on my blog. You don't have to app, just mail me to confirm that you would like the minipet costume and I'll send it to one of you randomly on christmas.

First up thank you so much for adding me to the finalists! It does mean alot to me.

Right now what would I do to Dream once I got her... Nothing I wouldn't trade. I don't need nor want to. I have worked hard to get my pets and im finally starting be happy with the ones that I have. As you know from my main application Dream is one of my goal pets for my profile. So she would stay on my profile until the day I leave, then I would hold my own giveaway and make sure that the new owner would care for her the same way I will. The only change Dream would ever see is if they released the angel costume for the Figaro, then I would temple her to become angel. I have no need to stat her as I plan to stat my rolfing and stats are not much use to me on mara.

As for the new feature I have always wanted to be able to name swap on pets. The number of times I've had two pets that I've wanted to swap the names on us unreal. It would be just like a name certificate but you type the two names in and they swap. However you must own both pets and name swaps between players are not allowed. Yes I know I've put too much thought into this in the past, but this has happened to me many times before. I think that these sorts of name certificates would be available via a mission or even a double temple. When you put both pets in... I just thought about that while I was writing this lol. Now I really like that idea

Don't worry nearly done

This may sound soppy but you asked for it tehe... My most life changing moment was when my boyfriend first said he loved me and I knew that he really meant it. There is just something really magical about the first time that you share love with someone. It's a new feeling, exciting and really... Nice. At that moment I grew up, propperly and it changed my perspective on life. That's why it was so life changing for me. Thank you so much for this opportunity and I hope you have a great Christmas and a great new year!!!
112 years, 2 months & 18 days ago 24th Dec 2012 05:48
my application for thomis <3

best of luck to everyone!
112 years, 2 months & 19 days ago 23rd Dec 2012 16:57
Ryan- I take offense to that comment. Mari is the sweetest person I know, and if you have a problem with her you can take it up with me.
112 years, 2 months & 19 days ago 23rd Dec 2012 13:02
Ryan excuse you. Mari is a wonderful person, thanks.
112 years, 2 months & 19 days ago 23rd Dec 2012 10:08
i wouldnt give to calypsos she won a fig about a month ago and was banned, i mean i wouldnt want a fig to go to waste again :x
112 years, 2 months & 19 days ago 23rd Dec 2012 08:49
I cannot believe I am a finalist for Thomis! Thank you so very much for this opportunity!

a) If I was to be given Thomis, he would stay on my account for a long time. I do not want to say I will never trade him, as I do not value liars, and situations do come about. However, I have no plans to trade.
I am currently working on a goal of gaining enough Olympic Points for a Fig potion; therefore, his stats will be an extreme help! Also, I have become extremely attached to each and every one of my little pixels and cannot imagine trading them! Especially not such a beautiful prize such as Thomis! I would continue to work on his stats and smother him with love! I am also looking for a minipet for each of my pets and think a Drowsy would be a perfect fit for Thomis??? costume!

b) A new feature I would add to Mara would be a button to click on your pets to see the updated value of that pet. I always question what I should offer (or accept) on a pet because of its unclear value, so I believe that feature would be beneficial to everyone!

c) My greatest life changing moment was when I became a big sister. As I mentioned in my application, he has mild autism and ADHD. Although it is an ever-present struggle, he has given me so many gifts I could never have received another way. He has taught me unconditional love and the art of continual strength. Despite all of the odds against him, he has never fallen so hard to where he cannot get back up. Whenever I feel the need to throw my hands up and say, ???I???m done,??? he reminds me of the strength that runs through our veins. We are fighters, we do not back down. Noah is a reminder of love, strength, and pure grace. I could not survive a hard, long day without him. He is my greatest gift.

Again, thank you for this opportunity. Congratulations to all finalists! Happy Holidays!
112 years, 2 months & 20 days ago 22nd Dec 2012 14:32
I am a finalist for the lovely Luck!! (WOO!

a) What will happen to the pet if I gave it to you?
I would keep Luck. Not going to lie, I really have fallen in love with the name and the meaning it has for me! I LOVE Snookles! And has always been my favourite pet. And would love to add Luck to my ???Permanent??? collection!!
Luck I hope will bring me ???Luck???
b) If you could add a new feature to marapets, what would it be?
I Would create the volcano world!! ??? using the volcano map for access! ??? (The volcano picture on the Mara map! You could add Lava pets and really cool Items you can only obtain their!
c) What was your greatest life changing moment?
My greatest life changing moment? Ooo??? That would be when I started fostering unwanted dogs. I work with a charity in wales! I am the person who springs the dogs from the pound on their 7th and last day! We take these special doggies and keep them in our homes to assess them for at least 2 weeks! We assess their personality and fund any vet treatment any dog may need. We then match them to the family that would be best suited to the dog!!
I have been fostering for about a year and a half, and have found fantastic homes for all 40+ Dogs I have had stay here! Currently, over Christmas I have a Pomeranian, and a King Charles spaniel!!
I would say fostering has changed my life, but it has also helped change the dogs and the adopters lives, Forever.

Thank you for the opportunity!! ??? once again!
Good luck with your giveaway! And I really hope you get fabulous homes for all your lovely pets!
Good luck out there in the real world!!
You are such a nice person for doing this giveaway!!
112 years, 2 months & 20 days ago 22nd Dec 2012 13:39
Hi i'm Marie finalist for Dil answering your questions

a) What will happen to the pet if I gave it to you?
If I recieved Dil I would not change her, she is perfect the way she is! She would be my baby (literally hehe) and I would never even think to trade her, she would be mine to keep and be a sign on my profile that there are still nice, generous people in the world.

b) If you could add a new feature to marapets, what would it be?
If I could add a new feature to marapets, it would be the ability to see if someone is new or an advanced player so new players can get the help they need. If I saw a new player (and was certain they are a new player) I would send them items to help them and give them all the help they need.

c) What was your greatest life changing moment?
My Greatest life changing moment was when I saw my second cousin be born. My cousin was very young when she had her about 16 and I was around 6 but I remember not understanding life until then, I saw the miracle that is birth and since then I have helped raised her. She is now turning 13 next year and she makes me feel so old xD but I love her so much and seeing this lovely girl grow up is the best gift anyone can have. She makes me so happy seeing her and I know she will be a great teenager.

Thank you for this chance and I hope you have an amazing christmas
112 years, 2 months & 20 days ago 21st Dec 2012 23:37

Thanks for this awesome chance Jj!
112 years, 2 months & 21 days ago 21st Dec 2012 20:05

I moved my application to a blog so I could fix some typos, I hope that's alright. ^^;

Merry Christmas! <3
112 years, 2 months & 21 days ago 21st Dec 2012 17:08
    18th Dec 2012 17:54
    12 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
    4th Dec 2012 04:58
    12 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  3. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Dream
    4th Dec 2012 04:42
    12 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  4. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Luck
    4th Dec 2012 04:25
    12 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  5. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Candle
    4th Dec 2012 03:56
    12 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  6. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Thomis
    4th Dec 2012 03:36
    12 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  7. GIVEAWAY~~~App for Dil
    4th Dec 2012 03:06
    12 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  8. The Canvas
    22nd Sep 2012 02:12
    12 years, 5 months & 19 days ago
  9. Rescue a Shuki!
    24th Aug 2012 01:38
    12 years, 6 months & 17 days ago
  10. Untaken pet names
    21st Aug 2010 06:31
    14 years, 6 months & 21 days ago