Untitled story

10 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
21st Jul 2014 22:28So that music video from The Script's 'For the First Time' is my all time favourite ahaha so I wrote a story based on it. If you've seen it then most of this story will be familiar.
So enjoy and things or don't who am I to say what you do with your life. I just wanted to post this here because I have nowhere to put it lol
'Dear Mum,
It's been almost a month now and i've got to say that i'm loving New York. I've settled quite nicely in my new job too! But we're just barely scraping it. Jack's been looking for work but it's hard here in he city. Don't worry though; we'll be alright. Say hi to Dad for me and tell him I'll come see him soon.
The door to the small apartment opened letting in a man with a somber expression. He spots the woman sitting by the bed. He can tell she'd been crying considering her puffy eyes. She looked up to see him and she smiled, although it wasn't a convincing one, the man did the same as he rushed to her side and wrapped an arm around her gently kissing her hair.
"How's job hunting?" She asked trying to hide her sadness a she folded the letter not being able to stare the man she loved in the eyes.
"Not as good." Jack frowned. "It's no problem" - he lied- "I'm sure everything will turn out great the next day or hopefully soon."
His enthusiasm made Caroline smile as she folded the letter and placed it inside an envelope. She promptly placed it on top of the bedside table as she sighed. She spotted the plastic bag that Jack had places on the bed.
"What's in the bag?" She asked trying to see what it was.
"It's just some cheap wine I found in the shop across the street." Jack replied getting the bag and pulling out said drink.
Caroline frowned not liking that he was spending money even though he was jobless. She nodded though when he offered to drink the wine tonight.
They've taken only a few sips and they were already laughing, reminiscing about the first time they met. Caroline telling he story whilst Jack nodded and laughed along the funny little jokes she would place.
They spent the entire night talking leaving their troubles behind if only for just tonight. Soon enough, they've both fallen asleep comfortable in each other's arms as the dawn began to break.
-A couple of days later-
"What do you mean you quit your job?!" Jack yelled whilst looking for something decent to put on for his upcoming job interview.
"I just...I don't feel like I'm achieving anything there." Caroline replied sitting on the bed an annoyed expression on here face.
She didn't tell her that she was being harassed and she didn't want to cause trouble so she kept it a secret from him. She just...didn't want to worry him is all.
"I just want to go back home!" she continued.
"Don't you think I want that too!" Jack shouted as he put on his suit jacket. "That's why I've been looking for a stable job so we can get back home! That's why I've been working three part time jobs just so we can have money to get back home! You leaving your job doesn't help our situation!"
Jack looked at his watch. He groaned and swore as he hurried out the door; slamming it as he closed it.
Caroline sat on the bed and scurried to the headboard. Her eyes welling up with tears as she mumbled 'I'm sorry' to herself. She couldn't bring herself to say it to Jack and now he's gone off. She was scared that Jack will leave her. Her tears made its way to her cheeks before she wiped them away trying to stop herself. She looked out the window seeing the tall buildings blocking out views of the sky.
Jack got into his car as he looked at his watch once more. He was late for the job interview. The argument he had with Caroline had lasted longer than he thought it did. He sighed as he hit the steering wheel with frustration. Taking out his phone, he phoned one of his part time job and asked if there were any work he can do. Once he got an answer he started the engine and began to head to the destination.
It wasn't till eleven at night did his shift at the restaurant ended. He decided to work until this time; his boss allowing it as they were low on staff that particular day. He got into his car, starting it up an driving to the bar that was closest to their apartment.
Once he got there he checked his phone to see if Caroline had sent him a text message but she hasn't. Brushing it away from his mind he entered the bar and ordered a pint of beer.
As he engulfed the beverage he started to think of Caroline and their home. It was clear that she was troubled the moment they got to New York. He should've have seen it sooner or at least acted upon it. He felt guilty as he blamed himself for her depression.
He looked at his phone. The background picture showing both of them in Coney Island looking at the Statue of Liberty.
He remembered it clearly. It was the first week of them getting to New York and Caroline wanted to sightsee. So he took her there and they explored the city. It was like it was their first date all over again. He stopped thinking about an idea he had for a while. He paid for his beer before leaving the bar and going to the closest ATM machine.
He then went back to his car that was parked in the parking lot of the bar. He didn't want to see Caroline, not just yet. He wanted to do something first.
-Next Day-
Caroline woke up to an empty bed. Her bloodshot eyes exposing her sadness. She willed herself to sit up and go out and loom for Jack but she couldn't.
She sat on the bed looking at the door Of their small apartment. Waiting. She was waiting to see if he would come back to her. Her eyes began prickling again and she rubbed them trying not to cry.
Just then she saw the door open and she stood up almost instantly. She saw Jack, with rosy red cheeks, holding a plastic bag.
"Hiya." He said frowning at the fact that she had caused a great pain to her. "I'm sorry about yeste-"
"I'm sorry too!" Caroline interrupted him as she ran towards him hugging him instantly before she let out her tears. "I'm sorry for quitting my job and I'm sorry for not telling you sooner."
"It's okay." He said wrapping one arm around her kissing her forehead. "I've bought that cheap wine again."
Caroline pulled away from the hug and giving a slight chuckle wiping the tears from her face. She held the wine that Jack was holding.
"That's not all." Jack said making Caroline look up from the wine to his face.
Jack reached into his pockets and pulled out a single white envelope. Caroline placed the wine down and reached for the envelope.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Plane tickets." Jack replied.
"But how?"
"I sold the car; I told my three part-time jobs that I'm quitting to take you home and they gave me money for the rest of the month." Jack said explaining what he had done. "Caroline. I'm taking you home."
He hugged her fully, placing his forehead on hers before placing his lips softly on hers.
"I know how much you've been in pain and I couldn't do that to you anymore."
"But Jack your dream..."
"My dream was to make you happy and I know you weren't happy here."