It seems from the site crash, which I have now learned about, everything started off a little crazy this year!!! My alarm for Spring didn't wake me. My poor friend Elf's alarm went off way to early, or late... and that horrid Beelzebub was also woken up and tried to take over my time here! If you see him around, shoooooo him away. He isn't welcome. I am happy I got to see my lovely Friend Elf though. I don't get to see Elf very often!
So this year, being as I arrived late, Ian has allowed me to hop on until around the 23rd I am very happy he forgave my tardiness.
This blog is dedicated to the wonderful players of Marapets. I will put here Where my pets this year have gone, any beautiful messages or pictures I get. Also feel free to leave me messages!!!!
First off I want to thank indale for this fabulous drawing they did for me. It truly made my day when I opened the link
nevermind made this wonderful picture for me [img][/img]
Pets I have re-homed this year....
Bunnykin the Easter Lati - he is now with sthrnkittykat21 Eggily the Easter Zola - is happy in his new home with ilovesleep ChocolateEgg the Chocolate Xoi - SwetaNew now has a lovely new pet. Easterling the Easter Limax - now resides with his 2 new siblings with Virgo <3 EggBasket the Easter Tasi -
So glad you made it Easter Bunny. We would miss you so much if you didn't come by each year. I love that pic. What a nice gift. I look forward to seeing what you are up to this year Hugs and Happy Easter!
17 years, 10 months & 26 days ago 15th Apr 2017 11:53