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18:42:38 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly

  1. Lost Sock Awareness Day 2023
    13th May 2023 08:46
    1 year & 10 months ago
  2. St Patrick's Day Event 2023
    18th Mar 2023 07:30
    1 year, 11 months & 25 days ago
  3. Valentine Event 2023
    18th Feb 2023 20:19
    2 years & 24 days ago
  4. Elfmas 2022
    16th Dec 2022 19:26
    2 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
  5. Thanksgiving 2022
    24th Nov 2022 09:00
    2 years, 3 months & 19 days ago
  6. Maraween 2022
    18th Oct 2022 21:41
    2 years, 4 months & 25 days ago
  7. 18th Birthday Party
    19th Aug 2022 19:13
    2 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  8. Thanksgiving 2021
    25th Nov 2021 20:07
    3 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
  9. Maraween 2021
    25th Oct 2021 22:20
    3 years, 4 months & 17 days ago
  10. Marapets 17th Birthday
    19th Aug 2021 21:31
    3 years, 6 months & 22 days ago
Club Astronomical Carnival Event
6 years, 8 months & 12 days ago
1st Jul 2018 00:28

July 1st (294 points)

Slater Park Rides/Visits (1 point):
Your Mini Pet got on the ride and.....
Nothing Happened. It enjoyed it though!
EllaGrace enjoyed the ride and is now 100% happy!
If you swim in sewerage you can expect to smell like poo..
Your Mini Pet got on the ride and.....
Nothing Happened. It enjoyed it though!
1st Jul 2018 10:47
EllaGrace has got Inky Tail from the ride and is now 0% happy!
Stater Park Rides/Visits (2 points):

Restocks r1-9 (4 points):
Thank you for buying Purple Phanty Balloon for 527MP

Slater Park Games (5 points):
You picked up Angel Poera Plushie
You won 334MP
Duck, duck, duck! You have won 5MP from Heckles\' Duck!
You won 470MP
You picked up Prison Tantua Plushie
You won 303mp
You picked up Glass Xoi Plushie
You won 428mp
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
You insert 250MP and move the claw to the left...
You won 401MP
You insert 250MP and move the claw down...
You won 332MP 67
Restocks r10+ (8 points):
Thank you for buying Nightmare Potato Chips for 5,249BP
Thank you for buying Christmas Tree Potato Chips for 7,871BP
Thank you for buying Easter Egg Balloon for 1,544MP
Thank you for buying Mushy Peas for 541MP
Thank you for buying Chinese Potato Chips for 5,878BP
Thank you for buying Blitzen Potato Chips for 3,357BP
Thank you for buying Camouflage Potato Chips for 3,875BP
Thank you for buying Triple Cheeseburger for 1,701MP
Thank you for buying Blue Doyle Balloon for 183MP
Thank you for buying Blue Hump Balloon for 393MP
Thank you for buying Blue Renat Balloon for 475MP
Thank you for buying Blue Walee Balloon for 549MP
Thank you for buying Yellow Kronk Balloon for 404MP
Thank you for buying Yellow Mordo Balloon for 236MP
Thank you for buying Yellow Phanty Balloon for 536MP
Thank you for buying Yellow Snookle Balloon for 536MP
Slater Park Games (10 points):
You won enchanted black knutt Plushie
Gameover - You won 769MP
Pie 3 of 3
Slater Park Mission/Questing (20 points):
I'm waiting here! You've only got 91 minutes left
Yellow Decapitate Plate
Thank you for finishing my Quest on time. Here is your reward..
100 Stalker Points

Slater Park Mission Completed Level (40 points):
Thank you for finishing my mission on time. Here is your reward.. Clown Potato

July 2nd (365 points)

Slater Park Rides/Visits (1 point):
Don't count your Ercuws before they hatch..
Lindsey Plate is now in your Inventory
Your Mini Pet got on the ride and.....
Nothing Happened. It enjoyed it though!
EllaGrace enjoyed the ride and is now 100% happy!
Marapoints don't grow on trees..
Pink Sphinx Plate is now in your Inventory
Never eat yellow snow!
Klik Plate is now in your Inventory
EllaGrace enjoyed the ride and is now 100% happy!
ur Mini Pet got on the ride and.....
Nothing Happened. It enjoyed it though!
3rd Jul 2018 01:28 11
Stater Park Rides/Visits (2 points):
*** EllaGrace gained one charisma stat! ***
Your Mini Pet got on the ride and.....
Changed colour to a Pink Sphinx!!15

Restocks r1-9 (4 points):
Thank you for buying Yellow Fasoro Balloon for 105MP'

Slater Park Games (5 points):
Dive!! You have accepted Heckles' offer of 4,550MP!
You insert 250MP and move the claw down...
You won 317MP
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
You insert 250MP and move the claw to the left...
You won 318MP
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
You insert 250MP and move the claw to the left...
You won 359MP
You won 438MP Pie 3 of 3
You insert 250MP and move the claw to the left...
You won 434MP
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
You won 187MP Pie 3 of 3
You picked up Wizard Addow Plushie
You insert 250MP and move the claw down...
You won 499MP
You picked up Blue Snookle Plushie

Restocks r10+ (8 points):
Thank you for buying Pink Hump Balloon for 387MP
Thank you for buying Green Zoink Balloon for 323MP
Thank you for buying Blue Snookle Balloon for 527MP
Thank you for buying Pink Kronk Balloon for 422MP
Thank you for buying Red Kaala Balloon for 319MP
Thank you for buying Purple Kaala Balloon for 308MP
Thank you for buying Blue Kaala Balloon for 314MP
Thank you for buying Red Doyle Balloon for 191MP
Thank you for buying Fizzy Blueberry Drink for 826MP
Thank you for buying One Slice of Pepper Pizza for 63MP
Thank you for buying Chili Cheese Dog for 519MP
Thank you for buying Orange Ercuw Balloon for 905MP
Thank you for buying Orange Rofling Balloon for
Thank you for buying Pink Mordo Balloon for 241MP
Thank you for buying Yellow Ercuw Balloon for 909MP
Thank you for buying Beef Fajita for 395MP
Thank you for buying Yellow Newth Balloon for 199MP17

Slater Park Games (10 points):
You won 510MP Pie 3 of 3
You picked up Enchanted Pink Walee Plushie
Slater Park Mission/Questing (20 points):
Thank you for finishing my Quest on time. Here is your reward.. 194 Stalker Points
Thank you for finishing my Quest on time. Here is your reward.. 52 Stalker Points
Thank you for finishing my Quest on time. Here is your reward.. 200 Stalker Points
I'm waiting here! You've only got 110 minutes left
Penitentiary Plushie Yellow Doyle Plushie
Slater Park Mission Completed Level (40 points):
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward.. 250MP

July 17th (178 points)

Slater Park Rides/Visits (1 point):
Gazelle Plate is now in your Inventory
Your Mini Pet got on the ride and.....
Nothing Happened. It enjoyed it though!
EllaGrace has the Flu from the ride and is now 0% happy!
Never eat yellow snow!
17th Jul 2018 14:52
18th Jul 2018 01:20
Stater Park Rides/Visits (2 points):
Your Mini Pet got on the ride and.....
Changed colour to a Green Pingi!!

Restocks r1-9 (4 points):

Slater Park Games (5 points):
You picked up White Snookle Plushie
You won 329MP Pie 3 of 3
You picked up Radioactive Feliz Plushie
You picked up Red Snookle Plushie
You insert 250MP and move the claw down...
You won 452MP
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
You won 274MP Pie 3 of 3
You insert 250MP and move the claw up...
You won 371MP
You insert 250MP and move the claw to the left...
You won 433MP
Gameover - You won 213MP
Restocks r10+ (8 points):

Slater Park Games (10 points):
You picked up Enchanted Lilac Knutt Plushie

Slater Park Mission/Questing (20 points):
92 Stalker Points

Slater Park Mission Completed Level (40 points):
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
Balloon Sword
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
16 years, 7 months & 13 days ago 31st Jul 2018 14:38
July 16th (121 points)

Slater Park Rides/Visits (1 point):
Purple Orville Plate is now in your Inventory
Your Mini Pet got on the ride and.....
Nothing Happened. It enjoyed it though!
Pink Orville Plate is now in your Inventory
Your Mini Pet got on the ride and.....
Nothing Happened. It enjoyed it though!
You paid 1,250MP for Flea to ride the Ferris Wheel...
Flea Plate is now in your Inventory
Your Mini Pet got on the ride and.....
Nothing Happened. It enjoyed it though!
EllaGrace has Acne from the ride and is now 0% happy!
Stater Park Rides/Visits (2 points):

Restocks r1-9 (4 points):
I accept your offer of 580MP for Chicken Wings

Slater Park Games (5 points):
You won 41MP Pie 3 of 3
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
You picked up Black Nino Plushie
You insert 250MP and move the claw down...
You won 436MP
You picked up Black Ercuw Plushie
You insert 250MP and move the claw to the left...
You won 342MP
You insert 250MP and move the claw to the left...
You won 383MP
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!

Restocks r10+ (8 points):

Slater Park Games (10 points):
Duck, duck, duck! You have won 17,500MP from Heckles' Duck!
You won 585MP Pie 3 of 3
You won 1,087MP Pie 3 of 3

Slater Park Mission/Questing (20 points):

Slater Park Mission Completed Level (40 points):
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
16 years, 7 months & 13 days ago 31st Jul 2018 12:59
July 14th (217 points)

Slater Park Rides/Visits (1 point):
Hot Dawg Plate is now in your Inventory

Stater Park Rides/Visits (2 points):

Restocks r1-9 (4 points):

Slater Park Games (5 points):
You picked up Pirate Reese Plushie
Duck, duck, duck! You have won 4,000MP from Heckles' Duck!

Restocks r10+ (8 points):
Thank you for buying Blue Justin Balloon for 298MP
Thank you for buying Red Justin Balloon for 290MP
Thank you for buying Purple Mordo Balloon for 242MP
Thank you for buying Purple Ercuw Balloon for 890MP
Thank you for buying Yellow Kronk Balloon for 404MP
Thank you for buying Orange Huthiq Balloon for 226MP
Thank you for buying Yellow Walee Balloon for 558MP
Thank you for buying Blue Walee Balloon for 549MP
Thank you for buying Purple Dakota Balloon for 372MP
Thank you for buying Blue Walee Balloon for 549MP
Thank you for buying Pink Rofling Balloon for 416MP
Thank you for buying Green Mordo Balloon for 237MP
Thank you for buying Green Dakota Balloon for 365MP
Thank you for buying Orange Xoi Balloon for 471MP
Thank you for buying Green Renat Balloon for 461MP15
Thank you for buying Blue Justin Balloon for 298MP
Thank you for buying Purple Ercuw Balloon for 890MP

Slater Park Games (10 points):
You won 623MP Pie 3 of 3

Slater Park Mission/Questing (20 points):
138 Stalker Points

Slater Park Mission Completed Level (40 points):
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
16 years, 7 months & 13 days ago 31st Jul 2018 12:56
July 12th (73 points)

Slater Park Rides/Visits (1 point):
The early Osafo catches the worm..
Your Mini Pet got on the ride and.....
Nothing Happened. It enjoyed it though!
12th Jul 2018 22:06
Stater Park Rides/Visits (2 points):

Restocks r1-9 (4 points):

Slater Park Games (5 points):
Dive!! You have accepted Heckles' offer of 1,501MP!
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
Dive!! You have accepted Heckles' offer of 12,435MP!
Restocks r10+ (8 points):

Slater Park Games (10 points):
You won 2,158MP Pie 3 of 3

Slater Park Mission/Questing (20 points):

Slater Park Mission Completed Level (40 points):
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
Clown Shirt
16 years, 7 months & 13 days ago 31st Jul 2018 12:43

July 11th (175 points)

Slater Park Rides/Visits (1 point):
Your Mini Pet got on the ride and.....
Nothing Happened. It enjoyed it though!
If you swim in sewerage you can expect to smell like poo..
Stater Park Rides/Visits (2 points):
You also won a Ushunda Survivor Mug!

Restocks r1-9 (4 points):
I accept your offer of 620MP for Small Steak and Fries

Slater Park Games (5 points):
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
You insert 250MP and move the claw to the left....
You won 406MP
You insert 250MP and move the claw down...
You won 345MP
You insert 250MP and move the claw down...
You won 333MP
You picked up Magenta Jessup Plushie
You insert 250MP and move the claw to the left...
You won 316MP
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
Restocks r10+ (8 points):
Thank you for buying Yellow Justin Balloon for 643MP
Thank you for buying Pink Walee Balloon for 536MP
Thank you for buying Red Doyle Balloon for 191MP
Thank you for buying Snowflake Balloon for 332MP
Slater Park Games (10 points):
You won 692MP Pie 3 of 3
Dive!! You have accepted Heckles' offer of 250MP!

Slater Park Mission/Questing (20 points):
154 Stalker Points
92 Stalker Points

Slater Park Mission Completed Level (40 points):
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
Clown Potato
16 years, 7 months & 13 days ago 31st Jul 2018 12:38
July 9th(144 points)

Slater Park Rides/Visits (1 point):
9th Jul 2018 09:11
EllaGrace enjoyed the ride and is now 100% happy!
Your Mini Pet got on the ride and.....
Nothing Happened. It enjoyed it though!
Stater Park Rides/Visits (2 points):

Restocks r1-9 (4 points):

Slater Park Games (5 points):
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
You picked up Dark Tantua Plushie
You picked up Yellow Oglue Plushie
Duck, duck, duck! You have won 2,000MP from Heckles' Duck!
You insert 250MP and move the claw to the left...
You won 377MP
You picked up Blue Yakubi Plushie
You insert 250MP and move the claw to the left...
You won 476MP
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
You insert 250MP and move the claw to the left...
You won 473MP
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
You insert 250MP and move the claw to the left...
You won 477MP
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!
Restocks r10+ (8 points):
I accept your offer of 232MP for Purple Mordo Balloon
I accept your offer of 169MP for Purple Newth Balloon
Slater Park Games (10 points):
You won 1,357MP Pie 3 of 3
You picked up Enchanted Silver Flab Plushie

Slater Park Mission/Questing (20 points):
86 Stalker Points

Slater Park Mission Completed Level (40 points):
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
16 years, 7 months & 13 days ago 31st Jul 2018 12:34
July 8th(304 points)

Slater Park Rides/Visits (1 point):
EllaGrace is Stressed from the ride and is now 0% happy!
Tee Plate is now in your Inventory
8th Jul 2018 17:17
8th Jul 2018 22:03
Your Mini Pet got on the ride and.....
Nothing Happened. It enjoyed it though!
EllaGrace has Art Block from the ride and is now 0% happy!
Never eat yellow snow!
EllaGrace has Fleas from the ride and is now 0% happy!

Stater Park Rides/Visits (2 points):
Your Mini Pet got on the ride and....
Changed colour to a Red Shnuggle!!

Restocks r1-9 (4 points):
I accept your offer of 530MP for Chicken Nuggets

Slater Park Games (5 points):
You picked up a plushie and dropped it
You won 165MP Pie 3 of 3
You insert 250MP and move the claw down...
You picked up Orange Nino Plushie
You won 393MP
You won 223MP Pie 3 of 3
You picked up a plushie and then dropped it!

Restocks r10+ (8 points):
Thank you for buying Purple Ercuw Balloon for 890MP
Thank you for buying Yellow Kronk Balloon for 404MP
Thank you for buying Yellow Kronk Balloon for 404MP
Thank you for buying Pink Kaala Balloon for 304MP
Thank you for buying Yellow Kaala Balloon for 316MP
Thank you for buying Yellow Kaala Balloon for 316MP
Thank you for buying Yellow Kaala Balloon for 316MP
Thank you for buying Green Huthiq Balloon for 214MP
Thank you for buying Blue Snookle Balloon for 527MP
Thank you for buying Orange Justin Balloon for 287MP
Thank you for buying Yellow Kronk Balloon for 404MP
Thank you for buying Red Newth Balloon for 183MP
Thank you for buying Yellow Kronk Balloon for 404MP
Thank you for buying Green Mordo Balloon for 237MP
Thank you for buying Blue Kaala Balloon for 314MP
Thank you for buying Orange Newth Balloon for 237MP
Thank you for buying Purple Walee Balloon for 557MP
Thank you for buying Orange Mordo Balloon for 247MP
Thank you for buying Red Justin Balloon for 290MP
Thank you for buying Green Zoink Balloon for 323MP20
Slater Park Games (10 points):
Duck, duck, duck! You have won 25,000MP from Heckles' Duck!
Slater Park Mission/Questing (20 points):
14 Stalker Points
90 Stalker Points
104 Stalker Points
Slater Park Mission Completed Level (40 points):
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
16 years, 7 months & 17 days ago 26th Jul 2018 20:46
  1. Lost Sock Awareness Day 2023
    13th May 2023 08:46
    1 year & 10 months ago
  2. St Patrick's Day Event 2023
    18th Mar 2023 07:30
    1 year, 11 months & 25 days ago
  3. Valentine Event 2023
    18th Feb 2023 20:19
    2 years & 24 days ago
  4. Elfmas 2022
    16th Dec 2022 19:26
    2 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
  5. Thanksgiving 2022
    24th Nov 2022 09:00
    2 years, 3 months & 19 days ago
  6. Maraween 2022
    18th Oct 2022 21:41
    2 years, 4 months & 25 days ago
  7. 18th Birthday Party
    19th Aug 2022 19:13
    2 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  8. Thanksgiving 2021
    25th Nov 2021 20:07
    3 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
  9. Maraween 2021
    25th Oct 2021 22:20
    3 years, 4 months & 17 days ago
  10. Marapets 17th Birthday
    19th Aug 2021 21:31
    3 years, 6 months & 22 days ago