My mom died today

4 years, 8 months & 27 days ago
15th Jun 2020 18:06At 6:45 pm est my mom died. She had stage 4 emphysema and honestly it's a mixed thing. It was a blessing for her, she was smothering to death slowly for the past year and a half. Her body simply wasn't getting enough oxygen. I took care of her for the first 3 or 4 months, then she told me not to anymore. I saw her two days ago, and knew she was not going to last much longer. Her brain was so oxygen starved that she was delusional and well it was bad. Of course it goes without saying I'm heartbroken. I'm thankful my husband Tim is here with me to help me through this. He doesn't know what to do for me, and I understand that, but I appreciate him just being here. He's doing the best he can and I am so thankful that I have him to lean on. In a way I'm also thankful that her suffering is over. I didn't want her to suffer, but I didn't want her to go either. Her suffering was bad, so bad that it destroyed me to see it.