ATM 2.0 Pass the Present 2022

2 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
5th Dec 2022 15:01Ok we've done this before, it's one of my favorite things
This ends December 25, 2022
This game is very simple. The first to post will get a present. That present will be worth around 1 million mp. They may keep the present and replace it with one of similar value, OR they may pass the same present that was sent to them.
Tag the person who pasted before you, and they will send you the present. You have the option of keeping it and replacing with a present of similar value or sending the same present to the one who tags you.
You MUST tag the last to post in order to get the present. This way they know who to send to. The value of the present is NEVER to drop below 1 million mp.
Do NOT tell what the present is, it's a surprise.
Every now and then we get the same 2 passing back and forth. Please if you notice that you're just passing with the same person over and over wait until someone else participates!
The person who has the present when this ends gets to keep it.
Sometimes the present gets lost. That happens, no big. If it happens let me know! That way I can send the present to you and keep the game going!!