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Hector is an obsessive collector. He moved to the Lost City of Simeria to collect rare artifacts, keys, runes, bones and now hes obsessed with collecting Stamps. Other Maradans laugh at Hector for wasting all of his time collecting stamps but he hopes to change their minds by encouraging more and more Maradans to collect Stamps for their Stamp Albums. Hector needs your help. He wants to encourage everyone in Marada to collect stamps for their own album. He has 30 different missions for you, each harder than the last. If you fail to have any of the stamps he asks for in your album, you will have to start again.
Completed Level of 30
Hector the Collector

Complete more Missions

Hector the Collector can ask for these items on Level 1

Tantua Stamp
Nodio Stamp
Newth Stamp
Cat Burglar Stamp
Oke Stamp
Thirugon Stamp
Zoosh Stamp
Phospho Stamp
Mushroom House Stamp
Fish and Chips Stamp
Abolous Stamp
Can Stamp
Nille Stamp
Raa Stamp
Acne Stamp
Kronk Stamp
Trades Stamp
Housse Stamp
Jet Stamp
Crikey Stamp
Hump Stamp
Robot Repair Stamp
Don Pefuto Stamp
Plushie Machine Stamp
Beast Victim Stamp
Post Office Stamp
Hithe Stamp
Uayl Stamp
Iolan Stamp
Maradan Bank Stamp
Halloween Paffuto Stamp
Gym Stamp
Paffuto Stamp
Sardine Oil Stamp
Biala Stamp
Tasi Stamp
Ziranek Stamp
Mini Pet Island Stamp
Mount Stamp
Medusa Stamp
Stock Market Stamp
Pessen Stamp
Drew Stamp
Duck or Dive Stamp
Tuin Stamp
Home Stamp
Burnt Stamp
Marada Stamp
Basil Stamp
Transformation Stamp
Knutt Stamp
Pumpkin Patch Stamp
Walee Stamp
Puchalla Stamp
Osafo Stamp
Theatre Stamp
Cheddar Stamp
Kleptome Stamp
Ogul Stamp
Toys Stamp

If you add the Missions Giftbox to your collection, you will be able to use Hector the Collector every 6 hours instead of every 12 hours - for life!

The Seasonal Fairy also rewards you for every giftbox that you collect