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The Editorial is the only place you can submit your ideas and questions to the staff of Marapets. Do not use it for glitches or help with your account. If your question is accepted, you may be answered in the next editorial. Please make sure spelling and grammar is correct or it may be ignored.

 Level 15 or higher players can submit one question to the Editorial per day.
 Trauma asked:
Could we please have more pet space?
This has been constantly the most asked question on here for years now... 100 pets is already a lot in my opinion and I've never really wanted it to go higher.. but I'll give in and have just increased it to 120 pets in total.
4 months, 22 days & 8 hrs ago
 SALE asked:
Would it be possible to increase the limits for trades/auctions? It seems they may be a bit outdated for the mara market of today... Thanks for considering.
The maximum MP offer on a trade or auction has been increased to 999,999,999MP. This is the maximum limit and it cannot be increased further.
5 months, 8 days & 21 hrs ago
 Shar asked:
Could we add an Enchanted Digital Yakubi Plushie?
Sure! It's been added to the Plushie Machine now
6 months, 25 days & 15 hrs ago
 Debbie asked:
The Recycling Centre hasn't has much love lately. Are there any plans on adding items anytime soon?
We have a new daily feature called Ocean Clean Up planned for future released and held back the Recycling Centre items to release with this. Our new Calendar feature means that it is more likely we'll have a day of the year themed around Recycling so keep checking there for when it's on the way!
6 months, 25 days & 15 hrs ago
 Zomvie asked:
Could we please get an Ant Hill Gift Box 😭
I'll get one made and hopefully release it later this week :)
6 months, 26 days & 18 hrs ago
 Croccultist asked:
When will there be a Poera Prey Giftbox?
I have a lot of great prizes to add to Poera Prey next week so I'll get a Poera Prey Giftbox made too and release them together!
6 months, 28 days & 18 hrs ago
 Cates asked:
The item 'Glitter Hair Extension' says it's "Not for sale in any shop" despite it formerly being available in Wigs. Is it possible to have it returned to being on sale there, or placed elsewhere?
It's now on sale at the Beanstalk shop.
7 months, 4 days & 21 hrs ago
 Gaiotto asked:
Is there any plans on fixing the greedy fairy to recognize new galleries with more than 100? I've been collecting the last couple years and wonder if i should just let it all go if there are no plans for it <3 thank you for all you do for us Ian
The Greedy Fairy doesn't miss out any gallery. She will pick a random item and reward whoever has the most of that item in their gallery. I've fixed the galleries ( page - it once again shows every player's gallery counts.
7 months, 4 days & 22 hrs ago
 Anthy asked:
Would it be possible to get the Enchanted Orange Crindol Plushie in circulation on the site?
Sure! I've just released the Enchanted Orange Crindol Plushie. You can now win it from the Plushie Machine.
7 months, 4 days & 22 hrs ago
 Shar asked:
Can Pipe Dream be included in the Dukka Balance Giftbox?
Pipe Dream, Dukka Town Scratchcards and the new Bootleg Scratchcards in Vortex Park can now be paid for directly from your Dukka Coin or Fake Dukka Coin Balance now if you have this giftbox in your collection.
2 years, 5 months & 17 days ago
 Thanos asked:
Can we get a button to cancel all of our trades at once, or at least an entire page at once?
There is now a 'Cancel All Trades' button at the bottom of your trades page. Depending on how many trades you are cancelling, it can take a few minutes for them to process and all items are returned to your Attic.

When trades expire automatically after 90 days these items also now return to your Attic too!
3 years, 7 months & 16 days ago
 Bearkat asked:
Can there be a restart level button for Wacky Workshop levels? It's really frustrating to have to back out of it completely just to restart a level when you know you made a wrong move/path.
I've been going back to each game, one by one, fixing any problems reported and improving the games and today was time for Wacky Workshop to be done. I've changed the buttons on this game now and added a Restart button.
4 years, 6 months & 4 days ago
 jumboshrimp asked:
Can we please move the restart button the 2048 game? I keep accidently clicking it!
This has happened to me before several times! I've removed the button completely and added an "Are you sure?" to the exit button.
4 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
 Tetoli asked:
Could you please implement an Ant Hill giftbox?
As probably around a quarter of all questions to the Editorial seem to be about new giftboxes I'll answer one of them..... at the moment there are no plans for new ones - I think we have more than enough right now. I have written down a few that were asked for the most here so I have a list - since the Seasonal Fairy rewards for their collection, there may be a few new ones in December if it fits around the Christmas themed news. Ant Hill, Tombola(s) and Venomous Victory are the ones I added to the "maybe" list.
4 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
 Tomorrow asked:
Would it be possible to have our already hatched glowing eggs be linked too, or be able to show, what color they hatched?
No but you can see it all here:
4 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
 patacake asked:
Thank you for making these months of isolation, fear and stress more bearable!!
You're welcome! =D
4 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
 em asked:
The image for "Pliers" on mara is actually a wrench, not pliers, is this something that can be fixed?
It's been wrong for 16 years now and no one has ever pointed that out... I can't just rename it because it'll mess up a lot of guides but whenever the tools get their artwork updated, I'll make sure the art is actually pliers!
4 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
 Debutation asked:
Can we have the new games added to the high scores list please?
They all will have a trophy of some kind eventually but I don't release the prizes and trophies all at once. Sometimes it is because the artwork isn't ready but other times it is because we wait until the game has had enough plays/tests and enough extra security features are added to stop any possible cheating. No matter how many times we test stuff before release, there will always be those 1 in 1,000 or even 1 in 100,000 weird glitches that can happen and trophies should only go to those who earned them.
4 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
 Berries asked:
Can the new HTML5 games only be shown on the Games page and not on the Free Games (dailies) page? Like the old flash games used to be.
The design of the games page (and others that are basically just massive lists) will be changed in a few months. I'm waiting until a few more games and features are released before they get updated and organised properly.
4 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
 Level asked:
Can we press a button to return to the old MaraTalk?
Probably not but give it a try!
4 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
 Teldrassil asked:
Would there possibly be a feature added to MaraTalk that you can save specific gifs to show up when you first hit the gif button? I'd love instant access to Elmo Fire ;.;
If you save GIFs and upload them to Mara.Pics you can have your own GIF folder there which will make it easier to get to at MaraTalk and the Forums.
4 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
 pobelvean asked:
Would you consider promoting health, safety, and responsibility in the midst of the COVID pandemic here in Mara? Maybe Trojan could take a home vacation until it's a bit safer? ^_^
That's a cute idea but I *try* to keep real life stuff out of the "virtual world" of Marada. I'll say it here though - any players thinking of going outside, please stay home and play MaraPets instead!
4 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
 Keyster asked:
The link on the Active Players page for "Need to contact staff?" leads to nothing. Can this lead to a page for information on contacting staff?
The information it leads to is under the list of players online now... but I've fixed that link too now :)
4 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
 Porcelan asked:
Can quests pay more? If we buy items directly from other shops we lose more than we spend for quests
If you're not making a profit from a quest, you shouldn't do it. That is pretty much the whole point of a quest game.
4 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
 Mitchie asked:
Can you label the stars awarded for completing the jigsaw puzzles so that we know which level of difficulty has already been completed?
I've changed the stars so that they show in order of difficulty, so if you were missing the Medium difficulty, the 2nd star will be missing. I also recently added Lowlyhood as a new puzzle.
4 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
 Porcelan asked:
I would love to see more games with prizes per level, and more game trophies. Any plans to add more?
We added about 8 new ones since you asked this question haha but yes, we have plans to add more but obviously 2020 we started with 46 less games when our Flash Games were removed so they're coming out faster this year than they would normally. I still plan to release around one a week, every week, until 2020 is over. Next year they won't be released as often though - we have other plans for 2021 :)
4 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
The Fish Minipets and Undying Minipets that can't have a colour change at Fasoro Falls, can you make it so they CAN'T be put through there please?
This was actually on my list for a while but it required editing a lot of places around the site where Minipets are used. This has been done now and Fasoro Falls only lists the Minipets that can actually use it.
4 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
 Thistleclaw asked:
Can we get the icons of the shopkeepers on the 'shops' page updated to their new artwork?
These pages will have a new design soon, once more of their artwork is updated which is why we stopped updating all of the icons.
4 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
 Icewolf12 asked:
Is the Hero Costume going to be revamped?
The Super Hero Costume is one of the costumes that was half revamped already with the Basil, Decadal, Murfin and Raulf completed but the Mordo, Newth, Sindi and Speiro will be updated and lots more pets will be able to wear it.
4 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
 Panda asked:
Will the Flayee solution be changed, seeing the Pot of Gold drops have changed ?
Yea - with the way the Pot of Gold works now the solution to this avatar isn't fair given the price and rarity of the Flayee item. I don't usually ever give out solutions to avatars but will do this time because obviously it has changed. Since the Flayee now comes from the Time Machine, the solution for this avatar is now to use the Time Machine whenever the Flayee is a possible prize to be won that week. You don't have to win a Flayee but you will gain the avatar using the Time Machine if the Flayee was a possible prize to be won.
4 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
 Avious asked:
When is a Marapets merchandise store coming to us??
Never say never, but I don't think I'd ever do this. If we were to have merchandise it would have to be done properly, with high quality little pet plushies that are special and something I would want to own. I don't like mass produced throwaway merchandise... like a plain white "one size fits noone" t shirt with MaraPets logo on it really isn't something I would ever want to exist. But one day I would love us to have a limited amount of special, high quality pet plushies that can be won in our events, earned in a special shop here or possibly as a free gift we send to those who reached say Level 100 of the progress goals. I would want them to all be really unique, with their own cute little box, unique tags, unique birth certificates. Something special that people would want to keep forever and not just be thrown away or added to the pile of other merchandise. It will happen one day but I doubt we'll ever have a store.. unless I accidently order 100,000 instead of 1,000 lol
4 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
 Hyde asked:
Is there any way you can add a link "Back to Marapets" on the new games send score pages?
The 'Play More Games' button when you send score basically brought you back but I changed that button now to say 'Back to MaraPets'
4 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
 tweeeety asked:
How many Progress Levels are there?
75 levels at the moment
4 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
 Pikalove asked:
Will the Retired Account Upgrades Apr 2005 for bolimo necklace and the other marapets character going to come out again?
Of course - they are on the Time Machine list.
4 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
 jacobb asked:
Venomous Victory Giftbox and a No-ads for Games Giftbox?
I answered earlier today about the ads and added a 'Preloader Ads Giftbox'. Adding it to your collection doesn't remove ads from the site but it does remove the ads that show while the newer games/features are loading. Basically any game or feature that is fullscreen will no longer show those ads.
4 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
 Ease asked:
What happened to the release of the vortex park scratchcards?
Plans change. I don't like releasing something unless I'm 100% happy with it. They may or may not be released in the future lol
4 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
 Guineagirl asked:
Why do you need to be higher than leave 15 to ask questions? The new player will have the most questions eneyways
Editorial is supposed to be suggestions to improve the game and give feedback and I feel that by the time you are Level 15 or higher, you have visited enough of the site to do this. Before it was questions like "how do I feed my pet?" or "Hello? is anyone there?"
4 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
Two questions about jigsaw puzzles. Is there a point to getting all four stars, and can we get some way to tell what difficulty we've gotten stars from?
Each puzzle has 4 stars and you earn 1 star for each difficulty. There is no way to tell which one other than by making note of it yourself.
4 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
 Valyra asked:
In Colours, why do you sometimes play against one player, and sometimes against 3 players?
It changes each time at random to keep it different. You play against 1, 2 or 3 players.
4 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
Can you please make an editorial giftbox so we can enter 2 questions per day
Haha noooooooo
4 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
 Meivabelle asked:
Can we have a GB that automatically updates prices in our shop once a day?
Giftboxes were created to allow people to use certain features twice as often. They became another way for players to pay once to unlock features that we would love to offer to everyone for free but are very server/cpu intensive and a GB helps limit and pay for these features. They are not (and never will be) something that *plays* the MaraPets game for you and pricing your shop is not something that is automated.
4 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
 SH0DAN asked:
Can we get a giftbox for Venomous Victory please Ian?
This feature was never intended to have a giftbox. I made it really generous with the amount of transformations and photos that are earned each day and to double that would be too much. People do keep asking for it though because they do want to play more often so if we ever did have a GB for this game, I would need to create new photo items (that can only be won from this feature) to balance this slightly because the current game already is very, very generous with the number of photos that can be won daily and any GB would double this - which is far too much!
4 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
Can you add a link to hospital at Eleka Fountain because my pets went there and are sick.
Whenever you click on your pet while its sick it will link to the hospital.
4 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
 RainbowDreamz asked:
Will there be more Jigsaw Puzzles? I have completed all 13 & every level of the ones so far I do hope there will be.
There will be! I'm happy to say that the new Eleka's Castle map has just now been added as a new puzzle.
4 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
 Treat asked:
Can the windmill be added to the free to play games (not the bottom puzzles section)?
It shouldn't actually be in the puzzle list, that was a mistake. I've moved it to Pet Dailies now.
4 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
 Cygnet asked:
Can Anagram Sam be hooked up to a dictionary so it accepts a wider variety of common real words?
The original Anagram Sam was for marapets items which is the only reason why it's like that. In the future we might meet one of his relatives Dictionary Kerry or Spell Michelle lol in a new version based on real, dictionary words.
4 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
 Guineagirl asked:
Why is there an ad for prize drop? There was none for One in a Million.
Almost every page of the site has ads, so One in a Million did but since the Prize Drop game has a "loading screen" that can take 5-35 seconds to load for players depending on the size of the game, the device its played on and internet speed... so while the game is downloading a slightly higher paying, higher quality branded or video ad is loaded.

Obviously no one likes ads and if I had the choice, I would not have them on MaraPets. It's really not nice for us to spend weeks on a game or feature to make it perfect then have an ugly, annoying advert for someone else's game show before you play ours. Wthout ads we would be 100% reliant on Account Upgrade purchases and I don't personally think that would be a good thing for us. MaraPets is a free to play game and the vast majority of people do not purchase AU and I personally like that they don't feel the *need* to and can win/earn it in the game too. So yeah, the reason WHY we have these ads is that they bring in a small amount of extra revenue that long term helps pay for all of this extra content and basically keep us going strong after almost 16 years now.

We've have however had a LOT of requests in the editorial for a Giftbox that removes these preloader ads on our new games and it is something that we will be implementing because it seems like the best solution. These ads only became extremely annoying when someone is an active MaraPets player who plays and uses them several times a day and these adverts are really only intended to make additional revenue from those who find us, browse, play a few games and leave. I hope this makes sense!
4 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
 Switch asked:
Would you make a setting for Marapets night mode? Darker backgrounds instead of white.
Honestly, I have no plans for anything like this. There are plenty of browser settings and extensions you can add to do it yourself. If you have Chrome browser go to Settings, Themes and then choose Dark.
4 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
 pinkgu asked:
Due to the current weather event and closure of certain shops. Can we have an alternate solution to Easter Egg Hunt 2020? I believe some of us player are still trying to finish it.
I know this question is old but it was still asked on the 8th May so I think the answer is still relevent. Easter was 12 April and everyone had until the end of June to complete it. Weather events are random and unpredictable and part of the game. The alternative solution will only ever be to wait for the weather to pass.
4 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
 Guineagirl asked:
Can we get a thing like with selfies but for pets so you could change them?
We have this already with the Transformations collection but you just have to earn the changes from Drew quests. It'll never be as easy to change pets as it is changing selfies.
4 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
 Astralis asked:
Could you make it so we go straight to the Sewer Struggle battles rather than being directed to the battle arena?
I've edited it so that when you click on the 'Fight them in the Battle Arena to continue' link it will automatically start the battle for your default pet. It's not perfect though - it *may* have a few issues if a security code is asked for or if you are already in a battle but its certainly better than before.
4 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
 ItsJake asked:
Any chance the daily deals could reset at 00:00?
That wouldn't work because your deal needs to last a day. Otherwise people could use it at 1 minute before midnight and their deal has reset before they even get to the shop its for.
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
 Juliie asked:
Is there a possibility to show all the words you could've gotten at word pirate at the end of the game?
The dictionary has about 300,000+ words so it would be a huge, crazy list lol
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
 Drymoon asked:
Can you make it so people can purchase hotel, hospital, and prison credit?
I don't understand the point of that? They're all paid for in MP so you would just be pre-paying your fees.
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
 Dragobete asked:
Chess is one of my favourite games and I find it too easy to win. Can you add some difficulty levels like in Maze?
Chess actually has about 6 or 7 different difficulty levels which vary at random.
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
 Thistleclaw asked:
The ‘pomegranate shampoo’ item from the toiletries shop is misspelled as ‘pomegranite’ shampoo
Oops! Fixed it =D
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
 gennie asked:
For the Colours/Uno game, could you add an option to number of players per game, 2,3, or 4, instead of having it be random?
No, in fact the other games with the option will most likely switch to random.
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
 Ecossais asked:
Can we made double or nothing a bit easier? She must hate me I’ve been trying to get the book of swords from her for about 1 year now
Easier how? Any easier would be double or double lol
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
 jacobb asked:
Can we have a gift box for no-ads on games?
It's a tricky one. The ads obviously bring in revenue to pay for these games and without ads, we'd be 100% reliant on AU buyers and I think Mara wouldn't be the same if it was totally reliant on those who pay to play. Any GB to stop the preloader/video ads while a game is loading could *maybe* help if the GB was paid for but most AU is earnt or traded on MaraPets.. and a lot of people adblock anyway. And a GB just for the ads while the new games are loading would have a lot of people expecting the whole of Marapets to be ad-free. And it would lose us revenue than pays for a lot of these benfits and has kept us open for so long.... I'll add it to the list as a possible GB for the game preloader/video ads.
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
Are you able to fix the clicking system on Quack Mafia? My cursor is directly on these ducks and I'm still not hitting them?
There is nothing to fix. You need to earn and upgrade your accuracy.
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
 CJ asked:
Can you add the Photo Parlour and Web Cam to the Operations Portal page, please?
Mara is so huge that the original suggestions were first the obviously linked places and then others, like the portal, were linked by how often you could play them. I've taken away Word Search and Crossword from Portal and replaced it with Photos + Webcam.
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
 Dannie asked:
Can all the new games be under the games tab too including the card and word games?
The game sections will eventually have a much nicer and organised system but obviously our first new game was only released in January and it would look pretty sad to have a "card games" or "word games" section before when we literally only had that terrible crossword game from 2010 and the old "Anagram Sam" game (aa hdddbed mmmas zzzz what word am I? lol). We have a LOT of great games on the way and then they'll be organised better.
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
 robinh00d asked:
Can the random stat gift box make us choose which pet job promotions will go to?
I've added it to a list of "maybe" in the future! But not that GB, would probably be a different one.
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
 Univ asked:
Could we get a scratchcard giftbox to half the time needed to wait before buying another one?
This was released 11 years, 5 months & 10 days ago back in February 2009.
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
Can we have some sort of "Back to Marapets" link within games other than the "Play more Games" link when you've already played the max number of times?
"Play More Games" does go back to Marapets (to the games page) but I have added it to the list to change as this has been requested by many.
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
 La asked:
Can we have a price check on items that are in the AU Shop and in the Giftbox Shop?
I would love to so that its the same as the other shops but it has to be that way for simplicity. Obviously it is just like any other shop where any sale is final but because its AU based, people claim all kinds of glitches/errors when they change their mind so that is basically the reason why. The shop is never that full anyone so you can search each item on the site search for a price check :)
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
 _Syd_ asked:
Would you consider putting the Gazillionaire in the Time Machine?
No... the Time Machine is made for AU related items. Retired items will never come back and be cheaper and easier than the first time they were avaliable so if Gazillionaire came back, it would most likely be in a non-AU way and more expensive than when it was for sale in the Antique Shop.
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
 Mccandles asked:
Now that you have added some of the great classic games like chess, would you consider adding a version of cribbage?
Honestly... I still don't really understand the rules of Chess and Backgammon even after working on those games AND I had to contact the American Checkers Federation to verify the rules of Draughts because of the mandory jumps backlash here... so I think I'll leave the classics alone for a while haha
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
 Spice asked:
Can you please identify if a pet is limited or restricted on the wise walee page?
I think it would be too much information on one page to add there, but I have change the Wise Walee and Zetzilla pages so that each pet links to that pet at Pet Colours, so you can then easily see the Enchanted Plushie/Potion prices and click around from there to see more species/pet colour info.
4 years, 7 months & 30 days ago
 gennie asked:
Could you add the bank interest chart to the "bank is closed" page, so we can check it, even when the bank is closed?
4 years & 8 months ago
 Irony asked:
Can there be an option in the wardrobe that says 'recently added' so we dont have to search to find our newest clothes??
Yes and no. The original wardrobe set up didn't save a lot of this info so it wasn't something we could easily sort, but its been saving a lot more and learning a lot more about players when they use it. So in the future there will be a lot more features for Wardobes that are useful.
4 years & 8 months ago
 ItsJake asked:
Could we have a way to put aquarium on a reminder for when a new session starts please?
That is part of the challenge of those quests so there won't ever be reminders for that.
4 years & 8 months ago
 CCR asked:
With so many retired items in Marapets, will there be another way for new players to acquire these retired items aside from a weekly small rotation from Time Machine, to make collecting for us new players more fun?
The Time Machine is only for items that were once released in Account Upgrades. Other retired items can be won in many different ways and since this question was asked, you will have seen that many new games (and future ones) will have ways to earn other retired items.
4 years & 8 months ago
 Skull asked:
Can we get a remove all option for the socks we’ve collected for Shusan?
This has been on the to-do list for so long but then Vortex Park blew up and she had vanished every time I went to do it.. but it's now added!
4 years, 10 months & 30 days ago
 Astrologist asked:
Can we get a Guillotine Giftbox?
4 years & 11 months ago
 Dragobete asked:
Hard difficulty on Maze isnt hard enough, can you add an insane difficulty level?
I actually agree. I think the easy level is a little too easy and the hard isn't that hard! I made the hard level more extreme and the easy level is now the old "normal" level. I also increased the MP payouts and the amount of raffle prizes.
4 years & 11 months ago
 ezgame asked:
Can you please add a game notification button for the new games like maze and chess please?
I've added all of the recent games to the reminders now - all 23 of them!
4 years & 11 months ago
 ItsJake asked:
In Chess, is there any way to code it so that if you go to stalemate, because the computer can’t move anywhere that isn’t checkmate, that you win instead of draw? In real chess you’d win as the other player would have to lay down their king.
I've changed the Chess game so that a draw still counts as a win in terms of MP + raffle prizes.
4 years & 11 months ago
 bugsy15 asked:
When will you add a Wallop Poision to the shop?
Just now!
5 years & 6 days ago
 Peekaboo asked:
Would you please add a link to the Weekly Quest Contest from the Desert Spy?
Sure - added!
5 years & 12 days ago
 nobah asked:
In Monty's Great Escape, pressing the left/right arrow keys sometimes results in a shift all the way left or all the way right as opposed to going into the middle-- often, this causes me to lose the game even though /I/ wasn't actually making mistakes in it.
This is how the game is supposed to be. With practice you'll get better but it's not as simple as pressing a key. How you press/tap/hold and for how long is what will make it move. It would be a really boring game if you just pressed the arrow key and it did what you wanted.
5 years & 12 days ago
 ax asked:
I would love to see all pets able to wear the burnt costume
5 years & 12 days ago
 CuriousDiana asked:
How do you win the Potato Weight Guessing game? I can never win :(
Not 100% sure but I think you just need to guess the colour of the chicken
5 years & 12 days ago
 Rollpanna asked:
There should be another feature for swapping. So that it won't be mixed with other items that you are selling.
We have a great swapping feature but you'll have to join or create an active Club to use it.
5 years & 12 days ago
 Devin1809 asked:
Can the bank interest be changed to a box system like with taxes in some countries? (The first 0-10.000mp gets 0.5% interest,<br> 10.000-50.000 mp gets 0.45%, etc.) It feels weird seeing interest drop so much when reaching a new milestone (and somewhat discourages saving money ).
Interest rates in the UK just dropped to 0.25% and EU interest rates have been around 0% for a while now, so comparing us to the outside world, we're actually pretty good! That being said, you're 100% right, it is supposed to discourage saving money. If I could go back, I never would've added interest in the first place.
5 years & 12 days ago
Will Shusan ever be back? Level 2 of Vortex park goals requires completing 25 or more Shusan quests so I'm stuck at level 2.
She's back now Monty is out of her shoe!
5 years & 12 days ago
 KingBaspinar asked:
It's awfully late to ask this but could we have a Leap Year avvie?
5 years & 12 days ago
 Dracofire1 asked:
Do account upgrades only cost money?
If you email us I'm sure we can find a way to accept cars, houses, gold or diamonds.
5 years & 12 days ago
 CactusBlossom asked:
Could we please add the Dukka Town Scratchcard shortcut in where the Dukka Coins page is?
Sure - added!
5 years & 12 days ago
 Astrologist asked:
Can we get a link from the Account Upgrade Shop to the Time Machine like we do with the Capsule Machine?
Sure - added!
5 years & 12 days ago
 Molecule asked:
Why are profiles now only able to be edited by Level 15+ players?
A lot of features, past and present, are changing to be level based because it's the best way. It makes no sense to make a new player who is playing constantly to wait days/week/months for something that 10+ spam accounts can do because they made them in the past, waiting to cause trouble.
5 years & 12 days ago
 Rollpanna asked:
Can the quests be more profitable ?
Of course they can! But that's up to you to make them profitable for you - that's why they're called quests
5 years & 12 days ago
Can we have a clickable picture/place in Lowlyhood for Giveaways?
That map (and several others) are so old now that it's not worth our time editing/adding new stuff to them because they're just waiting for a time when we revamp them. BUT that will still be a while, so I've added it to the stars on the ground outside the dentist tooth building.
5 years & 12 days ago
 Zombie_Mkay asked:
Could we please get a link to The Wonky Pyramid from the Memory Shop?
Sure - added!
5 years & 12 days ago
 Icewolf12 asked:
Why is there no new male clothes?
It's 2020 and male/female clothing doesn't exist, each gender can wear whatever they like. There's over 5,000 clothing items and we're always adding more but you'll need to be more specific with what new clothing you'd like to see.
5 years & 12 days ago
 meow0321 asked:
For the cosmonaut quest sometimes the item that is requested is not there in the shops so is there a way to change that?
That is the whole challenge of a quest. It will only ask for stuff that can and does stock and most shops have new stock every 5 minutes.
5 years & 12 days ago
 ZombieGoat asked:
Could we get a search feature for the forums please? It would save people needing to post duplicate topics for the some questions :)
You would think haha
We've had this feature on the help forum for a while now... people don't use it and they don't close their topics when they've been answered.
5 years & 12 days ago
 Shar asked:
When doing a circus mission, if I don't have a circus ticket, could there be a way to buy it from that page?
Sure - I've updated Circus missions now to have price checker for the circus ticket.
5 years & 24 days ago
 stephy4554 asked:
Could we get a list of our missing wardrobe items that is not separated by category so that it is easier to find the cheapest missing items throughout all of the categories?
Sure! This was also on the to-do list for a while now, but it's finally here! You can view a list of all missing wardrobe items and sort these Alphabetically, by cheapest, most expensive and unbuyable - if you have the correct giftbox.
5 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
 SALE asked:
Could we possibly get a feature that allows us to set a default pet exclusively for battling/freelance agency jobs?
Default pets have always been confusing for people to switch between and and it's always been on the list to add.... but we didn't want to make it even more confusing! I think I found a way and have added it to the top of the pets section.
5 years, 1 month & 12 days ago