Small Little Rant... Well Maybe...
17 years, 7 months & 29 days ago

14th Jul 2007 20:46
I am so sick and tired of the "Abercrombie and Hollister" threads along with some of the comments that are posted. Most of the people who post them are soooooo close minded that it scares me. The one response that really sent me over the edge was the one that said "SAVE YOURSELF. Go to hot topic." And so I responded, which I really don't do much. So here is my response.
"I love Hot Topic, but I also shop at Hollister and Abercrappie -cough- I mean Abercrombie. Why all the hate? They all just sell clothes. It's not like it is going to determine the rest of our lives... Seriously, by just saying you are going to shop at one store to prove a point is immature. I got over that stage when I realized that some of the shirts they sold were actually pretty nice. I mean, really, don't judge a brand of clothes because goths or preps wear it. Just wear what you like and not what other people want you to wear.
>.</end rant."
Usually I don't reply to these types of topics, but I knew I must. I've watched to much "What Not To Wear" to let it go by without my two cents. Personally, I got over my phase of only buying from Hot Topic and Pac Sun, and I have realized how dumb it is to close yourself off because you don't like the people shopping at the stores.
I'm tired of people dictatating how others should dress and WHERE they should buy their clothes. I'm tired of the stupid labels and people who just dress and act a certain way for attention, and not because they actually like it.
I've finally realized how dumb it is to block yourself off because you don't like people or because those people want you to act or dress or even be a certain way. I now shop in as many places as I can, to expose myself to every possibility. I no longer care about what people think of me, and only what I think. I do care about what friends of mine think, but will not let certain people detere me from dressing and acting the way I want to.
Every person should go look at themselves really hard in the mirror, and see if they are effected by peer pressure, or if they really aren't acting a certain way because they don't like it.
It took time, but I over came the peer pressure and have dramatically changed. Now I shop everywhere I can. I don't act close minded towards things anymore and look at things with a new open perspective.