Hey, heres a poem
17 years, 3 months & 13 days ago

30th Nov 2007 05:40
???My Soul Sister???
To you, the person closest to my heart
I just want to let you know
That if we went our different ways
My heart would break,
Into more than a million pieces
But, I know our love would never die
Because OUR love is greater than love itself
We???re done testing the boundaries, our love exceeds the limits
Our bond is one of a kind
I'm sure no one else has it like us
Because if people knew the depth of it
I'm sure they???d think it was a lie
With you the laughter never stops
The tears never begin
And the love knows no bounds
What you do for me amazes me like no other
Your ears are always open
Petty or not, big or small
You???re there and that???s what matters most
When together our true colors show
Instead of being two
We become
You should know,
That you are the one that taught me the most important thing for life
You taught me how to love
So, for my one and only soul sister
I give an endless supply of love
But more importantly I give you,
A pure white dove