My Own Personal Goals!
16 years, 7 months & 15 days ago

28th Jul 2008 02:05
[X]Finish a mission!(I finished the Ublish first)
[X]Turn Menalaus into a Gray Ike!
[X]Turn TheUpsideDown into a Mutant Huthiq!
[X]Turn Jadisai into a Fairy Chibs!
[X]Turn Syncity into a Devil Figaro!
[X]Turn Chernabog into a Bug Oglue!
[X]Turn Execrated Cursed!
[X]Turn ChristopherSquawken Chibi!
[X]Have a bug Limax named Heimlich!
[X]Turn Aethalwulf Royal!
[X]Turn Iskoldir into a Moonlight Quell!
[X]Turn Atrocities into an Eleka Figaro!
[_]Turn Epiphora into a Sad Quell!
[_]Turn Mirolesque into an Angel Decadal!
[X]Turn Electroshocks into an Lightening Hump!
[X]Turn DiscoInferno Fire!
[X]Turn Wanderlusts into a Wizard Eyru!
[X]Turn Deplorably Mutant!
[X]Turn HocusPucus into a Galaxy Pucu!
[X]Turn Frankensteine Underwater!
[X]Turn Mirolesque into a White Pucu!
[X]Turn Upheaval Midnight!
[_]Turn Jadisai Into a Fairy Decadal!
[X]Turn Stitchens into an Autumn Eyru!
[X]Turn Qebehet into a Desert Rusty!
[X]Turn Nevicar Beige!
[X]Turn Jotunheimr into a Tundra Eyru!
[X]Turn Niflheimr into a Winter Willa!
[X]Turn Iradescence Pastel!
[X]Change Rhus's Name to Justitium!
[X]Turn Somari Light Fairy!
[X]Turn Bakara Emo!
[X]Turn Mirolesque Angel!
[X]Turn Pixelogic into an Arcade Willa!
[X]Turn Valkyrian Voodoo!
[X]Turn Internmint Halloween!
[X]Turn Metosachistic Into a Gothic Arinya!
[X]Turn Lief Into a Spring Lorius!(Thank you Easter Bunny)
[X]Get a Snookle to put in my Cotton Candy Costume!
[X]Turn Edyson Steampunk
[X]Turn Anarchistry into a Punk Mordo!
[X]Get some Lati poison for Shienna!
[X]Get 2 more Extra Pet Giftboxes!
[X]Make 1 Million Marapoints!
[X]Make 5 Million Marapoints!
[X]Make 10 Million Marapoints!
[X]Make 15 Million Marapoints!
[X]Make 20 Million Marapoints!
[_]Win an Enchanted LE Plushie from the Plushie Machine!
[X]Own at least 1 LE!
[X]Own at least one of my dream pets!
[X]Finish putting together the volcano map for the down right hell of it lol!
[X]Finish the Christmas Treasure Map!
[X]Finish the Explorer Treasure Map!
[X]Finish the Sewer Pipes Treasure Map!
[X]Finish Fugunzel Treasure Map!
[X]Finish Fishing Treasure Map!
[X]Finish Foxfire Pond Treasure Map!
[X]Finish the Advent Tree Instructions!
[X]Finish the Enchanted Plushie Machine Instructions!
[X]Finish every mission at least once!
[_]Collect 1 of every minipet for my gallery collection!
Not doing too shabby