christmas cheer!!! (wishlist)
17 years, 3 months & 15 days ago

27th Nov 2007 13:55
If you are doing Christmas shopping then here is my wish list
1. any Cd's ,books,movies,musical instruments etc.
2. any enchanted plusie
3. any trading cards
4. any glowing egg that is not in my nest
5.anything on my wish list
6.any crystals for training.
lost on 25th of october
17 years, 4 months & 17 days ago

27th Oct 2007 09:10
I acendenlty traded my chibs for 2 phantys. I caused that girl alot of ruccus because she wouldn't give it back. i would like to say sorry to her and that i wish she would give me my chibs back
my dream pet!!
17 years, 4 months & 26 days ago

18th Oct 2007 06:57
I finally traded a mutant ogule that had 20+ stats, 40 books and some other stuff for a black chibs!!!
monday augast 20th
17 years, 6 months & 18 days ago

24th Aug 2007 09:45
i payed 1.5 for a skater snookle potion