I have more costumes and potions than I thought.
13 years, 10 months & 9 days ago

3rd May 2011 07:27
+ British Costume
+ Burnt Costume
+ Easter Costume
+ Fire Fairy Costume
+ Light Fairy Costume
+ Minipet Costume
+ Plushie Costume
+ Polar Costume
+ Yellow Costume
+ Black Bolimo Potion
+ Burnt Ideus Potion
+ Clown Walee Potion
+ Cotton Candy Kidlet Potion
+ Emo Xoi Potion
+ Grey Jessup Potion
+ Mermaid Jessup Potion
+ Mermaid Zetlian Potion
+ Orange Kidlet Potion
+ Pink Leido Potion
+ Purple Kidlet Potion
+ Radioactive Jessup Potion
+ Sketch Ushunda Potion
+ Sketch Zetlian Potion
+ Stary Grint Potion
+ Stoneage Knutt Potion
:: Hating on the costumes ::
13 years, 10 months & 20 days ago

22nd Apr 2011 01:32
I hate this new British costume.
MORE that I hate the fact that it means restocking has now gone through the roof; so if you need shiv for actual quests- nones there.
hopefully this means all the prices from SS will go down ten-fold.
Photos So Far...
13 years, 11 months & 1 day ago

10th Apr 2011 03:31
[[ On a side note; if anyone wants to do a photoswap- i can do Halloween Tantua; Green Osafo; Gingerbread Grint; Halloween Ushunda; Ninja Knutt; Halloween Zetlian; Stoneage Gonk; Goblin Leido; Minipet Tantua; Minipet Fasoro; Slimey Leido & Pixie Fasoro ]]
Angel Ushunda
Balloon Jessup
Black Leido
Black Osafo
Black Reese
Blue Bolimo
Blue Huthiq
Blue Zoosh
Checkered Leido
Checkered Poera
Checkered Ushunda
Chinese Azul
Chocolate Chibs
Chocolate Gonk
Dark Bolimo
Elf Ushunda
Emo Xoi
Firefairy Speiro
Ghost Knutt
Gingerbread Grint
Goblin Leido
Gold Reese
Green Osafo
Green Ushunda
Halloween Tantua
Halloween Ushunda
Halloween Zetlian
Insideout Crindol
Leprechaun Azul
Lightfairy Azul
Lighting Crindol
Mafia Flab
Mafia Renat
Millionaire Equilor
Minipet Chibs
Minipet Fasoro
Minipet Tantua
Mutant Addow
Ninja Knutt
Orange Arinya
Pilgrim Addow
Pixie Fasoro
Plant Ushunda
Princess Osafo
Princess Phanty
Prison Chibs
Puchalla Gonk
Punk Knutt
Punk Sindi
Purple Leido
Radioactive Feliz
Rainbow Feliz
Recycled Knutt
Red Equilor
Red Walee
Red Ushunda
Red Xoi
Skeleton Huthiq
Skeleton Xoi
Sketch Ushunda
Sleepy Murfin
Slimey Leido
Snow Addow
Snow Osafo
Snow Renat
Space Zetlian
Stoneage Gonk
Trailer Phanty
Vampire Reese
Voodoo Fasoro
Water Fasoro
Yellow Daisy
Yellow Gonk
Yellow Ushunda
Zombie Yukabi
Zombie Knutt
13 years, 11 months & 19 days ago

23rd Mar 2011 03:31
omfg, the new hump plushies are amazingly cute<3
Do want.
(and will get.)
Also need all the other silly ones as well.
That's a LOT of plushies.