RANT: Buying in Bulk
9 years & 28 days ago

14th Feb 2016 15:53
Yes, yes, I understand this is a game, and anyone would appreciate a discount on anything they are buying, but...
Why is it that buyers think because they are buying in bulk they should deserve to get a super discount(i.e. half price), as though they are saving the seller troubles of selling 1 by 1?
Here's how I see it...The seller is saving the buyer the trouble of buying 1 by 1, not the other way around. Usually items that are purchased in bulk are highly sought after, easy selling items, i.e. Crystals, Diamonds, Scholarships, and the like.
As a seller, one can easily toss those types of items in their shop, price them for the going price, and have absolutely no issues in selling. Those types of items easily sell in bulk to multiple buyers in shops just as easily, if not easier than they would selling in bulk to one individual buyer.
If a buyer were to go to shops and buy in bulk for each of those items, the price would slowly increase over time. Thus, sellers shouldn't be selling their items for discounts when selling in bulk, but could actually be selling for slightly higher than the current SS selling price due to this fact.
Sellers of these types of items, don't sell yourselves short. You can easily get the going rate for your items by simply selling in your shop without having to discount. I know sometimes we are desperate for MP, but trust me when I say, the items will sell, and in the end you will have more MP.
~End Rant~
1mil Slot Run
10 years, 9 months & 30 days ago

12th May 2014 23:56
One Dukka Coin x12
Two Dukka Coin x3
Six Dukka Coin x2
One Dukka Coin x14
Two Dukka Coin x2
Female Insert Coin Top
One Dukka Coin x12
Two Dukka Coin x8
Nine Dukka Coin
One Dukka Coin x13
Two Dukka Coin x8
Six Dukka Coin
One Dukka Coin x9
Two Dukka Coin x7
Dukka Coin Contact Lenses
Dukka Coin Wig
One Dukka Coin x8
Two Dukka Coin x3
One Dukka Coin x4
Two Dukka Coin x4
Five Hundred Dukka Coin
One Dukka Coin x10
Two Dukka Coin x8
Nine Dukka Coin
Glowing Rainbow Egg
One Dukka Coin x13
Two Dukka Coin x9
Nine Dukka Coin
One Dukka Coin x11
Two Dukka Coin x9
Glowing Rainbow Egg
Raining Dukka Coins
Total Winnings
One Dukka Coin x106
Two Dukka Coin x61
Six Dukka Coin x3
Nine Dukka Coin x3
Five Hundred Dukka Coin
Glowing Rainbow Egg x2
Female Insert Coin Top
Dukka Coin Contact Lenses
Dukka Coin Wig
Raining Dukka Coins
Number of Dukka Coins won (not including the Five Hundred Dukka Coin)
Explorer Quest Challenge with 500k
10 years, 10 months & 3 days ago

9th May 2014 21:04
I started with 500k. To track my exact winnings, I purchased all items asked for while questing from either Marapet or User shops. I did not use any items I already owned.
Quest Count at Start: 6,804
Quest Count at End: 6,929
Quests Completed: 125
Rune to Quest Ratio: 1 in 14
Runes Won - Value:
Rune B - 420k
Rune E - 388k
Rune F - 498k
Rune G - 485k
Rune N - 315k
Rune P - 450k
Rune R - 396k
Rune T - 270k
Rune W - 419k
Total approximate Value of Runes: 3.641m
Total approximate Profit: 3.141m
11 years, 2 months & 13 days ago

28th Dec 2013 23:04
Female Nurse Costume has been added to your Wardrobe.
You can now wear this whenever you like by visiting your Wardrobe.
My character can now be a nurse, just as I am in real life!!!!