mags/news swap [aug '21]
7 years, 7 months & 10 days ago

1st Aug 2017 14:05
I will accept any mix of magazine and photo/plate if its similar in value. Once I've completed the month, I'll swap for any plates/photos. Value doesn't matter if I don't have the photo/plate.
Pet Jobs
8 years, 10 months & 15 days ago

26th Apr 2016 10:27
Tracking jobs and stats needed:
Ardessia - Architect [Level 5]
Health:40| 160 (L8)
Art:40| 110 (L10)
Geography:5| 75 (L12)
Maths:25| 100 (L10)
Science:25| 100 (L10)
Books:7| 95 (L6)
Coordination:70| 100 (L17)
Environmental Studies:5| 32 (L10)
Computer Science:5| 30 (L10)
Business Studies:5| 40 (L10)
Bonjonni - Journalist [Level 4]
Level:60| 100 (L16)
Charisma:25| 65 (L10)
Language:35| 100 (L7)
History:20| 75 (L7)
Geography:15| 70 (L7)
CDs:5| 55 (L5)
DVDs:6| 50 (L11)
Books:6| 90 (L4)
Stamina:100| 110 (L19)
Humanities:7| 30 (L10)
Computer Science:5| 23 (L10)
Sociology:5| 20 (L10)
Chirania - Actor [Level 6]
Charisma:45| 150 (L9)
Language:40| 150 (L10)
Music:35| 120 (L10)
DVDs:35| 100 (L8)
Books:14| 70 (L12)
Instruments:40| 200 (L8)
Balance: 110| 130 (L19)
Sociology:7| 28 (L11)
Politics:7| 37 (L11)
Creating - Chef [Level 4 Promotion]
Level:40| 125 (L16)
Health:35| 100 (L12)
Charisma:25| 60 (L13)
Art:12| 80 (L10)
Science:12| 125 (L10)
CDs:10| 125 (L10)
DVDs:10| 125 (L10)
Books:10| 120 (L5)
Stamina:65| 125 (L17)
Coordination:65| 125 (L17)
Environmental Studies:5| 20 (L10)
Business Studies:5| 32 (L10)
Drizellion - Veterinarian [Level 2 Promotion]
Charisma:20| 80 (L11)
Language:20| 70 (L15)
Geography:15| 100 (L8)
Maths:30| 180 (L8)
Science:50| 220 (L8)
Sports:7| 80 (L8)
Books:20| 110 (L7)
Balance:85| 125 (L16)
Stamina:85| 125 (L16)
Coordination:90 |100 (L19)
Environmental Studies:10| 45 (L10)
Molecular Science:10| 45 (L10)
Inscriptions - Model [Level 4 Promotion]
Health:100| 200 (L15)
Charisma:25| 125 (L5)
Art:25| 100 (L10)
Language:12| 125 (L10)
Sports:25| 150 (L10)
CDs:10| 150 (L5)
DVDs:10| 150 (L5)
Instruments:25| 145 (L5)
Balance:100| 200 (L16)
Coordination:100| 200 (L16)
Business Studies:7| 28 (L11)
Kortavian - Entrepreneur [Level 5 Promotion]
Charisma:20 | 175 (L9)
Language:20| 175 (L9)
History:20| 175 (L9)
Geography:20| 175 (L9)
Maths:20| 175 (L9)
Books:25| 200 (L5)
Humanities:4| 30 (L9)
Business Studies:8| 46 (L9)
Leisea - Mechanic [Level 2 promotion]
Level:4| 125 (L9)
Strength:8| 125 (L9)
Charisma:2| 50 (L9)
Maths:4| 100 (L9)
Science:5| 120 (L9)
Sports:|70 (L)
CDs:2| 90 (L9)
DVDs:2| 60 (L9)
Books:2| 100 (L9)
Balance:| 80 (L)
Coordination:| 70 (L)
Environmental Studies:| 30 (L)
Business Studies:| 20 (L)
LiseLee - Spy [Level 4 promotion]
Charisma:70| 100 (L17)
Language:25| 120 (L6)
Geography:30| 125 (L6)
Maths:20| 100 (L12)
Sports:20| 125 (L6)
Books:10| 95 (L5)
Spells:2| 70 (L4)
Computer Science:9| 35 (L8)
Law:10| 35 (L9)
Mythologist - Banker [Level 2 Promotion]
Charisma:13| 50 (L9)
Maths:20| 200 (L8)
CDs:2| 45 (L2)
DVDs:4| 55 (L2)
Books:4| 110 (L2)
Humanities:2| 23 (L7)
Computer Science:4| 40 (L7)
Law:2| 23 (L7)
Business Studies:4| 45 (L7)
TyphoonMagic - Police Officer [Level 8 Promotion]
Level:40| 100 (L13)
Strength:180| 300 (L17)
Defence:200| 220 (L19)
Health:55| 125 (L11)
Charisma:30| 85 (L14)
Language:45| 85 (L16)
History:35| 75 (L16)
Sports:60| 100 (L16)
Stamina:75| 175 (L15)
Sociology:8| 45 (L9)
Law:8| 45 (L9)