14 years, 8 months & 2 days ago

10th Jul 2010 22:46
-stats/learnies worth more as the stat/learnie number increases
-timer on forum bans
-text labels on photos when they're added to album
-reorganize photos so that they're alphabetical
-search feature in wardrobe
-owl pet
-hedgehog pet
-Angel wings for characters
14 years, 8 months & 2 days ago

10th Jul 2010 22:46
"On the first day of Christmas a spammer gave to me... an 8 yro boy named yellowgreeneevee"
15 years, 4 months & 8 days ago

3rd Nov 2009 22:27
Post/MM me your bdays so I can remember them and give you a present! I might not remember anyways, but I'll try!
Marapets - August 15
Bagel - December 17
Zii - November 8
Stella - January 20
Alex (Taf) - January 31
Fri - July 30
Mel - May 20
Brandi - August 2
Sha - June 21
Ring - June 9
Why - November 7