Mix of Stuff
17 years & 23 days ago

19th Feb 2008 16:29
Everyday we are supposed to be nice
Everyday we are supposed to help
Everyday we are supposed to be caring
But we don't.
Why don't we?
Is it because we are so occupied with our own lives that we can't even stop to say hello to someone?
Is it because we simply don't want to help?
Or is it because we think it's a dog-eat-dog world and it's against the "rules" to care?
Is money really important?
All it really is is paper with fancy designs or pieces of round metal with fancy designs.
But we play along and pretend it has value.
Millions of people are affected by money in a bad ways.
We should stop what we started.
But we are too used to money to get rid of it.
In short, it doesn't matter if you are rich or poor. Money doesn't have to matter if you have family.
They, are worth more than anything.
Now you can: ignore this, steal it, or prove me wrong.
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Movies: Adventures in Babysitting
Favorite Lunch: Ham,Lettuce,and Mustard Sandwich
Favorite Summer Activity: Swimming in my outside, above-ground pool.
Favorite Winter Activity: Drinking hot chocolate in my bed, reading a book, with my warm heating blanket on.
Favorite Color:A creamy yellow
Favorite Memory: Reading a book, called Time For Bed to my silver-gray cat named Fluffy
Favorite LE pet: Mordo
Favorite Activities: Reading and watching Movies With my Dad
Favorite School Lunch: Mashed Potato with Gravy & Chicken.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Favorite Book: I like all books I read
Favorite Female Singer: Aly and AJ
Favorite Male Singer: David Archeleta
Favorite TV Show: Total Drama Island
Pets: A German Shepherd named Hogan and a Betta fish called Burple
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Light blue with white flecks
My Best Friends (with mara accounts): Gabby(immavampire),Ashley(DevilXoXAngel),Miranda(Andy2014), and Kaitlyn(queen2256).