Bumpkin Round 2
3 years, 9 months & 9 days ago

3rd Jun 2021 06:33
1 - ?
2 - It was a pearl, I don’t remember which
3 - Orange Chocolate Tantua 601 mp
4 - Tub of chocolate ice cream 7.9k mp
5 - Milk Chocolate Troit + Provolone 13k mp
6 -Light crystal 10,915 mp
Quack mafia sugar cube 18,648 mp
7 - Mint Chocolate Daisy 13,085 mp
Thumbprint Cookie 3,279 mp
8 -14 Years Cake 37,566 mp
Green Butter Pancakes 10,093 mp
9 - Quell Dip 14,472 mp
Mahon Cheese 622 mp
10 - Peach Snow Cone 12,916 mp
Mad Scientist Cupcake (already had)
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Pet Goals
3 years, 11 months & 12 days ago

30th Mar 2021 06:11
I have randomly thought of some pet goals, or dream pets I hope to have. Or favourites of mine that I can choose when and if to make them lols this is mainly for me to look back on bc I never remember what pets I really want
- Chibi Gizmo [
x] - Haislei was changed 25/4/24 ♥
- Rainy snookle (have maker) - has changed to Rainy Chibs (have maker + costume 9/2024) [
x] - Surani was made 12/9/24 ♥
- Cupid Sindi (have maker just need the right name)
- a fat pet ???? don???t even know which one but I want one. Maybe quell or troit
- Daylight or fairy Zola
- baby bolimo
- Sleepy Decadal (never thought this was going to happen!!) [
x] - got a decadal potion 1st try with AU 17/8/24, got the perfect name from trades Donno, and recostumed on 8/9/24 ♥
- Nimbus Limax [
x] - Crackshot was renamed to Cyraxes (HOD reference) & recostumed to Nimbus 12/9/24 ♥