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  1. Dunno how i did but heres my pulls for the flash sale....
    28th Feb 2021 17:31
    4 years & 13 days ago
  2. Thank you for all my presents for my birthday!!!
    14th May 2017 14:04
    7 years, 9 months & 28 days ago
  3. May be quitting Mara
    5th Apr 2017 18:25
    7 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
  4. Pets I like
    1st Apr 2017 19:15
    7 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
  5. Missing items...what I remember :D
    7th Mar 2017 10:05
    8 years & 6 days ago
  6. Note to self
    12th Feb 2017 17:43
    8 years & 29 days ago
  7. Pet peeve
    1st Jan 2017 15:33
    8 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
  8. Some people on this site drive me nuts :D
    25th Jul 2016 04:46
    8 years, 7 months & 17 days ago
    22nd Jun 2015 21:53
    9 years, 8 months & 20 days ago
  10. WOW people so giving on here
    22nd Jun 2015 14:19
    9 years, 8 months & 20 days ago
Realizing who your true friends are through Xmas
11 years, 2 months & 16 days ago
26th Dec 2013 08:19

So I gifted a ton on mara this year and recieved a TON of amazing things from my friends. I am soooo grateful for them they are beautiful and they rock. But there are also times you gift people and they dont say anything no thank you no nothing and you feel like you just spent 1/6 of your mp on them just to have them say nothing. I don't care that I get nothing back I love giving but you would think a thank you would be awesome. Anyway I am still grateful for friends I have I would not be on mara without them.

Dear Elf,
11 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
15th Dec 2013 05:12

I have been a member of mara for a long time and always admire what you do. This is not a letter to ask for something for me but for something for my friends. There are so many people here that have made mara worth coming back for and I would not trade them for anything. They are the best people I know. I am truly honored to have their friendship and would appreciate anything you can do to help me show them how much I care about them <3 My best friends user ids are: Joken, Pokerick, Spadow, ShadowNetwork, Odie38, and Napalm2500. I know I am leaving other friends out but these are the people I have come to count on to be there when I needed a shoulder or was having a bad day. Thank you for any help you can do <3<3

Christmas Presents I have Given and Ones I got
11 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
6th Dec 2013 06:19

So far:

Odie38- 100 crystals
Lambby2000- Black Vlad Wide Grin
Mike aka Napalm2500- Male red death costume and 100 dukka
Uniisawsome6- 5 glowing birthday eggs Wide Grin
Joken- Gingerbread Man Male cossie and Jester top
Sweetgurl44- Advent tree Female Costume
Farlie aka Amber: Zombie female costume
ShadowNetwork-Ice cream cossie
Sinnful- Clover and Teetar <3
Pokerick- Gamer wig and slightly statted wizard yuni
Spadow- 2 snookle mags, snookle mummy doll, and A snookle
Gin513- Rune D and Thunder Stamp

Odie38- HOLY CRAP WOMAN lol- Angry Turkey cupcake, Turkey Cupcake, Dead turkey cupcake, Happy turkey cupcake, Sleepy turkey cupcake, Ian plushie anddd New Female Certificate o.o
Mike AKA Napalm2500- 9th Birthday Female Costume Wide Grin
ShadowNetwork- Mad Scientist costume Wide GrinWide Grin ok he wasnt done apparently LOL also sent by RJ-Enchanted Armoured Equilor plushie, Chronicles of the Dark, Chibs Poison, and Ziranek Female Costume dannng boy
Sinnful- Seasonal skirt <3
Spadow- Gift Wrapped Female Costume <3<3 and he wasnt done lol a rusty potion and hairy costume OMG Wide GrinWide Grin
Pokerick aka Hobowiz- Native Wig, Native Female Shoes, and Native Top <3<3 Holy moley he was not done: Valentine Bow Skirt, Valentine Bow top, Female Scarf top and bottom, red panda cossie, frost fire cossie and galactic dress O.O WOAH. lol
Gin513- Female Demon Hoodie wow ty <3<3
Farlie aka Amb- Red Panda cossie and holly dress YAYYYYY <3<3<3

My final college poetry final.
11 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
13th Aug 2013 19:32

I had to write several poems (not allowed to rhyme except in Fade to Black) and I am extremely proud of them

"The Choice"- 5 line poem
Sweat forms on my brow
Senses begin to awaken
Fight or flight
Heart pounding and pulse racing
Grab hold tight and take the plunge

"Unseen"- Poem about a picture I saw of my father and how i felt

He smiles at my mother
Wearing a red plaid shirt
The color of love
The feeling he is clearly showing her
She puts her arms around him
Green dress matching the red so well
Looks like Christmas
A holiday I will never see him
My heart shattering for the love lost
I want to expose my flaws and be enough
All I see is an empty space
Voided out is the word father
He will never see the woman
I have developed into being,
A page in life history is rewritten
Spilled ink cluttering the introduction
Focus like a lost child in the woods
Searching and wondering
Any clues that may be lost
Why was he never there?
Type out the book
Press print
What was written cannot be undone
His smile gleaming at my mother
The smile he will never have for me
Taking a hold of my mother???s hand
That is held out for me
Clearing this hurdle
A track star???s emotion fills me
The emotion overtaking
Falling to my knees
Praising the woman I have become.

"Fade To Black"-Poem about life

We all fade to black
Her self-worth begins to crack
Falling into the black

He begins to pack
Going off to college
We all fade to black

She cares not about living in a shack
Only that her baby is safe
Falling into the black

She marries despite the flack,
given by her family
We all fade to black

Staring at his wife and his son Jack
Dying lonely in his hospital bed
Falling into the black

Jack placing the lilac
upon his father's grave
tears are shed grief strong
We all fade to black.

"Community"- A poem about how a community can turn into a family

A community.
At night.

Families are coming together
They hold hands
Together they stand.

Leaves falling down
Another night has come around

But not yet.

One hand is empty.
It is that of a child of three

A stranger clasps that hand firmly
Child???s mother smiles knowingly
This minute.

Leaves fall.
Stars glow.
A family they have become.

"Charity"- A poem about how i want to give back and why

Give a helping hand
A heart is broken
Helping restores hope

Destitute, living on the street
Signs pointing to nowhere
Give a helping hand

Life flickers out of their eyes
Emotionless without love
Helping restores hope

Hand them a pair of shoes
The world brightens with their once lost smile
Give a helping hand

Sense of life renewed
Like a rose blossoming to life
Helping restores hope

This could be you
Lost like an abandoned child
Give a helping hand.

"Ghost of Him"- poem about a woman staring at a picture of her husband then dealing with the grief that he is passed on

His eyes crying tears of joy
Black as midnight tuxedo
My white satin wedding dress
Almost as beautiful as the smile
When I said ???I do???
Arms tightly around each other
I have become his wife
This title I hold so dear
Birdseed and cannons fill the air
Celebrating our union,
It was meant to be.
Staring at the empty bed sheets
The once warm spot of where he used to be
The smell of coffee no longer filling the air
I cry of grief and pain
Our wedding picture falls to the floor
Falling unable to stand
I cry for the ghost of him.

COPYRIGHT- Strawberri aka Heather.

Kowskii's Kittys.
12 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
30th Aug 2012 18:27

Decided to make a blog since I am buying so many from her!


  1. Dunno how i did but heres my pulls for the flash sale....
    28th Feb 2021 17:31
    4 years & 13 days ago
  2. Thank you for all my presents for my birthday!!!
    14th May 2017 14:04
    7 years, 9 months & 28 days ago
  3. May be quitting Mara
    5th Apr 2017 18:25
    7 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
  4. Pets I like
    1st Apr 2017 19:15
    7 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
  5. Missing items...what I remember :D
    7th Mar 2017 10:05
    8 years & 6 days ago
  6. Note to self
    12th Feb 2017 17:43
    8 years & 29 days ago
  7. Pet peeve
    1st Jan 2017 15:33
    8 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
  8. Some people on this site drive me nuts :D
    25th Jul 2016 04:46
    8 years, 7 months & 17 days ago
    22nd Jun 2015 21:53
    9 years, 8 months & 20 days ago
  10. WOW people so giving on here
    22nd Jun 2015 14:19
    9 years, 8 months & 20 days ago