Christmas Presents 2024
2 months, 26 days & 8 hrs ago

16th Dec 2024 17:51
This list is to show you what the prizes are this year (2024) -- this also helps me know what I have and what I still need.
List of the presents is below the items list
I have it in my Gallery [x]
Wardrobe [x]
Camryna played with it [x]
Snuglie ate it [x]
Brentthegrint listened to the cd or watched the dvd [x]
KevinJonathan Read it [x]
Pudgeman -- everything pet [x]
** if it is like this [] I don't have it in my wardrobe and gallery or the specific pet hasn't played with, ate, read or listened to it yet
~~ Prizes --
~~ Bell Ornament -- Gallery [x] Camryna [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Bell Sugar Cookie -- Gallery [x] Snugli [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Candlelight Serenade -- Gallery [x] Brentthegrint [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Chimney Plushie -- Gallery [x] Plushie collection [x] Camryna [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Christmas Present Book -- Gallery [x] KevinJonathan [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Elfember Poster -- Gallery [x] Photo Collection [x]
~~ Ercuw Snowman -- Gallery [x] Camryna [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Festive Jumper -- Gallery [x] Wardrobe [x]
~~ Gingerbread Boy Plushie -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x][x] Snugli [x]
~~ Gingerbread Girl Plushie -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x][x] Snugli [x]
~~ Green Fancy Bauble -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Green Holly Candle -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x]
~~ Green Vixen Balloon -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Peppermint Gloves -- Gallery [x] Wardrobe [x]
~~ Peppermint Hard Candy -- Gallery [x] Snugli [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Peppermint Leg Warmers -- Gallery [x] Wardrobe [x]
~~ Peppermint Mocha -- Gallery [x] Snugli [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Peppermint Skirt -- Gallery [] Wardrobe [x] -- Need one for my gallery
~~ Peppermint Snowman Plushie -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Peppermint Socks -- Gallery [x] Wardrobe [x]
~~ Peppermint Wrap -- Gallery [x] Wardrobe [x]
~~ Red Fancy Bauble -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Red Holly Candle -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Red Tree Ornament -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Red Vixen Balloon -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgman [x]
~~ Santa Cape -- Gallery [x] Wardrobe [x]
~~ Simple -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Sleigh Jumper -- Gallery [x] Wardrobe [x]
~~ Snow Straya -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Star Biscuits -- Gallery [x] Snugli [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Tree Biscuits -- Gallery [x] Snuglie [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Yellow Tree Ornament -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Yellow Vixen Balloon -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]
~~ Presents
~~ Elfember --
Blue Elfember Present [x]
Green Elfember Present [x]
Purple Elfember Present [x]
Red Elfember Present [x]
Yellow Elfember Present [x]
~~ Gingerbread Present
Blue Gingerbread Present [x]
Green Gingerbread Present [x]
Purple Gingerbread Present [x]
Red Gingerbread Present [x]
Yellow Gingerbread Present [x]
~~ Poinsettia Present
Blue Poinsettia Present [x]
Green Poinsettia Present [x]
Purple Poinsettia Present [x]
Red Poinsettia Present [x]
Yellow Poinsettia Present [x]
~~ Santa Sack
Blue Santa Sack [x]
Green Santa Sack [x]
Purple Santa Sack [x]
Red Santa Sack [x]
Yellow Santa Sack [x]
~~ Winter Present
Blue Winter Present [x]
Green Winter Present [x]
Purple Winter Present [x]
Red Winter Present [x]
Yellow Winter Present [x]
~~ Yule Present
Blue Yule Present [x]
Green Yule Present [x]
Purple Yule Present [x]
Red Yule Present [x]
Yellow Yule Present [x]