Turkey Thing.
12 years, 3 months & 21 days ago

21st Nov 2012 04:27
Found two turkeys despite browsing on this website for hours.
Just as lame as the pumpkin hunt. Think I found 15 of them all together.

UD Fest = Done!
12 years, 4 months & 1 day ago

10th Nov 2012 09:08
pani changed into a Pixie Daisy!
You have claimed your 750,000MP!!
Awh how cute. pani was already a Daisy but I didn't like his colour.
Dissapointed there's no avi. Or is there an I don't know?
Thanks to everyone who helped me along the way. You rock!
Going to uni.
14 years, 6 months & 21 days ago

21st Aug 2010 12:51
Yep. This time two years ago I was writing a blog about inactivity joy to college. Now it's uni.
I'll still be on from time to time but I'm afraid I may not be very active until retirement.
15 years, 11 months & 14 days ago

27th Mar 2009 15:09
Atm I have no time for mara.
I am NOT quitting.
I just don't have time. I have AS exams soon and tbh that takes up enough time as well as college (7hrs a day plus 2hrstravel - it adds up). But I do also like to have a social life. I will be on and off but not as regualr as I used to be.
16 years, 2 months & 22 days ago

20th Dec 2008 13:14
Was My 3rd Year Anniversary On Mara!