I Love You <3
15 years, 9 months & 20 days ago

22nd May 2009 11:02
My friends are very special to me and I love you all! I'm going to mention some VERY special friends in this blog- I love you <3
Aashna- Stalker! My very best friend and the godparent to my fav pets! You are well... AMAZING! You're a perfect friend <3. I can tell you everything! We're so similar, it's scary XD. Bollywood <3 Ranbeer. John <3

- I'm jealous! I really hope we can meet soon! Shopping and Bollywood addicts forever! We both moan about our life and are always leaving in the middle of convos- especially me! You're the best person in the world, not just the mara- world. You're a great friend and I feel really lucky to be friends with you <3 Ooh, your birthday present

Elaine- Lol, you're great! I stayed up til 3am to talk to you and you're really worth it! It was so fun to give you the pets- I've never liked giving away stuff as much XD You're great and so funny. I love being your friend!
Shannon- I love you too. You get the gold trophy in giving away items =] And you're a great club leader, lol, I'm probably the worst co-owner that ever existed, but you put up with me and that's enough to say you're amazing!
Drew- Lol, you're so funny =] It was great fun looking for items (Reon, BOS) and Aeto <3. Your birthday soon! Hope you liked the present. Lol, you really need to get some sleep because it's probably 5am there XD Thanks for being such a great friend!
Trina- Oops,a bit late writing this XD Need to update my blogs more. You rock! I love talking to you and you're a great person <333
How's blitzen going? I really hope you succeed in your goal, <3 your pets!
Leah- You're so kind =] I really loved being in your club, sorry I left =] Thanks for helping me sell my items =]
Shanta- My 'sister'. We've had highs and lows but we're still friends, and will always be!
James- We're not that close but I must mention all the heart attacks you've given me XD I'm gonna get you back one day!
Love you all <3