12 years, 9 months & 16 days ago

26th May 2012 14:35
[center]I doubt staff actually looks at these but better safe then sorry consider I spend my life on this website. ok.
Dear Staff,
I log into my account from just about every where.
I have 2 computers in my house but mostly just use my laptop.
I never log out on my laptop so sometimes im logged in on 2 computers.
my sister & my friends & sometimes even her friends also use the computers in my house to get onto marapets.
We send eachother gifts. often.
once my sister quit her account and gave all of her stuff to me and years later got back on with a new name.
& we still send gifts.
that's about it. if you ban me I will cry because I go on this every day and live on it basically because I have no social life. m/
my sister, MsJoeJonas just asked to self ban. yeah.[/center]