Bunch of poems and stuff.
16 years, 2 months & 13 days ago

1st Jan 2009 07:35
Funny when things never change
Even when you say they will
But while your off with her
My life is standing still.
You tell me that you love me
When I go to leave
You tell me I'm your only one
And I let myself believe.
I know that you are using me
But you'll never let me go
I know that you don't love me
I know I'm just for show.
I don't know If I can stand
To see you love another girl
You know that you broke my heart
You know that your my world.
But while your standing by my side
I'll believe your lies forever
Cause everything seems so perfect
When we are together.
Once a boyfriend and his girlfriend were walking to school,suddenly the girl asked,"Do you love me?" the boy said,"Of course,you know that.Why do you ask?" she shrugged and continued to walk.
The next day the girl didn't show up at school,she didn't show up for three days. The boy was waiting patiently at the bus stop for his lover and she finally showed up.She asked immediatly after the kissed,"Do you love me?" he replied,"If you died for me,I would take a bullet for you." she smiled,"That makes me feel better."
The next few days she didn't show up,he was getting worried again.His friend handed him his cell phone,his friend said,"You should call this number." so the boy did.The voice he heard at the end of the reciever was a womans voice,"This is Mary Washington hospital,may I help you?" the boy haistily said,"Maddie Smith." and the woman gave the phone to his girlfriend.
"Hello?" said the girl,
"Maddie,why are you in the hospital?!"
"I have cancer...they have to take me off life support...I have to go."she sobbed.
"Maddie!You'll die!"
"I know...I have to."
The boy rushed to the hospital and burst in the door just as Maddie was getting taken off life support.He kissed her one last time as she closed her eyes. The next day the boy was found with a bullet through his skull,in his hand was a note,
"She said if she would die for me,I'd take a bullet for her."
This mask I wear,
she serves me well,
she hides my pain,
so they can't tell.
They see her smile,
never my tears,
she shows no sorrow,
she fights all my fears.
They believe she is me,
if only they knew,
that she is my mask,
my saviour too.
My scars she hides,
behind laughter and lies,
she say's she is fine,
but slowly she dies.
I cry out
But no one hears me
I seek shelter
But no one shields me
I reach out
But no one sees me
I scream
I cry
But only on the inside
No one knows me
I exist only to myself
I am in your world
But only as a ghost
Forever lost
Dying on the inside.
Shattered images lay bare
Fragmented shards of hostile....fearful personality
Flawed...scattered for all to admire in the haste
Shards of glass that reflect back thy solemn face....
Broken by torments of life that takes...
Leaving the story still untold...
The path never to unfold....
Ignoring the numbness... insanity....unsafe...
Writing the antagonistic words....
Expressing the blunt despair of fate...