Updated LE Pet Species MAKER Price List
6 years, 11 months & 20 days ago

22nd Mar 2018 16:43
Created 22/03/2018
Updated frequently
UPDATE - alternative here https://www.marapets.com/blogs.php?entry=401862&id=783246
This will be an attempt at an updated (yet approximate) price guide for Limited / Retired / Restricted species makers. Most of the prices are based on the cheapest available maker at the time of writing (for example the Enchanted Strobe Sybri was in a fairly recent AU so is often the cheapest way to get a sybri)
I will try and find prices for the available pet makers and round up an approximate average price. This will not cover pet stats, collections or costumes just the rough value of makers.
In future if a price radically changes post a comment and I will update as soon as I can.
I am aware there are other guides available but this one is up to date as of 25-May-2018 according to current trade prices of makersArinya - 6m / 8m
Astro - 2m / 4m
Basil - 35m / 45m
Chibs - 30m / 50m
Crikey - 30m / 40m
Daisy - 5m / 6m
Dakota - 7m / 9m
Decadal - 70m / 90m
Echlin - 6m / 8m
Ercuw - 10m / 15m
Eyru - 12m / 15m
Figaro - 10m / 15m
Gizmo - 2.5m / 3.5m
Gobble - 8m / 10m
Hump - 25m / 30m
Huthiq - 3m / 5m
Ike - 8m / 10m
Justin - 30m / 40m
Kronk - 8m / 10m
Kujo - 6m / 9m
Lati - 5m / 7m
Limax - 14m / 15m
Lorius - 18m / 22m
Mordo - 7m / 8m
Nino - 10m / 12m
Oglue - 3m / 4m
Phanty - 3m / 5m
Poera - 2m / 4m
Pucu - 30m / 35m
Quell - 7m / 12m
Raulf - 14m / 16m
Rofling - 120m / 150m
Rusty - 12m / 14m
Sindi - 10m / 14m
Snookle - 7m / 9m
Straya - 14m / 16m
Sybri - 6m / 10m
Tasi - 10m / 12m
Troit - 3m / 5m
Ushunda - 150k / 300k
Viotto - 8m / 10m
Vixen - 7m / 9m
Vlad - 5m / 8m
Willa - 9m / 11m
Yuni - 18m / 22m
Zoink - 3m / 5m
Zola - 30m / 35m
Zoosh - 1m / 3m