Christmas presents recieved!
15 years, 2 months & 17 days ago

25th Dec 2009 21:32
Here's all of the Christmas presents that I have gotten!Early,on time,and late presents from friend,or/was random people!(And I've given each person a present back!

100k!(Giveaway as well!

A Sketched Ushunda Potion!(For a Christmas avent!

Love(?) Diamond!(Because this person is nice!

A Slime Costume!(Because this person is nice!

A Mental Female Costume!(Because this person is nice to!

A Snow Grint Potion! (Also raffle)-Sam?(koolfwee12)
O_G_L_U_E the Prison Oglue!(Just for writing 2 poems!

ZABA_DABA the Yellow Ariyna!(Because this person is so nice!

Gnu the Angel Poera!(Sweet!This person is nice to!

Thank you you guys who have given me presents!
If I forgot a present that you have given me,then post or MM me!(As I believe I'm missing one...)
Also,if you got me a present and I didn't give you one,tell me so I can get you something!
*Poems that won me O_G_L_U_E:
On my profile she'll look so fine,she'll be a
Good friend for my Oglue
Up there together
Everyday for life.
Another Oglue for me to love ant to keep,
If I got rid of her I'll probably weep,and weep,
Cause she'll be my second LE pet ever,
But I can't say never,never,
That I'll always keep her and never trade her,
But someday in the future I might,
I don't know,
We'll have to wait and see.
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