my shadow
17 years & 15 days ago

12th Mar 2008 12:42
My shadow wears
a scary top hat
a blue suit instead of black
girls jeans with bells
and she knows
the order of things
he hair is like
a moldy type of hey
My shadow is a nerd
adding multiplying,
getting weggies
and getting tied to poles
another poem
17 years & 15 days ago

12th Mar 2008 12:38
My real name is Michael
Yesterday my name was go to school
Today my name is i am sick stay home
Tomorrow my name will be go make up work
In my dreams my name is Michael Meyers
a funny love poem
17 years & 16 days ago

11th Mar 2008 16:04
This night I shall dream of your bedazzling black hair and jaguar-eyes.
Wrapped in echoes of your mellifluous lips-music,
I long to sip from your orangeful lips.
In my dreams, we fly on the exquisite winged cucumber of blackness -- skimming vast continents of hearts and dogs.
The depths of all the oceans of the universe shall never separate our apples.
Brilliant as runing houses, the seas greet us from afar.
In the twilight we feast on chocolate-coated fishs and tender girlhearts of love
Adorned in white silk, we pluck our booming love chimes from our hearts.
I press the boy that you wear around your neck against my heart-muffin so that our oranges melt into one.
You will always be my little girl-cakes face, the jaguar of my own runing eye of love.
a poem again
17 years & 17 days ago

10th Mar 2008 20:17
chit chat is what i hear
but no real noises in my ears
if you want to talk crap
you might as well take a nap
i dont hear you i fear
you,all i know is you cant scare
my first poem
17 years & 19 days ago

8th Mar 2008 23:25
I am talented and lazy
I wonder what is on tv
I hear the croud yellin "encore"
I see my t.v.
I want my remote control
I am talented and lazy
I pretend i am not awake
I feel like im gonna explode of boredness
I touch my t.v. remote
I worry that i will be fat
I cry when i brake guitars
I am talented and lazy
I understand i am not fat
I say i am gettin better at guitar
I dream i am a rockstar
I try to do a kickflip
I hope i can do a kickflip
I am talented and lazy